The goal is to be the strongest Pokémon master

Chapter 26 The Great Gathering on the St. Ann

After Xiao Ke and others stayed in Dead Leaf City for a few days, the day of the St. Anno's large-scale gathering came in a blink of an eye. Xiao Ke has not been idle these days, and goes to train his Pokémon around Dead Leaf City every day. . After Xiao Ke trained the Big Tongue Shell for a few days in , he replaced the Magikarp. In the remaining few days, around this port city, he mainly trained the Magikarp. , Magikarp has also successfully evolved into a Gyarados of about 28m (normal Gyarados is 31m).

The current lineup carried by Xiao Ke is <Charizard v.38 red+., Big Needle v.34 red., Yongjira v.36 red., Bibi Bird v.32 red-., Haoli v.31 orange+. ., Gyarados v.27 Red., Characteristics: Intimidation〉

There are two parties on the St. Ann's. The St. Ann's will park on the shore in the morning and set sail in the afternoon. Only those with boat tickets can enter, and the entry time is until noon. You can come out anytime. But you can't enter after you come out.

Xiaoke naturally came to participate early. Of course, Xiaoke would not let go of such a good opportunity.

Xiao Ke first looked for someone to communicate with him to exchange Pokémon so that his Yongjira and Haoli could evolve. However, after searching for a long time, he couldn't find it. Instead, he saw a small arena on the deck. The rules are In wheel battles, if you defeat five opponents in a row, you will get a mysterious reward. There is only one, first come, first served.

Xiao Ke directly sent out his Yongjira, easily defeated five opponents and got the mysterious reward. Xiao Ke took a look and saw that it was a good medicine... Xiao Ke thought to himself [This mysterious reward is so mysterious. 】[Ji~] At this time, Yongjila seemed to sense something and signaled Xiao Ke to follow it. Xiao Ke followed it suspiciously. In the cabin, Yongjira stopped in a small gap under the floor. In order not to attract attention, Xiao Ke stood above the gap and took a look. At this glance, Xiao Ke saw Team Rocket. Xiao Ke quickly moved to the side of the vendor.

[Why are there so many Rockets in this place? Do you want to stay and help, or inform the alliance? Forget it, just take it one step at a time. ] Just as he was thinking about it, the Carp King next to him stopped Xiao Ke, "Young man, do you want to buy my Carp King? My Carp King can lay golden eggs. If you buy it, you will get it." Endless wealth." Xiao Ke glanced at King Carp King and said, "Since you can buy gold, why don't you use it yourself and sell it to others?" After saying that, Xiao Ke continued to look for a trainer who could communicate with him. .

Xiao Ke originally wanted to find Xiao Lan and Xiao Mao and tell them about Team Rocket. But after searching for a long time, I couldn't find it. After calling and asking, I found out that both of them disliked the party. It looked like a big party, but in fact there was nothing really good, so they both left. Xiao Ke also wanted to leave, but even after he came, he always felt that he would be at a disadvantage if he didn't let his power and Yongjira evolve, in case a trainer let him encounter them. Anyway, if something happens, with my current strength, I can escape at last.

In the afternoon, the St. Ann's had already set sail. Xiao Ke was bored among the crowd, watching the Pokémon battle in the middle of the cabin. It was a Rattata fighting a Gem Starfish. After Rada used his angry front teeth, the Gem Starfish fell. Radha's trainer is an old man wearing a black dress. He doesn't look like a good person at first glance. He is clamoring whether there are other trainers who want to challenge him. Xiao Ke had no intention of paying attention to him, after all, he was just a spectator.

At this time, Xiao Ke saw Xiao Zhi rushing out to duel with him. Xiao Zhi used Bada Butterfly to defeat his Lada. Then the old man said something to Xiao Zhi. After finishing speaking, the two walked towards Poké. Next to the Dream Switch. Xiaoke took a look and thought, this is not okay. He can't let his good friend be deceived.

So Xiao Ke walked up and said: "Xiao Zhi! Do you want to exchange Pokémon?", "Xiao Ke, you are here too. This old gentleman said that the two of us are already friends, and friends enhance feelings. In exchange, he wants to exchange Ratat for my Badass.", "But Badass was raised by you yourself, are you sure you want to exchange it for a Pokémon you don't understand?"

Xiaozhi thought for a while and finally decided not to exchange. The old man looked at Xiao Ke, his beard was almost crooked.

Xiaoke didn't care about so much. At this time, Xiaoke saw Xiaogang again, [Yes, Xiaogang is the gym owner of Nibi City. There must be a Longlong Stone in his own gym. The Longlong Stone also requires evolution to evolve into Longlong. Stone] So Xiao Ke asked: "Xiao Gang, do you have a Rumble Stone in your gym that needs to evolve? I have a Yongjira and a Haoli here, both of which need communication evolution. Are you willing to exchange them with me?" "

Xiaogang readily agreed: "This is no problem, it's all trivial, and I'm also looking for a trainer who can help me communicate and evolve. If I had known Xiaoke that you were interested, I wouldn't have had to work so hard." So the two of them Communication was exchanged. Xiao Ke's Yongjila evolved into Hu Di, Hao Li evolved into Wei Li, and Xiao Gang's two Rumble Stones evolved into Rumble Rocks and then teleported back to Nibi Gym.

Xiao Ke was glad that he didn't leave so early, at least his Pokémon became stronger in the end. After chatting with Xiaozhi and his party for a while, Xiaoke came to the deck and looked at the weather in front of him. The originally sunny sky suddenly became dim. It looks like a storm is coming, and I wonder if the ship can withstand it.

Just as I was thinking about it, there was a crackling sound in the cabin. It seemed that the Rocket Team had started to take action. It became quiet after a while, and Xiao Ke saw that Team Rocket had been knocked away. It seemed that the trainer in the cabin had won. At this time, the storm also came. Looking at the crumbling St. Annuo, Xiao Ke quickly rushed into the cabin to find Xiao Zhi and the others. Fortunately, Xiaozhi was more conspicuous. "Xiaozhi, Xiaoxia, Xiaogang, come with me, this ship is going to sink!" When everyone heard this, they all rushed to the lifeboat. Xiaozhi and the other three followed Xiaoke to the deck. Xiaoxia said: "Xiao Ke, don't we go to the lifeboat?" "No, I have water Pokémon, which is safer than the lifeboat. Come out, Gyarados!"

[Ho~~~~! ] A huge Gyarados appeared in front of several people. Xiaogang couldn't help but exclaimed: "Xiao Ke, you have become stronger again." "Haha, come up quickly." Xiao Gang rode the Gyarados first, and at the same time saved some other Pokémon trainers.

Xiaozhi looked at Xiaoke and secretly swore in his heart that he would become stronger quickly!

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