Hogwarts founder returns to campus

Chapter 20 Platform 9 43

King's Cross Station, London, England.

The Tonks and Salazar emerged from the fireplace of the Leaky Cauldron, which was busier than ever.

Several wizarding families occupied the tables and chairs in the Leaky Cauldron. On the table was a sandwich and milk set, and the little wizard was trying to swallow the last sandwich into his mouth.

"It's still early, do you want some more?" Mrs. Tonks turned to look at Salazar and asked.

Salazar shook his head hastily, firstly because the plate containing the sandwich didn't look so clean, and secondly, Mrs. Tonks stuffed him with two extra thick hams as usual, and he felt that he would feel a little bit of back when he breathed. A smoky smell.

After leaving the Leaky Cauldron, Mr Tonks stopped a taxi on the side of the road, and they were to take it to King's Cross station.

At this time, a pair of mother and daughter wearing black pointed hats and colorful skirts passed by outside the window. Behind the daughter was pulling a trailer, and a well-made broom was tied to the trailer.

The driver watched the mother and daughter pass by, rubbed his ears and asked, "I remember that Halloween is still two months away? Why do you always see these people in strange clothes along the way?"

No one spoke to them, and the driver didn't care. Charing Cross Street was not far from King's Cross Station. After a while of silence, the four of them finally got out of the taxi.

Today is Sunday, there are many pedestrians coming and going, and most of the clothes are normal.But there are not a few people who dress up nondescriptly, and those are wizards who are not familiar with Muggle costumes.

Mr. Tonks greeted a few wizards in floral skirts, and explained to Salazar: "These are my colleagues, who modify Muggle memories when necessary. If anything happens to you in the future, you can find me They're fine, they're still pretty recognizable."

Salazar nodded in agreement. These big black-bearded wizards in floral skirts are as dazzling as stars in the dark night at this station.

At this moment, a familiar bright golden color suddenly floated in front of his eyes. Salazar turned his head to look for the source of the golden color, but was suddenly blocked by a large group of travelers on their way.

"You're looking at the right place, that's platform nine and three-quarters." Tonks pushed Salazar from behind.

Today's Tonks changed into a brown dress at the request of Mr. Tonks, and also turned his hair brown. Although it was a very ordinary dress, it was difficult to conceal his youthful and lively temperament.

Entering through the brick wall between platforms ten and nine, you can reach platform nine and three-quarters, from which Hogwarts students board the Hogwarts Express to go to school.

After a short period of darkness, a slightly dim platform appeared in front of Salazar, with a red steam train on the platform rails.

Tonks said with a smile: "Surprised! I was also surprised at the time. I think it's right to come early. You have a lot of time to choose a car, but I like the position of the head. It's far away from the food trolleys." recent."

On the platform, thick smoke from the steam train spewed out wantonly, but it felt more like a deliberate effect, without any choking smell.

The inside of this steam train has undergone a thorough magical transformation, and the power used is also driven by magic. Salazar was a little ready to move after knowing this, and wanted to disassemble the power room to take a closer look at what kind of magical structure it was.

"Salazar, hurry up. If you are hungry, you can buy some snacks. If you are short of money, please tell us." Mrs. Tonks pushed the suitcase to the side of Salazar, squatted down and instructed carefully, " But don't eat too much, after the sorting test in the evening, there will be a school opening banquet."

"Sorting test?" Salazar couldn't help but raise his mouth.

"Yes!" The Tonks family said in unison, "A series of tests will be used to determine which college you are suitable for."

Tonks nodded seriously: "I still remember that when I was doing the sorting test, I needed to dig a tunnel leading to the Great Lake."

"Okay, I'll take care, bye."

Salazar took the suitcase and stepped onto the corridor of the train. He was very happy that the prank proposed by Godric was still intact.

Godric once suggested that all freshmen should not reveal the existence of the sorting hat before entering school. It must be described as an extremely difficult sorting test to test the courage of the freshmen.

It's very Gryffindor, and although Rowena once laughed at it, the tradition seems to have survived to this day.

There were very few people in the corridor, but as Tonks said, the front of the car was closer to the food trolley, and the students who arrived earlier had already taken their seats.

Salazar came to the middle of the train, opened the sliding door, and found that there was already a person sitting inside, a girl wearing a brown leather vest and a black pleated skirt, with a leather backpack beside her.

Her head was buried in the "Daily Prophet", only the colorful rope pendant on her chest looked familiar.

The moment Salazar entered the carriage, the girl put down the newspaper and looked at him.

This is a fair-skinned and delicate-looking girl with an oval face, long golden hair draped over her shoulders, and a pair of big blue eyes staring at him.

"Sorry, I'm looking for a compartment." Salazar was about to close the sliding door.

The girl quickly jumped up, pulled him to the seat next to her, and said in a melodious voice like a lark: "Don't you remember me? We met in Diagon Alley!"

"Cassandra?" Sara said after examining the colored rope pendant.

"It seems you still remember." The girl smiled, blooming like a peony in full bloom, "What's your name?"


"Hello, Salazar! I didn't expect that we were so destined to meet again!"

Cassandra's enthusiasm overwhelmed Salazar, so he asked, "Have we met before?"

"Didn't you see Diagon Alley? At that time, I actually thought you looked familiar, as if we had met a long, long time ago." Cassandra tucked her blond hair behind her ears and sat back in her seat. Troubled, my uncle told me, let me restrain myself."

"What are you writing?" Salazar asked, noticing the quill and parchment beside Cassandra.

"I'm learning the writing techniques of the "Daily Prophet". My mother said that if you want to write a good report, you have to look at other people's writing methods, and then imitate it again and learn slowly."

Cassandra displayed the parchment in front of Salazar, which contained the contents of platform nine and three-quarters.

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