Hogwarts founder returns to campus

Chapter 71 Quirinus Quirrell (1)

My name is Quirinus Quirrell, and I was born into a half-blood wizarding family.

My father was a Muggle named Raven Quirrell, who only learned that his wife was a wizard after he married my mother.

Maybe just like the name, ravens are always the natural enemy of squirrels, so in my childhood, when I gradually showed my magical talent, my father began to use violence on me, trying to dispel the restless magic in my body.

Only in the middle of the night, my mother would shed tears and tell me not to fear magic, otherwise it would cause even more terrible consequences.

I kept in mind her crying instructions, I will not be afraid of magic, no matter what kind of magic it is.

This kind of life continued until I was 11 years old, and I don’t know when it started. I became more and more timid and cautious. Even when other classmates spoke in front of me, I would feel panicked and at a loss.

Because I once stuttered too much when introducing myself and called my name wrong, my classmates gradually stopped calling me quirrell and started calling me squirrel instead.

They will call me a squirrel in the most frivolous and arrogant tone because I can master knowledge in a short time, and they will put the real squirrel carcass in my schoolbag, all of which make me reflect on whether I have done something wrong ?

I started to become neurotic and stuttered more and more.

It was a rainy night, because I accidentally ignited the fire and scorched a large piece of steak that my father bought back. Dazed by anger, he picked up a knife and pointed it at me.

Dying maybe, I could see my father's arms waving so slowly in my vision.

I could see the blue veins bulging in his temple, the trembling muscles of the arm holding the knife, and the sharp knife that was about to pierce between my eyebrows.

The only thing he didn't see was the love for a son in his eyes.

At that moment, my mother finally couldn't bear it anymore. My father's abuse of me for a long time was not only a torture to me, but also a torture to my mother. It also wiped out the remaining love between the husband and wife.

After a burst of green light, my father opened his mouth wide and just fell to the ground.


No more pain.

No more having to endure the devastation caused by his neurotic son.

I started to get in touch with death, and I also understood what kind of consequences a magic can bring.

But I am not afraid of it, because my mother told me not to be afraid of magic.

My mother was taken away, she performed a black magic that absolutely cannot be forgiven, and she was sent to a place called Azkaban.

And then... I became an orphan.

I spent my birthday silently in an orphanage. When I was 11 years old, I needed to choose a middle school to continue my dispensable life.

I thought I was already an outsider, and with no relatives and no reason, I might complete my middle school studies in the most obscure way with the help of the orphanage.

After graduation, like my father, I will become an unknown ordinary worker.

If possible, it would be my greatest luck to be able to die of old age in peace.

Until that day, a headmaster named Albus Dumbledore personally sent me an admission letter to Hogwarts, telling me that there is another possibility in life.

I boarded the train to Hogwarts. On the train to the wizarding world, I immediately took off the clothes that belonged to Muggles and put on robes that symbolized wizards.

There are all kinds of peers on the train, and I do seem to have found a collective, and they will share the fun of the magical explosion before receiving the admission letter.

I also forcefully smiled and joined the topic abruptly, even though every burst of magic power means a severe beating, even though behind every burst of magic power is a scar in my heart.

But I still want to share it. I hope that I can blend in with them, blend in with wizards, and become a wizard, instead of becoming a mediocre Muggle like my father.

At Hogwarts, I was sorted into Ravenclaw, and the lounge was in the west tower of the castle.

Ravenclaw's emblem is the raven, a raven with outstretched wings and claws, ready to pounce on the shivering prey squirrel.

At that moment, I was thinking, maybe I need to live under the shadow of the raven for the rest of my life, right?

Fortunately, Ravenclaw, the raven, symbolizes the desire for knowledge, and students who can enter Ravenclaw are all knowledgeable, smart, and curious students.

I belong to Ravenclaw. The students in Ravenclaw are very smart, and they are also willing to chat with smart people. I can still quickly master the magic I have learned in the classroom.

Even I can enjoy reading in the library to expand my theoretical knowledge.I gradually stood out from the crowd of Ravenclaws and became a role model for the teachers.


The news reached Hogwarts that my mother had died in Azkaban for killing a Muggle with the Unforgivable Curse.

I don't know who revealed this news, I will not be ashamed of this matter, because my mother chose to use black magic to protect me.

In my opinion, black magic is just a form of magic, and my mother used it to protect me, so it is not evil.

It's a pity that other students didn't think so, and they started to alienate me.

Maybe they themselves want to alienate me, because I am better than them and master magic faster than them, so they will definitely alienate me.

Just like the classmates who threw dead squirrels into my schoolbag back then, except that they endured longer and were more polite, and only found a reason to attack me.

Principal Dumbledore is a good man. When he learned about this matter, he approached me immediately for enlightenment.

He rescued me from mediocrity when I was in the orphanage, and now he's trying to pull me out of the quagmire in gossip.

With Dumbledore's guidance, I resisted the pressure, just like I was still in the Muggle world, not sharing or communicating, just doing my job well.

I got twelve certificates in the owl exam, and was promoted to the sixth grade under the surprised, jealous and puzzled eyes of my classmates.

The owl exam is not difficult for me, and the newt exam in the seventh grade is also not difficult for me.

I consulted Dumbledore about the future direction of development, and he still found time to meet with me despite his busy schedule.

However, he just suggested that I do what I want to do. This is really a good principal who has been thinking about me, and now is the time for me to reciprocate.

After repeated questioning, he told me that Hogwarts currently lacks a Muggle studies teacher, maybe I can try.

If it is the demand of Principal Dumbledore, then I will definitely do my best to fulfill him, just because he needs me.

In the year of graduation, I chose to stay in school and became a teacher at Hogwarts, responsible for teaching one of the most unpopular courses at Hogwarts - Muggle Studies.

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