When Nuan Yang heard Chun Lu say to ask the girl, it proved that even a little girl knew that the third girl could lend 100 million taels, and it was likely to be stable. He was so envious that he wanted to cry.People are more annoying than people, and the master is made like a beggar by the girl.

Fengyu was very faint from fever, and when Chunlu said that the young master wanted to borrow 100 million taels, she was dying of illness and sat up in shock, "How much?"

"One million taels." Chunlu didn't dare to hide it, and gave Fengyu the IOU, and the young master signed it, stamping it with the seal of the Zhenbeihou Mansion. Fengyu refused straight away, "No!"

She provides medicinal materials, clothing and food for the north of the city, helps the north of the city rebuild after the disaster every year, tides over the difficulties, and knows the required accounts very well.She is a businessman looking only for profit, and she has a clear conscience for providing so many supplies for free. The family is richer, and she is not the only wealthy businessman.

"Nuan Yang said that the Hou's family property is rich, and they will definitely pay back the money."

"You heard that he painted big cakes by hand. The young master is arrogant. If the Hou's mansion is rich, why would he ask me to borrow money? Most of the money is borrowed and never repaid." Feng Yu burned faintly, but did not Cheng was a fool, coughing so hard that her face flushed, Qiuxiang tried her best to calm her down, lest she would cough up blood.

Chunlu obeyed the order and was about to go out when Feng Yu called her back again. The third girl's face was flushed due to the high fever, her eyes were bloodshot and red, as if she had cried, Qiu Xiang gave her two sips of ginseng tea in distress.Fengyu leaned against Qiuxiang sickly, "The cost of reconstruction after the disaster in the north of the city is not that high, so lend him 50 taels and tell the young master that I will charge interest."

Zhenbeihou's mansion is a gold-lettered signboard. She provoked the third prince, killed Lu Guojiu, and broke Ning Guogong's leg. Buying a favor from Xie Xun for 50 taels is a good deal.In the future, if she begged Xie Xun to do something, she would be confident.

In the city's capital guard yamen, Xie Xun held a 50 taels of silver note and asked incredulously, "Is she still paying interest?"

This is disaster relief money. She charged interest, and it really fell into the eyes of the money.

Chun Lu wanted to defend herself, but Nuan Yang said with a chuckle, "It's right to charge interest. If you pay back the money, you have to pay interest."

He turned his head and gave Xie Xun a look. Even if the girl lends us a loan shark, we have no money to pay it back. It doesn't matter what the interest is. Anyway, if you get silver, you can cheat once.

Zhang Boxi went to the descendants of the noble family to raise money. Although the descendants of the noble family in Jingduwei were abandoned children, they had a lot of private property, and many of them were willing to contribute money.They saw the disaster in the north of the city, and Zhang Boxing was a master of sensationalism. With his good tongue, he raised more than 3 taels of silver.

Xie Xun rarely exaggerated Boxing, "Well done!"

Generals like this kind of soldiers who are ordered by superiors. Zhang Boxing smiled innocently and wiped the rain from his face, "Young Lord, if you need anything, just tell us. The court doesn't care about them, we will!"

It was the time to rest, and the Jingdu guards gathered together to obey the dispatch, and the rich contributed money, and the powerful contributed their strength. Xie Xun looked at a group of Jingdu guards who were wearing coir raincoats in the snowstorm and described themselves as embarrassed.Everyone said that Jingduwei was a mess, no one would take over Jingduwei, and even he had a prejudice against Jingduwei.

But when the blizzard came, most of the Kyoto guards were still willing to obey the dispatch, not afraid of the wind and rain.

"What are the guards of the capital? It is 360 days a year, and most of them are the tireless work of Heng Gema. It is the determination to protect the lights of thousands of families regardless of the future. I also want to lie down as a road to send them to safety, this is the original appearance of the guards of the capital, understand?" Xie Xun's voice pierced through the wind and snow, falling into the hearts of every guard of the capital.

"Understood!" Layer after layer of echoes exploded in the north of the city, and all the capital guards twisted into a rope to resist the wind and snow.

Little Hou Ye gained a firm foothold in Jingduwei only by a snow disaster.

Lin Xiao looked at Xie Xun through the wind and snow, his eyes gradually brightened, he was shocked, but also admired. He finally knew why the Zhenbei Cavalry had been loyal to the Hou Mansion for many years.

The three generations of Zhenbeihou were loyal to the people and worked tirelessly. If he was a soldier, he would also be willing to follow such a general.

The news of Xie Xun's private account of 50 taels spread all over Jingdu Wei in an instant. Use it to raise the Zhenbei Cavalry.They paid, and what they paid was pocket money. Young Master Hou could pay 50 taels, which was the bottom of the box.

Who doesn't like this kind of big brother who takes the lead, who is on the front line when he has something to do. He just took up the post of Jingdu Wei, but he doesn't shirk his responsibility.

Fengyu fell ill for three days in a daze, and had a nightmare, and she didn't sleep well, and Qiuxiang also suffered from red eyes.

After Fengyu's fever subsided, Chunlu also returned. Kyoto has extreme weather every year. Fortunately, it comes and goes quickly.Although there have been hailstorms in the past few days, the damage is very small.The blizzard has also passed, and the rich young master orderly commanded Jingdu Wei to do post-disaster reconstruction.

The disaster situation was basically under control, and the reputation of Jingduwei was reversed in this snow disaster, and they were well received. Under the strong command of the young master, thousands of them were busy day and night in the north of the city.The prestige of the Zhenbeihou Mansion further increased, Feng Yu chuckled, "After the snow disaster, he should have a headache."

"Girl, what did you say?"

Feng Yu smiled lightly and said, "It's nothing, how are Mrs. Liu and the child?"

"Ms. Liu is in danger after giving birth. Doctor Zhou came in time, and there is no serious problem. The Chamber of Commerce sent charcoal fire and food, and the baby is also healthy." Chunlu said with a smile, "The Jingdu Wei has taken over the north of the city, the girl can rest assured to take care of her body, and wait for it to recover. Let's talk about the body."

Feng Yu completely relaxed and healed her wounds with peace of mind. Mrs. Feng knew that Feng Yu had always taken care of the old, weak and young in Liuheng Street, and never stopped her.Fengyu never coveted fame in doing these things, and there was no talk of Miss Feng San's rescue in the north of the city. This time, all the credit goes to Jingdu Wei.

Early morning, on the Golden Luan Hall.

Emperor Jianming specifically praised Xie Xun by name. Jingdu Wei performed well in the disaster relief and was well received. His appearance has also taken on a new look. Emperor Jianming sighed that the men in the Zhenbei Houfu were born to lead troops. Take it well, it's admirable.

"Xie Xun is a role model for all the officials who donated money and efforts for disaster relief. I heard that you paid 50 taels out of your private account?" Emperor Jianming said in a gentle tone. two.

Xie Xun said, "Your Majesty, the 50 taels is because I sold my ancestral property without telling my father, and when he wants to break my legs, you must speak well, I have my own difficulties, and I really have no money. "

Everyone, "..."

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