After completing a series of examinations, Jian Si was sent to the VIP ward.

Lu Youting looked at Jian Si, who was pale, with a bandage on his head and was still in a coma, his hands were clenched suddenly, the veins on the back of his hands bulged, his whole body was like the wind and snow wrapped in an extremely cold place.

The doctor reports the results of the examination.

"Professor Jian lost soft tissue on his face, and suffered a moderate concussion in his brain. No blood stasis was found in his brain for the time being. After one night of observation, if there are no symptoms such as vomiting and fever, he will be able to recover after a period of treatment."

Lu Youting narrowed his eyes and asked, "What if you have vomiting and fever?"

Looking at Lu Youting's gloomy face like Yama, the doctor broke out in a cold sweat and said tremblingly: "If, if there is vomiting and fainting, it will be life-threatening, and surgery must be performed immediately."

"Life is in danger?" Lu Youting's pupils suddenly constricted, and his handsome face suddenly turned green and white, full of murderous aura.

The doctor lowered his head and nodded with a stiff neck: "Mr. Lu, don't worry, now that medicine is so advanced, Miss Jian will be fine."

Lu Youting's face was gloomy, and he didn't speak. Looking at the scars on Jian Si's body, it seemed that a sharp knife had been pierced deep in his heart. The pain was so painful that he couldn't breathe, and he was shrouded in guilt and self-blame.

He gently pulled back the broken hair around Jane Si's ear, and said in a hoarse voice, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have put you in danger. I didn't expect them to dare to hurt you like this."

Unfortunately, his confession, guilt, self-blame, Jian Si in a coma couldn't hear him at all.

The answer to him was dead silence.

Lu Youting's chest was sore.

Without his order, the doctor didn't dare to leave, and stood there silently, like a prisoner waiting for the judge to pronounce life and death, his heart beating wildly.

The air in the ward was getting thinner.

It was so depressing that I couldn't breathe.

The doctor's nerves were tightly collapsing, pulling continuously, and was about to collapse. At this moment, the door of the ward was pushed open, and Lu Yanbai appeared in time like a savior.

Lu Yanbai walked to the bedside and saw the deformed Jian Si being beaten, couldn't hold back the cry of "wow", and kept beating Lu Youting.

"Daddy, how did Mommy become like this? Didn't you say that Mommy will be fine? You lied to me again, I hate you, I hate you to death. "

Lu Youting didn't hide or dodge, he stood there and let Lu Yanbai beat him.

Seeing that Lu Youting's attention was distracted, the doctor immediately turned around and left the ward as if fleeing.

Lu Youting was beaten by Lu Yanbai for a while before squatting down and hugging him to a chair beside him, his eyes were red and his voice was choked up: "Xiaobai, I'm sorry, I didn't protect your mommy well."

"Woooo..." Lu Yanbai cried very sadly, gnashing his teeth angrily: "Then tell me, who beat my mommy like this? I'm going to kill him."

Lu Youting made a silent gesture to him: "Shh, your mommy is very weak now, let's keep your voice down, don't disturb her, let her rest well. As for revenge, wait until your mommy wakes up. No need If you make a move, Daddy will make those lives worse than death."

Afraid of disturbing Jian Si, Lu Yanbai didn't dare to cry anymore, and even spoke in a much softer voice: "Daddy, you must teach those people a lesson, and don't let Mommy be bullied for no reason."

Lu Youting nodded, and made a strong promise: "Daddy will not let you down."

Lu Yanbai leaned into Lu Youting's arms, and the father and son stayed in the ward, waiting for Jian Si to wake up.

This waited until late at night.

Lu Yanbai couldn't bear it any longer, and fell asleep in Lu Youting's arms.

Lu Youting gently put him on the sofa, took out a thin blanket from the cabinet and covered him.

At this time, Jian Si, who was in a coma, was haunted by nightmares.

In the dream, she was imprisoned, and Liu Tao, who was wearing a police uniform, pressed her under him and tore her clothes frantically, with his stinking mouth constantly touching her body.

There were traces of him all over her body.

She wanted to call for help.

But Liu Tao didn't give her a chance to speak at all, and slapped her across the face one after another.

She hurts so much.

So desperate.

Seeing the last piece of clothing being stripped off by Liu Tao, her whole body collapsed, tears flowed wildly, and without knowing where the strength came from, she finally screamed out.

"Don't... don't touch me..."

Accompanied by heart-piercing shouts, the body bounced up and sat up, eyes opened suddenly.

Knowing that she was having a nightmare, Lu Youting immediately ran over, "What's wrong with you?"

Hearing a familiar voice and seeing a familiar face, Jian Si hugged him as if grabbing a life-saving straw, her thin body shaking like chaff.

"Yes, someone wants to violate me, save me..."

It was the first time that Lu Youting saw her so fragile after reuniting for such a long time, his heart suddenly twisted into a ball, he wrapped her waist tightly with one hand, and patted her back comfortingly with the other.

"It's okay, I've rescued's okay now...I will protect you and never let others bully you."

Jian Si was still immersed in the nightmare and couldn't get away: "He is terrible. He tore my clothes and kept talking on me. He, he still wants to take off my pants... I want to call for help, but I want to call for help. Keep silent, I'm so scared, really scared..."

Lu Youting involuntarily followed her description to describe the scene, with a heroic face, ferocious like Satan from hell, wishing to kill that scum immediately.

Jian Si continued: "He bit my neck and collarbone, but I didn't have the ability to resist. I hated my incompetence..."

Lu Youting held her face distressedly, and forced her to look at him: "Look at me, I am Lu Youting, you are fine, you are safe now! I have crippled that scumbag's hand, and he will never dare to bully you again It's..."

"Safe? Safe?"

Jian Si murmured in a daze, unable to return to reality at all, her mind was in a mess.

Lu Youting kissed her hard on the lips: "Do you feel it? This is my breath, my temperature, not that scumbag! You are really safe now, you are fine!"

As he spoke, he kissed her red lips again and again.

Under his repeated calls, Jian Si finally regained his senses gradually, staring at Lu Youting in a daze, his slack pupils gradually focused.

"Lu Youting?"

Lu Youting nodded vigorously: "Yes, I am Lu Youting! I'm here to save you!"

After confirming his identity, all the grievances of Jian Si rushed out, because she was afraid of the sudden relaxation of her tense heartstrings, she hugged Lu Youting, cried uncontrollably, and showed all her fragility in front of Lu Youting.

"It's really you! I thought I was done, you know how scared I was?"

Lu Youting's throat choked, and he hugged her tightly in his arms, his voice hoarse: "I know, I know, I'm sorry, I'm late, I didn't know he was so bold, he dared to be in the prison do such a thing."


Jian Si wrapped her arms tightly around his waist, venting all her fear and grievance.

Lu Youting patted her back again and again with his big thick hands, quietly letting her vent.

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