Youjian Restaurant is indeed Youjian Restaurant, and its name is Youjian Restaurant.

The conditions of the restaurant are not very good, and the business is just so-so.

There were guests at several tables, and two men caught Li Hao's attention.

A big man with a beard and a handsome, handsome man.

The bearded man was drinking from a big bowl, and several wine jars were thrown under the table, he was bold and unrestrained.

The other one took a silver wine jug by himself and sipped it, looking gentle and elegant.

Of course, Li Hao just glanced casually and didn't pay attention anymore. After all, they are all men, and it's normal for same-sex repulsion.

"Xiao Er, come here." Yan Shun shouted just as Li Hao and the others sat down.

"Master, I don't know what your order is." Xiao Er is also a well-informed person, and at a casual glance, he can tell that Li Hao is the one who decides among this group of people.

"Bring us all the good food and dishes you have here, and serve them a little wine for several tables, so I don't need it here." Li Hao pointed to his knights and said.

As for Yanshun, he is also an acquired late stage master, so Li Bai let him sit at the same table.

These knights are bandits and bullies collected all the way from Hengyang City, and each of them has at least acquired cultivation.

Dozens of knights are veterans who have wandered around the rivers and lakes. They are all ruthless and murderous. They are gathered by Li Hao, which can be regarded as a powerful fighting force.

If the master doesn't come out, ordinary innate masters will never dare to confront them head-on.

"Thank you, Young Master." Dozens of knights squeezed in, and the restaurant was full instantly, and the restaurant that was a bit deserted suddenly became lively.

"Yan Shun, it's been a hard journey. Come, drink some wine to relieve fatigue." Li Hao didn't ask for wine from the restaurant, not because he didn't drink, but because he had better ones.

After going back to Yanlou to drink last time, Li Hao complained for many days.In the end, I got ruthless and bought a few hundred catties of yellow rice wine by myself. After distillation, I got three hundred catties of high-concentration distilled wine.

This wine is fragrant and mellow, but some are fierce and spicy.

But distilled wine is like this. After a few days of standing in the system space, the taste is completely different.

It's so delicious that Yanshun is addicted to it.

"Little brother, I'm at Qiao Feng. I don't know where your wine comes from. It's so fragrant." The smell of wine is not afraid of deep alleys, let alone in the same restaurant.

"Qiao Feng, your Excellency is the leader of the Beggar Clan known as South Murong and North Qiao Feng in the Jianghu, the hero Qiao Feng." Li Bai was shocked, it was too shocking.

The image in the TV series is far from this one.But that's right, no matter how an actor plays, he can't show the heroism in Qiao Feng's bones.

"My lord, Li Xunhuan, is also cheeky about the origin of the fine wine in this little brother's hands." That handsome, suave man, whose appearance makes Li Hao feel ashamed, is actually a Seven Scholars, father and son Among the three Tanhuas, Xiao Li Tanhua Li Xunhuan.

"I have admired the hero Qiao Feng for a long time, and the name of Xiao Li Tanhua Li Xunhuan is indeed well-deserved when I saw him today. Li Hao, this wine is brewed in my spare time. I think the two elder brothers are also good wine people. Why don't we go together?" Have a drink." Li Bai quickly stood up and cupped his hands.

These two are heroes, they must be friends with each other.

Otherwise, if he let them know what he did, Li Hao could find a place with good geomantic omens to be his back garden.

"That's very good, why don't we have a drink together." Qiao Feng was overjoyed. Heroes cherish heroes, and Li Xunhua's name resounded all over the world.As for Li Hao, the person who can brew such fine wine must also be a hero.

Ning Zhongze: Even this little pervert can be considered a heroic and righteous man.

"Then bother." Li Xun Huan did not refuse.

Since Li Hao's table had a female family member, Qiao Feng's wine table was messed up again, and finally the three of them sat at Li Xun Huan's wine table and began to chat over wine.

"Good wine, this wine is full-bodied and fragrant, with a tangy aroma and a long aftertaste. I, Qiao Feng, have traveled all over the world and tasted all kinds of fine wines. I didn't realize until today that I was like a frog at the bottom of a well. It's been a waste of life for so many years." Qiao Feng drank the wine in his glass in one gulp, and immediately sighed.

If Brother Li Hao insisted on using wine glasses instead of vegetable bowls, he would have lost face just now.

When Brother Li Hao proposed to use wine glasses just now, he thought he was reluctant to part with good wine. Thinking of this, Qiao Feng felt full of guilt.Unexpectedly, there will be a day when I will treat the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain.

"Indeed, if Brother Li's wine ranks second, there is probably no wine in the world that dares to rank first. Li Xunhuan has traveled all over the country, Fanbang, and overseas, and I have never tasted such a good wine. This wine is the best in the world. One trick." Li Xun Huan said shaking his head.

Rice wine, Fenjiu, Zhuangyuanhong, Miaojiang Wudu wine, and wines from the Western Regions are not as bad as 01:30.

"If the two big brothers like it, I will give you a car each by myself. Let go of the drink, and I will send it to the big brothers when there is no brother." After Li Hao drank a cup, he was already in a fog and couldn't distinguish things. north and south.

Li Hao's drinking capacity is good, one drink against the wall, but two drinks against the wall, I won't leave.When I am not drunk, I belong to the Jianghu, but when I am drunk, the whole Jianghu belongs to me.

"My little brother is called Li Hao. Recently, there is a new sentimental swordsman named Li Hao in the Jianghu. I don't know if it has something to do with my little brother." Li Xunhuan suddenly put down his wine glass and asked.

"Haha, I didn't expect that Li Hao's bandit name would spread to the south of the Yangtze River. I'm ashamed!" Li Hao was shocked when he heard that. His reputation as a sentimental swordsman is not very good. These two probably won't be ready to do justice for the heavens!

"Little brother, how can you underestimate yourself? There are rumors in the rivers and lakes that brothers are unparalleled in the world, with swordsmanship and hidden weapons. Name: Young Master of the Three Masters. Lightness kung fu, swordsmanship, and concealed weapons are the three masters." Li Xun Huan said, taking a sip of his wine.

However, from the admiration in his eyes, it is not difficult to see his appreciation for Li Hao.

"Brother Li's words are different, but Qiao Feng still thinks that the title of Young Master Li is more suitable for Brother Li." Qiao Feng also got a little angry.

When Li Xun Huan heard this, thinking that Li Bai was going out with three women, he couldn't help but nodded in agreement.

Li Hao originally thought that the two of them would do justice for the heavens, but he didn't expect that they would care about him killing the Songshan Seventh Taibao. Instead, he abolished Wanli Duxing Tian Boguang and gave him a lot of points.

Jianghu itself is a society where the jungle preys on the weak. If you are not as good as others, your death will be in vain.

But Jianghu people also have their own principles of dealing with things, that is, they don't give paws to ordinary people.

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