Time flies.

In the blink of an eye, twenty years have passed without realizing it.

Back then, after Chen Shu witnessed Gu Lingsi's death, in order to suit his current performance.

Chen Shu turned gray overnight.

And from that day on, Chen Shu has been living in a small bamboo house.

Chen Shu never goes out except to see patients.

The reason why Chen Shu did this was to give the villagers of Chenjia Village an illusion and arouse their sympathy.

Also, to continue to prevent, several awakened people from Chenjia Village came to the door again to avoid accidents.

But with the sympathy of the villagers of Chenjia Village, Chen Shu is now following the general trend, and those awakened people have never bothered him again.

It is absurd for an awakened person to live among ordinary people.

The gap between the two has long since smoothed out those bonds.

And the awakened ones will not serve mortals at all, but Chen Shu can.

The villagers of Chenjia Village are not fools either.

Due to the special situation of Chenjia Village, the villagers of Chenjia Village do not have much fear of the awakened ones.

As long as it concerns their own interests, mortals know how to choose.

of course.

It is also possible that Chen Shu is just a mortal who no longer has any use value, so he will no longer be taken seriously by the awakened ones.

But no matter what, Chen Shu spent twenty years quietly.

After twenty years, Chen Shu also understood.

He should die.

Today, even Chen Shu's body is still vigorous and vigorous, without any sense of decadence.

But today Chen Shu is still just a mortal, an ordinary person.

You can live a long life, but if you live longer, it will be more than enough.

Due to Chen Shu's extremely ugly appearance, the villagers in Chenjia Village did not know Chen Shu's age.

But many villagers in Chenjia Village already regard Chen Shu as an elderly man.

Just because Chen Shu knows medical skills and his medical skills are excellent.

Such an image can easily lead people to misunderstand Chen Shu's age.

But now, it doesn't matter anymore.

Naturally, Chen Shu would not die for no reason, and Chen Shu was also afraid that if he was buried after his death, his grave would be dug up that day.

Therefore, Chen Shu decided that if he did anything for the villagers of Chenjiacun, it would be regarded as an exchange of benefits.

Soon, the news that Chen Shu was going to teach medical skills spread throughout Chenjia Village.

The villagers in Chenjia Village can only describe Chen Shu's medical skills as amazing.

But now, Chen Shu wants to teach medical skills, and the villagers of Chenjia Village are naturally very cooperative.

Soon, the unawakened children in Chenjia Village were all sent to Chen Shu.

Although they all still have a chance to awaken once or twice, for ordinary people, if they don't succeed in awakening the first time, they probably won't succeed in the future either.

And learning a craft is still medical skill.

In a peaceful place like Chenjiacun, there is nothing better than being an awakened person.

He was able to gain the respect of the villagers, and from then on he became a respectable figure.

This naked temptation is there, and no one is a fool.

Chen Shu naturally understands the thoughts of the villagers in Chenjia Village.

But for Chen Shu, it doesn't hurt.

As many as you come, Chen Shu will teach you as much as you want.

As for how much you can learn, it all depends on your ability.

Winter comes and summer comes.

In the blink of an eye, another three years have passed.

And on this day, Chen Shu completely collapsed in front of his students.

"Teacher, teacher."

"Teacher, what's wrong with you?"


"Teacher, wake up."

But no matter how much the students yelled, it didn't help.

Since three years ago, Chen Shu has expressed a feeling that his time is running out.

Now, this fall is not unexpected, but no one wants to see it.

But no matter what, if Chen Shu is dead, he is dead.

Because of Chen Shu's contribution to the creation of Chenjiacun, Chen Shu was respected by the villagers of Chenjiacun.

Also, the most important point is that Chen Shu is to the villagers of Chenjiacun.


Under these conditions, Chen Shu was buried in glory.

Since then, another five years have passed.

In Chen Shu's grave, there is now a skeleton that Chen Shu dug up from another grave.

As for Chen Shu, he had already taken the elixir.

Now, Chen Shu himself doesn't know what he has become.

Without the body, now only the mind remains.

As for Chen Shu's current state, even the awakened ones can't find it.

This is really great for Chen Shu.

So, Chen Shu has been waiting at that house all these years.

Waiting, the mistress of that family is pregnant.

After these five years, Chen Shu also gradually understood.

It turned out that this family had actually given birth to seven daughters before this.

Obviously, the probability of this family having a son is really very low.

And those seven daughters have already gone to Central College.

Yes, this is the privilege of this family. The starting point is the end point of the struggle of all awakened people.

"Hey, how about we have another child? If we don't have another boy, my father will come back and beat me to death."

Chen Ling said to his wife who was sitting beside him.

"Okay, I'll take care of you."

Murong Wan'er hugged Chen Ling and replied softly, her words full of tenderness.

"You, you, why were you so stupid and insisted on jumping down in the first place? I gave you a choice and took care of all your worries."

Although Chen Ling's tone was a bit angry, he still hugged Murong Wan'er tightly.

The fertility of this awakened person is different from that of ordinary people, who conceive in ten months.

Instead, they all start with years.

The better the child's qualifications, the longer the pregnancy will take.

This is because the better the fetus is, the more nutrients it needs.

But the fetus is too fragile and cannot be given too much nutrition at once, so everything can only be done slowly, which is the so-called staying up time.


Chen Ling and Murong Wan'er have given birth to seven daughters, each of whom has been pregnant for no less than 50 years.

For ordinary women, being pregnant once is equivalent to experiencing life and death.

The same is true for the awakened ones.

If you are not careful, the child you are pregnant with is too good and cannot keep up with the nutrients it needs. At this time, the fetus will directly absorb the nutrients from the mother's body.

This could easily lead to the death of both.

Naturally, this method of pregnancy is only a unique method for awakened people. It is also because awakened people want their children to be better, which is why such a phenomenon occurs.

Just like ordinary people, it is not impossible for an awakened person to conceive and give birth to a child in ten months.

However, in contrast, there are many uncertainties for children born in this way.

For example, the quality of talent, quality of qualifications, etc.

Some people are born with a silver spoon in their mouths. This is the most appropriate way to describe the pregnancy of ordinary people and awakened people.

Only the awakened ones have the means to stimulate their children's talents and cultivate them in the womb in advance.

If ordinary people did this, they would all die.

This is the normal state of the world. Good people will only be better, and bad people will only deserve to work harder.

Of course, it is not without disadvantages for the awakened ones to do so.

The disadvantage is that the pregnant awakened person may not make any progress in strength, and may even fall off.

But such disadvantages, on the contrary, are a bit funny for the awakened ones who really dare to do it.

As for why the higher the cultivation level, the harder it is to get pregnant, that is what the novel says.

The law of nature is said to be.

"Reproduction is the instinct of living things."

Human beings are also a kind of living things, and if they are highly cultivated, they can choose whether to get pregnant or not.

Not that it was difficult to get pregnant.

When your cultivation level is high and your body is in good health, your sperm and eggs will be more active. If you really want to get pregnant, there is no way you won't be able to get pregnant.

It just depends on whether you want to or not.

"But, I am willing, because it is you, I am willing."

Murong Wan'er.He said very affectionately, his eyes still full of tenderness.

Chen Ling was very kind to Murong Wan'er.

Chen Ling understood that their family had to reproduce for the sake of inheritance.

The woman who marries in is equivalent to a breeding tool until she gives birth to a boy.

It's not that there is any discrimination against women.

However, the girl born will not be able to inherit the family's unique talent.

Unfortunately, only boys can inherit this talent.

If a girl happens to be able to inherit, she does not have to give birth to a boy, but for so long, no girl has ever inherited, not even once.

This is already common sense to this family.

And Chen Ling, when he married Murong Wan'er, settled all her worries for her and then let her make a choice.

But in the end, Murong Wan'er still chose him.

And after entering the house, Chen Ling did not regard Murong Wan'er as a breeding tool. He was just urged to do anything, so he couldn't do anything.

But every time, she would ask for Murong Wan'er's information.

After all, it was Murong Wan'er who suffered.

But how could Murong Wan'er reject Chen Ling's love, not to mention that the child she gave birth to was their child, the fruit of their love.

It doesn't matter how many children you have.

It’s just that I can’t practice with my big belly.It's just a bit boring.

"You, you, you are so stupid."

"I am willing."

Just like that, the two of them kissed each other, and at first they could only understand the unspeakable things.

And life was quietly born at this moment.

Chen Shu also directly seized the opportunity.

Successful reincarnation.

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