Although Chen Zhimo doesn't always stay in the barracks, he still often trains hard with the soldiers. There are often training items that the soldiers can't bear. Mo was even more impressed.

The Hengkong Group has started to develop various items used in the military, and strives to meet Chen Zhimo's requirements, which is to make the soldiers as convenient and comfortable as possible, so that they can only focus on fighting.

Spring is coming, and winter seems to be making its final struggle, releasing its chill vigorously, making the gray sky even colder.

This year's winter is extraordinarily cold, exceeding that of previous years, and it is even colder after the winter has passed.

Chen Zhimo was wearing thin clothes for special training with the Yu Ben army. These days, the Yu Ben army saw from Chen Zhimo what is perseverance and what it means not to give up. They have no respect for Chen Zhimo in their hearts. A trace of contempt, some only full of respect.

Many seemingly impossible tasks were finally completed with Chen Zhimo's persistence. Chen Zhimo showed the soldiers the perseverance to turn decay into magic, and Chen Zhimo's status in their hearts was getting higher and higher.

One day, Chen Zhimo came home from special training. He was covered in scars and exhausted. Today's special training task made him exhausted, so he wanted to go home and have a good sleep.

Chen Xiaotong also followed Chen Zhimo's special training, but after all, she has extraordinary cultivation and strong resilience, and she looks radiant even after a day of exhaustion. These special trainings are very harsh for ordinary people, but for her it can only be regarded as a little difficulty.

Chen Xiaotong didn't want to take these special trainings that were not very challenging for her, but Chen Zhimo strongly urged her to participate, saying that it was to exercise her comprehensive ability, so Chen Xiaotong had no choice but to participate.

In fact, Chen Zhimo wanted Chen Xiaotong to integrate into the army and learn some things about marching and fighting. In the future, Chen Xiaotong would not only face the duel between cultivators, but also war.

Qian Peiyuan appeared from nowhere.

"Future husband, are you back?"

Chen Xiaotong smiled, and said to Chen Zhimo: "I'm going back first, you can walk with Sister Yuan, she has been missing you recently."

After speaking, Chen Xiaotong smiled at Qian Peiyuan and left.

Chen Zhimo and Chen Xiaotong had been staying in the barracks for the past few days. Qian Peiyuan was looking forward to Chen Zhimo's return every day, and today it finally came.

But Chen Zhimo was too tired, he didn't want to say anything more to Qian Peiyuan, so he said flatly: "It's so late, let's go back early and rest."

Qian Peiyuan didn't care about Chen Zhimo's indifference at all, and happily stepped forward to hold Chen Zhimo's hand: "I miss you, does your future husband miss me?"

Chen Zhimo looked tired: "I said I thought about it, can you let me go back to rest?"

At this moment, Qian Peiyuan felt that Chen Zhimo was abnormal, so she looked at Chen Zhimo carefully under the moonlight, and found that there were various scratches on his face and hands, and his face looked tired and vicissitudes. Distressed.

"Future husband, let me help you go back and rest."

Qian Peiyuan held Chen Zhimo's hand obediently, and helped Chen Zhimo walk home without saying a word.

Chen Zhimo felt Qian Peiyuan's cold little hand in his palm, and looked at her purple lips from the cold, feeling a little unbearable in his heart.

"It's cold and I don't know how to wear more." As he said, Chen Zhimo took off his cloak and wrapped it up for Qian Peiyuan.

"I...I'm not cold, future husband, you should wear it, you're hurt."

Qian Peiyuan struggled to take off her cloak, but Chen Zhimo firmly held her down.

Chen Zhimo's unquestionable eyes made Qian Peiyuan give up, so she could only whisper: "Then let's go back quickly."

Qian Peiyuan wanted Chen Zhimo to see her beautiful side, and she didn't want to wear thick clothes that would not show her charm.

She waited and hoped for a few days, and finally hoped for Chen Zhimo to come back. She was afraid that Chen Zhimo would catch a cold, so she still asked to go home quickly.

Chen Zhimo didn't go back, but took Qian Peiyuan's hand and walked towards Yueyue Pagoda.

After entering the tower, there was finally no cold wind outside, and the two of them felt much warmer immediately.

Chen Zhimo reached out and touched Qian Peiyuan's cheek, and blamed him: "I'm afraid it was caused by the cold wind for several days. Why are you useless for the skin care and antifreeze products I gave you?"

Qian Peiyuan lowered her head and said in a low voice: "It's useful, but every night I thought you would come back, so I ran outside and waited. I thought that my future husband would be the first to see me when he came home. Who would want to see me?" I waited for a few days, and this year's weather is also unusually cold, with the wind blowing unexpectedly sharply, and I felt a little itchy on my face before I knew it."

Chen Zhimo gently scratched Qian Peiyuan's nose, feeling the cold tip of her nose: "I have frostbite, of course it hurts and itches."

It was the first time for Qian Peiyuan to experience such a cold winter, and she didn't know what chilblain was before.

"Is chilblain a disease? Is it serious?"

Chen Zhimo became serious, and sighed: "Of course it's serious. If you get it on your face, your face will become red and swollen, and if you get it on your hands, it will become ugly. If you get it on your feet, it's even uncomfortable to walk."

Qian Peiyuan was frightened when she heard it, and hurriedly covered her face and cried, "My future husband, I don't want to be ugly."

Chen Zhimo scolded: "Who told you not to stay at home well, you have to run out to blow the cold wind, there is an air conditioner at home, how comfortable it is."

Qian Peiyuan had a bitter face: "Isn't she thinking about her future husband? I'll come out to see her husband."

Chen Zhimo patted Qian Peiyuan on the head, "Come on, let me see if it's serious, if you can't help it, you'll be in trouble."

Qian Peiyuan was extremely nervous, and hurriedly asked Chen Zhimo to check, but she was startled by Chen Zhimo's words.

As soon as Chen Zhimo touched her frostbite, she trembled: "It hurts!"

Then he looked at Chen Zhimo with tears in his eyes: "Future husband, is it serious? I didn't feel anything wrong with the cold wind blowing outside just now, but now I come in and warm up, my face is so itchy."

Chen Zhimo remained silent, with a serious face, as if he was thinking about something.

This frightened Qian Peiyuan, and hurriedly took Chen Zhimo's hand and cried: "Future husband, is my face hopeless? You said that if I was disfigured, wouldn't you even marry me?" up? 555"

Chen Zhimo felt amused seeing Qian Peiyuan's snot and tears, and couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Only then did Qian Peiyuan stop crying, sobbing, she asked, "Future husband, you just made fun of me by saying so seriously, right?"

Chen Zhimo smiled and said: "The frostbite is really serious. If you have frostbite on your hands and feet, you have to cut off your hands and feet. I didn't lie to you, it's just that yours is just a small frostbite. It's not that serious. I didn't say you It's very serious, why are you nervous?"

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