This is the villain, what else is written

Chapter 67 "Love Cycle" exploded, the plan is stable

Chen Shu woke up after sleeping until the afternoon.

At this time, Rose handed Chen Shu a glass of water, which surprised Chen Shu.

"It's rare that you can do this."

Chen Shu praised Rose without hesitation. She was born as a killer, but she is not very good at dealing with the world.

At the very least, Chen Shu didn't think Rose would do such a sensible move.

"Ah, A Biao taught it."

Hearing what Rose said, Chen Shu was not surprised.

"You can believe what he says."

"He said that if you do this, you will live longer."

Chen Shu smiled lightly, this A Biao.

After casually having some afternoon tea, Chen Shu decided to go out for a while.

According to the normal development of the plot, at this time Chen Baishui should also take action against Liangjie Tangwu.

Chen Shu didn't want to stop Chen Baishui, but planned to help Chen Baishui, adding another fire to the fire.

The original plot is that Xia Chuanjieyi admires Chen Baishui's feelings for Cang Kongjing.

So when Chen Baishui took out the right of ownership, he didn't embarrass Chen Baishui too much. On the contrary, he admired Chen Baishui's personality very much.

Chen Shu didn't want such an ending to happen again. Liangjie Tangwu wanted to give Chen Baishui, but Xia Chuanjieyi had to make enemies with Chen Baishui.

"A Biao, go to Liangjie soup house."

"Okay, sir."

After a while, Chen Shu came to the Liangjie soup house.

Entering Liangjie soup house, Chen Shu randomly found a place to sit down, watched the time and waited.

Later, Chen Baishui's confidant Kojiro will come to the Liangjie soup house to understand the situation.

In the original plot, all of Kojiro's actions were safe and sound, but Chen Shu didn't like such a bland cutscene.

Sure enough, at 06:30, Kojiro Takumi appeared.

"A Biao, did that person see it, use the pink secret I asked you to prepare, and use it for him."

Chen Shu pointed to Kojiro and said to A Biao.

Without any nonsense, A Biao directly took a bottle of wine, poured a little on his clothes, and then rinsed his mouth with it in his mouth. Then he pretended to be drunk, and walked towards Xiaojiro.

When he was approaching Kojiro Takumi, A Biao threw himself on Kojiro Takumi.

And at this moment, a puff of powder was thrown out by A Biao, and inadvertently sucked in by Kojiro.


Kojiro pushed A Biao away fiercely, then lifted A Biao's sleeve, and cursed viciously.

Kojiro still wanted to do something to A Biao, but when he touched A Biao's wet clothes, he immediately let go of it in disgust, and then walked directly upstairs.

Seeing that A Biao succeeded, Chen Shu took Rose and left the Liangjie soup house.

As for A Biao, he still needs to shoot some interesting videos.

"Can you drive?"

Chen Shu sat back in the car and asked Rose.


As a killer Rose, being able to drive is the most basic, just like being able to kill people.

Rose was very curious. Could it be that my young master didn't even understand this, and would ask such a stupid question.

"If you know how to drive, why don't you drive in the front and sit in the back? Let me drive."

Rose quickly sat in the driver's seat.

"If you don't have any eyesight, you can still be a killer like this, with a 100% success rate. It's like a bad guy. The people you kill don't have very smart brains."

Chen Shu couldn't help complaining, in fact, Chen Shu had to teach everything by himself, Chen Shu was very annoying.

Rose dared not speak out.

"Go, go back, what are you doing in the driver's seat, and you don't ask where you are going, and you don't drive, where are you sitting in a daze, and where the scenery is good."

Rose didn't dare to speak, so she hurriedly started the car and drove back.

Chen Shu would be like this because he just woke up in the afternoon. Chen Shu received an email from Jing Chu. This time it was not a video, but a sentence.

"Mr. Chen, please be patient with girls in the future, not everyone is as smart as you, heh heh."

Jing Chu also showed a little angry expression.

It turned out that during the last trip, Jing Chu and Chen Shu were going camping, Jing Chu didn't even light a fire for a long time, and Chen Shu's tent was set up.

Seeing that Jing Chu's success was more than failure, Chen Shu said, "I can't do anything well, I'm so stupid."

At that time, Jing Chu didn't say anything, but just obediently watched from the sidelines.

Who knew that this girl held a grudge so much, she didn't dare to say it at the beginning, but now... she said it.

Back to the residence.

"If you don't understand, learn more from A Biao. I don't like raising stupid people around me."

Chen Shu woke Rose up, and went to the living room to sit and read a book.

On Abiao's side, the pink secret that Kojiro had kept in mind happened.

A Biao was already on the other side of the surveillance, watching the video where Kojiro was eating cake.

The packaging of this cake is not perfect, there are no bright red strawberries, and even the cream is very scarce.

It was a flop cake and no idea whose fault it was.

But in the cake, for some reason, there are black mulberries, which are dark, without the beauty of the cake at all.

A Biao watched boredly, but fortunately Kojiro ate the cake very quickly.

Kojiro's pink secret cannot be so bad, the short time only shows that Kojiro's body is not good enough.

Seeing Kojiro like this, A Biao knew that he must seldom go to the gym to exercise, and he must be staying at home to exercise.

The space at home is limited, and some exercises are not up to standard at all, so the amount of exercise that can be done will naturally be less.

"Add the clock."

A Biao told the person in charge that the people behind this Liangjie soup house are the Yamaguchi-gumi, but the staff are all arranged by Chen.

Not seeing the cake eating scene he wanted, A Biao had no choice but to let people continue to deliver cakes.

Finally, after another three hours, Kojiro couldn't eat the cake at all.

A Biao finally got the short video he was most satisfied with, so he just needs to go back and edit it.

After A Biao finished everything, he went back to report to Chen Shu.

"Master, I've collected everything, and I can edit it tomorrow."

"Understood, it's not urgent, the tail is clean yet."

"Master, after cleaning up, they are all our own people."

"Old rules, you know."

Hearing Chen Shu's words, Ah Biao thought of his nineteen brothers, who still didn't understand his young master's words.

"Understood, young master."

At this moment, A Biao suddenly felt depressed. Fortunately, not many people knew this time, only three.

In fact, the people who have worked in the soup house, no matter how good they are, the higher the position, the worse they are, and it is a trivial matter to force a good person into prostitution.

A Biao still couldn't see through it, but to Chen Shu, it was purely for keeping secrets.

Everyone really wants to get to the bottom of it, then everyone is a villain.

The next day, Zhongsen Mingcai invited Chen Shu over, hoping that Chen Shu could give some guidance during the recording.

But when Chen Shu went, he was watching the whole process and didn't need any guidance at all.

Regarding this, Chen Shu also understood that this was Nakamori Mingcai's careful thought.

"Chen Shenjun, thank you for your song, I really love this song."

After Nakamori Mingcai finished recording, she said to Chen Shu with an excited face.

Nakamori Mingcai also knew to pay attention to the occasion, so at this time, he directly called Chen Shu by the stage name given to him by his fans.

"God Chen, what, you are God Chen???"

Assistant Mingcai Nakamori looked at Chen Shu in disbelief.

As Nakamori Mingcai's assistant, she naturally knew Chen Shen, but she had never seen a real person, and she was not interested in looking at the photos.

Just now, when Chen Shen came, Zhongsen Mingcai's assistant was also impressed by Chen Shen's appearance and temperament. Who knew that this was the Chen Shen that Zhongsen Mingcai talked about every day.

"Go, God Chen."

Zhongsen Mingcai hurriedly dragged Chen Shu away, Zhongsen Mingcai understood his assistant's character too well.

"Hey, hey, Miss Nakamori, what are you doing?"

Nakamori Mingcai ignored his assistant's words, and ran back to his office with Chen Shu directly.

As soon as he entered the office, Nakamori Mingcai kissed Chen Shu's lips.

After just tasting it for a while, the two separated, and we must pay attention to the occasion when doing things.

The next day, "Love Cycle" was launched on all major platforms in Japan.

With the influence of Nakamori Mingcai, he immediately got the support of fans.

Nakamori Mingcai's song is very playful, very cute, and the key point is very sweet.

All of a sudden, all the nerds went crazy when they heard this song, and they all wanted to have a relationship right away.

Especially the appearance of Nakamori Mingcai, which I still feel sorry for. Singing this kind of song is an explosive enjoyment for the senses of otaku.

It's like, the goddess of your dreams, suddenly one day doing a pole dance in front of you.

It's you, can you not get excited?

Nakamori Mingcai took advantage of this wave of enthusiasm, listened to Chen Shu's words, and persuaded the otaku to fall in love more.

Don't stare at an anime character all day long, just YY all day long.

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