Salazar appeared in the auditorium yawning. He walked to the long table that belonged to Hufflepuff and took a piece of bread from the bamboo basket in front of him as he sat down.

The bread is still warm, and the aroma of wheat and the aroma of the egg yolk after toasting blend together to complement each other.

In the Great Hall, Hufflepuff had the largest number of students, and the seniors were all talking and laughing, enjoying breakfast, and looked no different.

On the contrary, there are first-year students, one and two are frowning, one or the other is talking to the people next to them, and more freshmen are buried in their books.

"What are you looking at?" Salazar asked, sitting next to him was Justin, holding a glass of milk in one hand, and pointing to the words in the book with the other hand to read.

""A Thousand Miraculous Herbs and Mushrooms", this morning is Potions class, there are two sessions!" Justin wailed, almost spilling the milk in his hand on the table.

"Is Potions class scary? I've finished reading "A Thousand Miraculous Herbs and Mushrooms", and the contents are not difficult." Salazar also poured himself a glass of milk and drank half of it in one gulp.

Last night he stayed in the library until after three o'clock in the morning before rushing back to the lounge.When he woke up, most of the people had already left the dormitory.

"It's not scary, it's very scary!" Justin felt as if he was about to go to the battlefield, facing a huge and terrifying monster, "The teacher of Potions class is called Snape, and he will draw out our potions." Blood, add it to the potion for us to drink!"

"In fact, a few potions do need blood, but generally the blood of wizards is not used. The blood of those magical animals is more useful, so you don't have to worry about it." Salazar explained.

"Yes, Justin, you don't need to worry, Fred and the others are just scaring you, do you think we are nervous?" Cedric next to him leaned over and said, surrounded by several black people The girl with the yellow and white scarf also looks like a Hufflepuff student.

However, Cedric seemed unable to bear such enthusiasm, so he could only show a shy and awkward smile, and his eyes unconsciously glanced at the long table of Ravenclaw.

"Fred?" Salazar asked.

"Yes, they are students of Gryffindor. How should I put it? They are very interesting twins." Cedric thought for a while, pointed to the long table of Gryffindor in the distance, and introduced to Salazar road.

On the long table in Gryffindor, Sarah saw Hermione, the girl who was in the same compartment as him on the train, sitting at the far corner of the long table.

And the twins Cedric was talking about, not far from her, were two red-haired teenagers.

The two teenagers were almost identical in appearance, both with red hair and freckles, and their bodies were also similar. Both of them looked muscular in tight green hand-knit sweaters.

"Fred and George, they're very popular in Gryffindor," Cedric went on.

"It can be seen." Salazar nodded, the twins seemed to be telling some joke, grinning and making exaggerated movements, the students beside them all laughed and staggered.

Seeing Justin's appearance is still very nervous, as a classmate Salazar decided to explain to him: "Actually... Justin, I think you can also find after reading the book, "A Thousand Miraculous Herbs and Fungi" "There is nothing in it about potions that require blood to make, so there is no need to worry."

Then he looked around the long Hufflepuff table and found that there was one person missing.

"Have you seen Cassandra?" Salazar continued.

"No." Justin shook his head. He should have been moved by Salazar's words, and his face was not as bad as it was at the beginning. "I asked Hannah and the others, and they said they didn't see her when they got up in the morning."

The class hours of the senior students were different from theirs. After most of the people in the originally bustling auditorium left, the time finally came to [-]:[-].

The Potions classroom was in the basement, not far from the auditorium, and the freshmen walked there while chatting.

Justin was one of the few who looked better. At this time, he was repeating what Salazar said, trying to make these students relax a little bit.

When they walked into the classroom, Salazar noticed Cassandra sitting near the window. She was lying on the table basking in the sun, her body undulating evenly, as if she was sleeping.

The Potions class classroom is not too small, but there are large wooden shelves along the walls, and the wooden shelves are full of glass jars, soaking various animal specimens in them.Directly opposite the door is a podium and a blackboard, and a locked wooden cabinet next to the blackboard.

Compared with the warm Hufflepuff lounge and the noisy Hogwarts auditorium, this place is by far the coldest place.

The only two windows were half-hidden by curtains, allowing only a little sunlight in.

"Cassandra chose a good seat." Salazar smiled and sat next to Cassandra. Although there was no way to be exposed to the sun, at least it was not so gloomy.

"This is actually a classroom. If my father knew that I was studying in this environment, he would rush to the school to complain." Justin sat on the other side of Cassandra and muttered.

One after another, Ravenclaw students have also arrived in the Potions classroom. The sound of taking their seats finally woke up Cassandra. She rubbed her sleepy eyes and said hello to the people around her.

"Where did you go? I was scared to death! Why didn't I see you so early in the morning." Hannah, who was sitting in front of Cassandra, turned her head and said worriedly.

"Sorry!" Cassandra rubbed her cascading blond hair, "I wake up early in the morning."

The students in the classroom were all terrified of this teacher called Snape, after all, the classroom itself was a bit creepy.

Especially for those wizards born in Muggle families, there are very few opportunities to come into close contact with these stuffed animals.

Coupled with this gloomy and cold environment, it is really difficult for new students who are used to living comfortably at home.

During their conversation, Salazar gradually constructed a general image of the teacher named Snape.

This teacher named Snape obviously had a bad reputation. Although everyone said that he could learn a lot from Potions class, they all needed to be able to tolerate Snape's pickiness.

Except for the Slytherin house he leads, students from other houses, as long as there are any mistakes in the Potions class, it is inevitable that points will be deducted.

In addition, the most commonly heard words to describe this teacher are vampire, bat, harsh, mean, and gloomy. All in all, he doesn't sound like a good person.

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