The sixth boss was crying outside the door of Li's house, but after a long time, no one from the Li family came out. He was tired of crying and couldn't continue the performance, so he squatted at the door and waited, listening. Thinking.

In fact, he had already sent his confidant Ma San to go around the back of the Li family compound to take a look at the terrain of the house, and then investigate what was going on in the main house to the north.

In the north room, the old man of the Li family, Li Yu, and two old women were all dead, but the door of the north room was still blocked by Li Yu, so no one knew what happened inside.

However, someone in the east room is interested.This person is the wife of Liutou.She had been listening for a long time. Six heads were crying at the door, but they refused to enter Li's house.She was so anxious that she cursed in her heart that her old man was useless, he only knew how to act, and he didn't care about the life or death of her and her children.

Huo Ran sat upright on the stool, still not eating, but hearing the mess outside, she couldn't help but feel restless.

An Ningxuan and Xiao Heng watched Lao Liutou's performance from a distance without showing their heads. Of course, they were waiting for the Li family to come out.

However, time passed slowly, and the door of the Li family was closed.This is not what the Li family should be like.

The Li family's purpose was clear, and they wanted Li Bing and Li Hu to kidnap Xiao Heng's mother.However, now that the two members of the Li family have arrived at the door of their house, regardless of life or death, at least someone in charge must come out and take a look, right?But no!This made An Ningxuan wonder if there was a dispute within the Li family?Or a contradiction?Or...accident?Who was the person who just entered?Why could he enter the Li family directly without notifying him?Is Huo Ran safe now?

Xiao Heng also had doubts in his heart, but he was more worried about his mother's safety.

"Xuanxuan, we have to go in, we can't wait any longer."

Xiao Heng was really anxious. If they hadn't taken a truck while he and An Ningxuan were following her, Huo Ran would have been rescued by now.Sometimes the opportunity is just in an instant. If you miss the best opportunity, you may have to wait for a long time before you get the opportunity.

"Well, Ah Heng, let's climb over the wall from the back." After An Ningxuan and Xiao Heng finished speaking, they got up and took a detour to the back of the Li family compound.

At this time, Ma San, Lao Liu's confidant, had been listening behind the north room for a while.He heard a few screams, and then it became silent.

How could Ma San get to the back of the north room and eavesdrop so easily?It turned out that Li Yu's people had transferred Old Man Li's people who were originally in the yard to guard the gate. The reason was that a stranger was trying to break into the Li family's mansion.

An Ningxuan and Xiao Heng had just climbed up the wall when they saw Ma San, whose ears were pressed against the back wall.

An Ningxuan and Xiao Heng approached Ma San quietly. Ma San listened too carefully and kept searching for the sounds in the room, but ignored the sounds around him.

"Don't move, you'll shoot if you move!" Xiao Heng put his middle finger on Ma San's lower back and continued: "What's going on inside, tell me quickly?"

"Brother, you... what kind of heroes are you? If you have something to say, it's easy to say..."

"Stop talking nonsense, let me ask you, what's going on inside?" Xiao Heng also pushed up with the middle finger of his other hand.

"Brother, big brother, there's nothing in there. There were a few screams, and then... it was quiet. It's been quiet for a long time. I was sent by our head six. If there's anything wrong, I'll correct it. Don't shoot. …”

"Tell the truth. If you don't tell the truth, today will be your memorial day next year! If Nian Gen is dead, how worried will your family be? Tell the truth and I'll spare you!" An Ningxuan said behind Ma San's ear He said, so scared that cold sweat broke out from Ma San's back.

"Really, I swear to God, it's true, there were just a few screams just now, but they were gone, there was no movement at all, and the door didn't ring. I'm telling the truth, please spare me, spare me..."

Ma San's voice was filled with tears. He had never been held to the point of two guns. After all, he had been following the leader all day long. The leader always made plans before taking action, so he was almost never in danger, except for this. Second-rate.

"I'll believe you for now." Xiao Heng said, and hit Ma San hard on the back with his fist. Ma San fainted and fell to the ground.

An Ningxuan and Xiao Heng knew that something was going on in the North House and there was no one in the yard, so they swaggered to the main entrance of the North House.

Xiao Heng pushed the door open, but it was closed tightly.An Ningxuan looked through the window and saw that the three people on the kang were dead. There was also a person with his eyes open lying next to the armchair, but judging from his eyes, he was also dead.

"Ah Heng, they were fighting among themselves, and four of them died inside." An Ningxuan said to Xiao Heng, who was trying to figure out how to get in.

"Then there's no need to go in. Let's look for Aunt Ran quickly. She must be in this house."

An Ningxuan and Xiao Heng began to approach the east room.

"Auntie, someone is coming, someone is coming, hide quickly! Children, come here quickly, come here quickly!"

The wife of the sixth leader saw An Ningxuan and Xiao Heng getting closer and closer, thinking that the old man had sent someone to avenge her nephew. She was shocked and at a loss, and shouted, and the two children were also frightened. Gotta curl up next to her.

An Ningxuan and Xiao Heng heard a woman's voice in the east room, so they quickened their pace. They were very eager to find Huo Ran and confirm whether she was safe.

Huo Ran was still sitting on the stool, motionless.She didn't know who the man was crying outside, nor who the woman and the child were, but she did it without fear and without changing her expression in the face of danger.

There is a small lock on the door of the east room, which of course cannot stop An Ningxuan.She took out the small tool, twisted it a few times, and the lock opened.

The door opened, and Lao Liutou's wife and child were hiding under the Eight Immortals table. Huo Ran sat upright, closing her eyes and concentrating.

When she heard the door open, Huo Ran still didn't open her eyes. She just said, "You guys always want someone to die and tell you your name, right?"

"Aunt Ran!"


When An Ningxuan saw Huo Ran, she was the first to shout, but Xiao Heng couldn't catch her.

Huo Ran couldn't believe her ears. She was preparing to die, but these two voices were all too familiar to her.

She opened her eyes, stood up from the stool, surprise appeared on her face, and said: "Heng'er, Xuanxuan..."

An Ningxuan and Xiao Heng immediately ran over and checked Huo Ran's whole body. After confirming that she was completely intact, the tense nerves relaxed a little!

"Who is this?"

An Ningxuan and Xiao Heng were about to leave with Huo Ran when they discovered that Liutou's wife was hiding under the Eight Immortals table, covering the mouths of the two children with two hands. There was fear, confusion, and a kind of confusion in their eyes. measures.

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