In this way, the worm god took her to the habitat of the zerg in the wasteland.

Contrary to Star Citizen's belief, these Zergs who live in the Wasteland are not there to fend off humans, nor to defend the Zerg frontier.

They came here spontaneously to wait for the rest of their lives to die.

It is true that the reproductive rate of high-level Zerg is extremely low, but the reproductive ability of low-level Zerg is extremely strong. A steady stream of low-level young Zerg is born so that the Zerg Star cannot provide the survival resources of all Zerg.

So some old people or those who became remnants in the battle came here directly, so as to provide the living resources of the Zerg Planet to more young Zergs.

Lin Mang took her to the depths of a dense forest in the Wasteland, an area favored by Zerg nature, and Zhu Fu soon saw the existence of some low-level Zerg.

The instinct of survival makes these Zerg in the Wasteland a group.

High-level or higher-level Zergs have wisdom beyond low-level Zergs, so they spontaneously respect higher-level Zergs as leaders.

But now, they felt the arrival of the gods, and all the insects stopped their movements, with excitement and frenzy in their compound eyes, and they ran over in groups.

Only a small part of the low-level Zerg's body is human mimicry, so even though they have the body shape of human limbs, their appearance is still covered by a hard carapace.

In the depths of the dense forest, the branches and leaves are so luxuriant that they can block out the sky, and the place is extremely dark, with only the colorful carapaces reflecting the cold luster, such as pitch black or dark green, and all the insects respectfully kneel on the ground to welcome Faith.

They all looked up at the worm god and worm queen without blinking.

As soon as Zhu Fu came here, she found that the life of the low-level Zerg here was really not that good.

The cloth covering her body was all tattered, and every bug looked yellow and emaciated.

There are also residences. The higher-level Zerg have certain wisdom, so they lead the old, weak, sick and disabled here to dig holes in the ground or pile semicircular stone caves with boulders as residences.

On the ground are the remains of piranhas, which shows that they usually make a living on this.

In addition, there is a pile of messy things on the open ground, such as giant rhinoceros horns, firewood piled up in one place, dirty scales...

Sigh... It is estimated that people in the empire would never have thought that the Zerg would have such a miserable appearance.

"My god," a Zerg who lost his left arm respectfully stepped forward, he is the commander owl of all the low-level bugs here.

Owl was ashamed to see the skinny and pitiful appearance of the Zerg by his most admired god.

Before the arrival of the worm god and the worm queen, he received instructions from the worm god's spiritual network that the worm queen needed people with fire abilities.

There was joy in the owl's eyes, which meant that those lucky bugs were still useful, at least they didn't have to stay in the wasteland to die.

He had already picked out the Zerg with fire ability, and just waited for the Zerg God to come and take them away.

Owl even thought a little bit carefully, even if they were low-level Zerg with low fire ability and basically useless, he selected them.

"All the Zerg with fire abilities are here, and you and the Queen can use them." Owl knelt on one knee, with his intact right arm resting on his chest respectfully.

"How about taking them all back to the human camp?" Zhu Fu raised her head and asked the black-haired god beside her.

"Okay." Hearing the god's permission, Owl immediately motioned for them to follow.

But Zhu Fu paused in front of the space rift opened by the God of Worms, because she found that only some of the Zerg race got up and followed, and most of the old, weak, sick and disabled insects, including owls, respectfully greeted and sent them away.

"Why didn't they follow?" Zhu Fu was puzzled.

They were old, weak, sick and disabled, and the fire-type ability bugs were taken away. Wouldn't it be true that these remaining bugs were going to die in the cold wave?

"His Royal Highness the Queen of Worms, we... us worms who are useless to begin with, waiting for death is actually our best destination." Owl certainly knew what it meant for all fire-type worms to leave.

But they were originally waste worms lingering in the waste land...

To die in a cold wave is to die.

Zhu Fu thought about it seriously, "But I took everything away after I said it, and your gods also agreed."

"Yes, Your Highness, the Queen of Worms, of course you can take away all fire-type ability bugs with you. But the remaining trash bugs are actually useless to us other than dragging you down in the wasteland."

When the worm queen asked, Owl did not deny that a kind of hope rose in his heart, hoping that the worm queen could take away all the worms including himself.

After all, living is the instinct of all life, but reason tells him that a disabled bug like him will only be a drag, and waiting quietly in the corner to die is already the greatest contribution he can make to the Zerg.


The figure of a small human woman swaying in the owl's dark green compound eyes smiled so gently at a disabled person like him.

"But I also need some helpers who can help me farm the land and help me build the house."

Wen Yanxiao raised his head with a "hoo", and the eyes of the several Zerg behind him were ignited with hope.

Some of them are so old that their claws are not sharp, some are missing an arm or an eye...

You can hear the soft and soft queen in front of you say...

All these half-kneeling worms felt for the first time that they were rotten worms, and that they could continue to live with brilliant and fiery hope.

"But...what is farming?" Owl asked curiously. As far as he knows, human beings drink nutrient solution for a living, and he himself lived in disguise as a human for a while. He has never heard of the word "farming" .

"It's a way for humans on the ancient earth to plant some plant seeds on some loose and good soil to harvest more food."

"I... I can dig the soil..." A one-eyed low-level Zerg stood up, and he looked at the queen anxiously. This low-level Zerg looked extremely young, and while talking, he showed his sharp claws "swish" Show after rushing the insects.

"I can catch bugs," the Zerg who had lost a leg stood up. Under the eyes of the queen, he swallowed and continued nervously, "I... I don't eat much, and I can do without food. I can catch pests and eat them myself."

"I can also..."

"I can too……"

"His Royal Highness, I don't need to eat either..."

More and more Zerg stood up.

Only some elderly Zergs didn't speak, but Ke Ou pushed the old Zergs who were kneeling in the front out.

The old Zerg blushed under the gaze of the Queen. He was too old to do anything, but he also understood what the owl meant.

They are all worms who share weal and woe in the wasteland, Owl wants to find a way out for old worms like them, at least not to die of decadence.

"I...I can water your plants." The old Zerg said more and more quietly.

There are dense criss-crossing scars on his hands, and there are split marks on his sharp claws. He has long since lost any fighting power, and he has long been a waste bug.

The old Zerg is embarrassed...

But the queen worm smiled at him very gently, making an old worm like him suddenly feel a sense of pride and ambition.

For some reason, his mind went blank and he said, "His Royal Highness, I... I will definitely be able to feed your plants well."

At least...he suddenly really wanted to do something for the queen in front of him.

"Okay." The worm queen promised.

All the worms were so happy that they even forgot the supreme existence of the zerg next to the queen.

But Zhu Fu froze, she was challenging the authority of the insect god by doing so, she raised her head quietly.

There was no steadfastness on the handsome black-haired god's face. On the contrary, his red eyes were extremely dazzling. The man smiled at the movement of her looking over, as if he didn't notice Zhu Fu's transgression.

Zhu Fu: "..."

"Aren't you angry or angry?"

Lin Mang was puzzled: "?"

She raised her face to look at him, "I think what I did just now was challenging your majesty."

The supreme being of the Zerg raised his eyebrows, "You mean the arrangement to take all the Zerg away?"

"Afu," Lin Mang said in a low tone, "On the contrary, I'm glad you did it."

"At least you don't have to see them suffering in the wasteland waiting to decay and die."

"We must know that our Zerg race is more unwilling to live as a waste than to die heroically on the battlefield. This is a greater pain than suffering physically."

He said affirmatively, "You let, all worms know a truth, the weak also have the value of survival."

Zhu Fu was stunned, "It sounds like I'm very powerful."

The corners of the handsome god's lips twitched slightly, "Yes, and I am very happy with what you did. After all, I am willing to give you my rights, and you are willing to take responsibility. This is the behavior of people who are close to each other." His tone Very sincere.

Zhu Fu was about to speak when she heard the words.

She felt the man's right hand caressing the back of her head, the movement was gentle but powerful, preventing her from escaping.

The heart in Zhufu's chest was beating violently, and she clearly saw the dark light of joy flashing in Linmang's eyes, "There is no doubt, if you like it, all the Zerg will be happy to be driven by you, and don't worry that I will be displeased, on the contrary... "

"I'm so happy."

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