The goal is to be the strongest Pokémon master

Chapter 81 The Frozen Bird in the White Snow Mountain

After saying that, Xiao Ke flew towards Xiao Zhi and his group on the eagle.

"Hey!!! Xiaozhi! We meet again!"

While saying this, Xiao Ke rolled down from Bi Diao.

Looking at this heaven-defying Pikachu

[My book, why has this Togepi, who can eventually be upgraded to Gold+, not changed? These three people are really...]

"Xiao Ke? What a coincidence, we meet again. Let me introduce this as Archer, Xiaogang and Xiaoxia. The three of us came here with him to help him take photos of the frozen bird. "Snow White Mountain"

"Archer. Hello, my name is Xiaoke, and like Xiaozhi, we are both from Zhenxin Town."

At this time, an owl flew over

Xiaozhi asked expectantly: "Owl, have you found the clue?" Owl shook his head.

In the blink of an eye, another flew over and signaled people to follow it, so Xiao Ke also put away the bird and ran over with the four of them.

"Xiao Zhi, are these your owl and forked bat? They are well cultivated."

"Haha, thank you for the compliment, but that cross-shaped bat belongs to Xiaogang."

Several people followed the cross-shaped bat to an open space. There was an ice sculpture of Jigglypuff in the open space. Everyone seemed to recognize the appearance of Jigglypuff. 〈Jubby v.51 Orange+, Characteristics: Winning〉

Xiaoxia said regretfully: "No wonder I haven't seen Jigglypuff in the past few days. It turns out that he is frozen here. Let's help him thaw."

After hearing this, Xiao Ke and Xiao Zhi said together

"Okay, Firebeast, use flame jet!"

"Okay, Fireball Rat, use flame jet!"

〈Fireball Rat v.12 red, characteristic: fierce fire〉

The two jets of flame almost burned Jigglypuff half to death.

Xiaozhi looked at Xiao Ke's Fire Beast and said with envy: "Wow! Xiao Ke, you actually have a Fire Beast! It's so handsome."

Xiao Ke said modestly: "It's okay, it's okay."

Xiaoxia was on the sidelines and said: "It's not because Xiaozhi you don't usually train your Pokémon well."

Xiaogang moderated: "Okay, okay, let's not talk about this issue first."

Archer added: "Everyone, let's go to the Pokémon Center in front first. It's really cold here."

So a few people took Jigglypuff to the Pokémon Center.

Just when a few people arrived at the entrance of the Pokémon Center, a violent blizzard suddenly began to fall. In the blizzard, Xiao Ke also saw a string of messages flashing "Frozen Bird v.70 Color, Characteristic: Sense of Pressure" 〉

[I didn’t expect that there is actually a frozen bird here. How about... we can make a match? Forget it, just one of these mythical beasts is good]

Then three familiar figures appeared: Meowth, Musashi, and Kojiro.

Xiao Ke said indifferently: "Why are you three here again? Do you want to do bad things again?"

"No, no, nothing"

"Come out Charizard! Breath fire!"

Boom! “What a disgusting feeling~”

"Really, why are there these three guys every time there is Xiaozhi..."

Inside the Pokémon Center.

Xiao Ke asked: "Archer, you want to take a photo of Frozen Bird, right?"

"Yes, so I plan to go into the mountains."

"I have a way to save you from going to the snowy mountains. Just wait for me."

After saying that, Xiao Ke walked into the video phone of the Pokémon Center, called Xunzi in Rainbow City, teleported Bankelas and Scorpio King back, and exchanged Frozen Bird.

After changing, Xiao Ke greeted Archer to go out, while Xiao Zhi and the other two were listening carefully to Junsha and Joey telling them about the legend of the frozen bird in the White Snow Mountain.

"Archer, take out your camera and get ready. You'll be able to take pictures of the beautiful frozen bird in a moment."

Although Archer was confused, he still chose to believe Xiao Ke, took out his camera and got ready to take pictures.

Xiao Ke looked at Archer. He had never met him before, but he believed in him so much. He was considered an honest person!

"Come out! Frozen Bird!" [Jie! ! ! ]

The long cry of the frozen bird alarmed everyone in the house, and they hurriedly came out to take a look.

Xiaozhi was the first to say: "Wow, it's Frozen Bird, Frozen Bird!"

Xiaoxia couldn't help but exclaimed, "It's so beautiful~~!"

Only Archer was in shock and took beautiful photos.

Xiao Ke was about to take back the Frozen Bird, which surprised several people, when another sound came from the distance [Jie! ! ! ]

Xiaogang said doubtfully: "What's going on? There are two frozen birds?"

Amid everyone's surprised gazes, another frozen bird appeared, and Archer also seized this opportunity and snapped another photo.

Xiaozhi said in surprise: "What is going on? Isn't there only one Freezing Bird in Snow White Mountain?"

Xiao Ke watched the two frozen birds communicating with each other. Xiao Ke didn't know what they were exactly. After a while, the frozen bird from Baixue Mountain flew away.

Xiao Ke's frozen bird fell back to Xiao Ke's side.

"Come back, Frozen Bird"

"Huh?! Xiao Ke, you actually conquered the Frozen Bird!!!"

"Hahaha, Xiaozhi, I think it's too dangerous for Archer to go shooting in the mountains, so I replaced my Freeze Bird. This one I conquered when I was in Kanto."


"Haha, I will take you to Rainbow City when I have time. All my Pokémon are in the nursery I built. We can go and see them together then."

"As expected of Xiao Ke, now do you want to have a wonderful battle with me!"

"Okay, I haven't played against Ash for a long time! Let's have a one-on-one Pokémon match this time."

"Okay, Xiaoke, I won't lose this time!"

So, Xiao Ke first replaced the Frozen Bird and replaced it with Gyarados.

Xiaogang: "Then let me be the referee. The game starts now!"

"Go Pikachu!"

"Charizard! Breathing flames"

"Lightning flash!"

Pikachu radiated white light, completely dodged the flames, and crashed directly into Charizard, who retreated in pain.

[This is the speed Pikachu should have! ? ? ? 】

"Come again, the lightning flashes"

"Steel tail!"

Pikachu rushed over at great speed again, and Charizard reacted this time. Peng~Pikachu collided with Charizard's metallic-shining tail.

Then the two Pokémon distanced themselves again.


"One Hundred Thousand Volts"

Charizard burst out with violent flames, forming a semicircle with Charizard as the center and spreading outwards. In the meantime, it also smashed Pikachu's 100,000 volts, boom! It directly knocked Pikachu away. Bang~ Pikachu fell to the ground with bruises.

"Pikachu lost the ability to fight!"

Xiaozhi picked up Pikachu and said to Xiao Ke: "You have become stronger again, Xiao Ke. I hope we can have a chance to fight next time!"

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