Awakened consciousness, was held in the arms of the villain and cried

Chapter 46 Baby, You Know That I Can't Part It

Jiang Yizhi glared at him ferociously, and pinched his cheek with one hand, "I'm really thinking about breaking my leg."

With a smile in his eyes, Bo Yuyan let her make trouble on his face, and said in a low voice, "Baby, you clearly know that I don't want to."

"Then why are you reluctant?" Jiang Yizhi deliberately tilted his head, pretending to be puzzled.

Bo Yuyan kissed her on the lips again and again, pretending to say casually, "I love you."

Song Jing's hands didn't shake while driving, and the expression on his face didn't change at all, and he just screamed in his heart.

Mr. Bo looks like that cruel and cold man in the basement today is not him.

The Bo in front of Ms. Jiang is always a little angel, he can be gentle and patient to coax people, and he can also talk love words to make Ms. Jiang happy.

No wonder Ms. Jiang took the initiative to get to know Boss. Boss was able to lure people home so quickly.

Sure enough, Mr. Bo from his family has been a leader in everything since he was a child.Chasing women is true, and falling in love is also true.

Jiang Yizhi frowned lightly, with a smile at the end of his eyes, "It doesn't seem to be sad at all."

It seems that most of the grievances she suffered from her grandfather have been cured by him.

Today, I like Bo Yuyan even more. "I always feel that I will get better after I endure it. I'm really stupid. Don't they treat you like this just because they think you will endure it?"

-A contemporary Chinese writer, the youngest son of Li Laodong, named Liu'er, came to tell his father to sleep.Fu Laogang raised his head, looked at him and said:

"I think, among you children, even if Liu'er looks the most energetic, he also has the sharpest mind."

"I hope you will accept him as an apprentice in the future." Li Laodong pulled Liu'er into his arms and said, "My young daughter is also as old as him?"

"How old is Liu'er?" Fu Laogang asked.

"Nine years old." Liu'er answered by himself.

"My daughter is also nine years old." Fu Laogang said, "She is a head shorter than you, and she wants to call you brother."


When he arrived in the village, he first defected to Li's old club.Li Laodong was very happy, and called the girls from the neighbors to come and play with the little guests.

"What's your name?" the girls asked her.

"My name is Jiu'er." The little guest replied.

"You have nine sisters?" the girls asked.

"It's just me," said the little visitor.

"Then why are you called Jiu'er?" The girls were surprised. In our place, whoever is the oldest is called whatever. For example, Liu'er is the sixth child. ".

"This is the name my mother gave me when she was alive." The little guest said sadly, "I am born on the ninth day of September."

After playing with the girls for a few days, he and Liu'er got to know each other well.Liu'er carried a big basket of red wattle twigs and carried a small pick, and walked ahead. Jiu'er carried a smaller basket and followed closely behind, going to the far, far away wilderness.

Liu'er doesn't like to collect firewood on the edge of the village, he is always willing to go to places where people don't often go.He suddenly hit a nesting bird, and sometimes he chased a half-sized hare...

"Let's gather firewood quickly." Jiu'er advised.

"What are you busy with?" Liu'er said, "Just pick up a basket and go back at night."

She walked slowly in the grass, watching her feet.Make a mark in one place and observe again.Later, he threw the firewood basket aside and called Jiu'er: "You guard the entrance of this cave, and don't let it escape from here."

He returned to the place where the mark was made, bent down, and quickly dug it up with a small pick.One day, they happily caught a small field mouse with a short tail, and brought it home at night, packing it in a small wooden box.The next day, the wind was very strong, and the two of them did not go to the field, but played at Liu'er's house.Father went out to do some work, so Liu'er took out the little field mouse and said to Jiu'er, "It must have been bored after staying in the box all night. Let's tell it to run around underground."

"I can't catch it, what should I do?" Jiu'er said.

It doesn't matter, you just need to keep the waterway.Liu'er put the little vole on the ground.At first the little field mouse lay at his feet and did not move.Liu'er shushed it, stomped on it, and it ran away, circled the root of the house, and suddenly got into a hole.

Liu'er was in a hurry, so he asked Jiu'er, "Do you see any water in the urn?"

"Working in the urn."

Liu'er grabbed the ladle, ran to the pickle vat, took out a ladle of salt water, and poured it into the mouse hole.But it doesn't matter.

Liu'er lost his little field mouse. In people's childhood, what left the deepest impression? If you grew up in the countryside, then the material life in the countryside was poor and the cultural life was poor. It takes a few years to see a big show, and in the middle of a year, you may not hear the sound of gongs and drums coming to the village to perform.Therefore, apart from the fields, graveyards, broken kilns and willow fields outside the village, there is not much place for the children to miss.In someone's courtyard, the sound of clanging axes and chisels attracted them.They ran in in groups, and the family was having a carpenter build a new car, or install a door, and there was a long bench in the yard, one of the benches.

In someone's courtyard, the sound of clanging axes and chisels attracted them.What a lovely carpenter's workmanship!There is also a pile of firewood raised in the corner, which is used to boil the glue and bake the straight wood. The crackling sound is really hard to let go.When I was a child, I often had this idea: when can our family call a carpenter to do the work?

When the children were having dinner, they raised this wish to their father, and the father became angry: "How about I send you to Li Laodong as an apprentice, so you can work with axes and chisels all day long." Li Laodong He is the only carpenter in the village. He is tall, with a yellow beard and pockmarked face.It seems that there is very little possibility of being Li Laodong's apprentice.Because the children knew that Li Laodong did not recruit apprentices.He himself had six sons, none of whom were carpenters.There are always plenty of opportunities for joy.If it is in the late spring and early summer, there will be clanging sounds and a raging fire in the streets of the village again.This is Fu Laogang's blacksmith stove coming to the village.The wheat harvest and autumn bustle are about to begin. Steel is needed for sickles and hoes, as well as for picks. They also need to build some other daily-use furniture for farmers.

Fu Laogang is called Zhang Zuo by people. He is 50 years old.His thin face was the same color as the poker he held in his left hand, the hammer he swung in his right, and the anvil resting on the big wooden plinth.His short beard with sideburns was like rust.Fu Laogang has apprentices.He has two apprentices, the elder apprentice wields a sledgehammer, sharpens his blade with water, and the younger apprentice pulls a big bellows and cooks.The little apprentice's face was stained with black sweat from the left side to the right side, but he held his head high, stretched one foot forward steadily, and pulled the big bellows that made a sudden noise one after another.The children surrounded him and expressed their admiration for his proud attitude of labor.

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