Team villains except me

Chapter 224 Revenge and Dreams

"Norvia, if you are sleepy, go to sleep first. I will wait here for him to wake up."

Joshua said this softly to the half-mermaid, and the cut piece of blue velvet cloth in his hand had turned into a coin purse.

The night was dark and the manor was very quiet.

Norvia was already over her sleepiness. She shook her head and watched quietly as Joshua sewed pearls on the handbag.

Joshua is a very good tailor. The movements of his hands were neat and precise, as dexterous as a fish swimming quickly in the water.

Joshua suddenly raised his eyes and saw the white-haired half-mermaid's absent-minded expression.

"Norvia, what are you thinking about?"

Norvia came to her senses. Although she is not sleepy now, her reaction is still half a beat slower than usual.

"...I'm thinking about Kalan's future."

Joshua stopped what he was doing.

He sighed sadly.

"That's why I don't want to be a healer in the future - his future is too clear to me."

Norvia looked at Joshua in confusion.

"Do healers also have precognitive abilities?"

Joshua: "."

Joshua: “I don’t know if other therapists have it, but I probably don’t.”

"It's just that I have saved many people, those with broken arms, those who lost their wings, those who were seriously injured and on the verge of death... When I treated them, I knew that some of them would not survive."

"No matter how hard I try to get them back to the way they were, they will run to the other side of life firmly."

"There are miracles in this world, but there are only a few gods. They cannot save all tragedies. So someone will always be left behind."

"I hope Kalan is favored by the gods. But - being ignored by the gods is the norm."

Joshua's last words were so soft that the bouncing sound of blooming flowers could almost cover Joshua's words.

But Norvia heard it.

Her blue eyes were filled with water, and no one knew what she was thinking at this moment.

"Joshua, all the water magicians who died in Chachas deserve a miracle."

It's just... the gods don't necessarily think so.

Joshua muttered.

"How stingy."

Both he and Norvia knew who these words were addressed to.


The night had faded a lot when Kalan came out of his dream.

Dawn is coming.

The first person to notice Kalan's movement was Joshua. His eyes were green and black, and he was holding the finished pearl handbag in his arms.

When the rustling sound came, Joshua frowned and looked around, and saw Kalan holding the quilt.

Joshua called Norvia.

Norvia fell into a light sleep in the quiet night. Her long white hair was tangled and spread around her body, giving her a sense of security.

When she was woken up by Joshua, her consciousness was still a little blurry. She looked at Kalan dimly and saw only a sad black shadow.

Norvia rubbed her eyes and saw clearly Kalan's biting lips and the tears that wet the gauze.

A great sadness enveloped him.

He looked like he was trying to endure it. He bit his lower lip to block all the sobs, but the smell of blood spread and mixed with his tears.

He clutched the corners of the quilt as if that would allow him to breathe out normally - he looked as if he was suffocating.

Joshua couldn't see Kalan abusing him like this, so he stepped forward and grabbed Kalan's wrist.

"Don't do that."

Only the green eye of Kalan could see. Now it was wrapped in gauze, and his world was filled with darkness.

He didn't know who Joshua was, and the power of an adult male only brought him panic.

He struggled subconsciously.

"Kalan, don't be afraid, this is Joshua De, he is the healer who will treat your injuries."

Norvia whispered, smoothing the wrinkles on the quilt.

"Kalan, you are a free man now, Chachas will no longer hunt you.

Caritan has left the theater to you, and Valerio Smith, the director of Albersig, is your guardian for the time being. "

Norvia paused.

"Your eyes—do you want to keep those green eyes?"


Kalan raised his head slightly, his voice hoarse and firm.

"But that eye is completely destroyed. If you want to keep it, you will go blind! If you agree to remove that eye, I can give you a new eye in a short time -

This is the best I can do as a healer. "

Joshua became excited, and he tried to change Kalan's decision, and even felt a little sad in the end.

He could do no more, although he was already excellent as a healer.


Kalan loosened his clenched fists and thanked the unknown healer calmly, taking the rejection into consideration.

Joshua opened his mouth, but no more words of dissuasion came out.

Predicting it and actually happening are two different things.

Joshua closed his eyes and sighed imperceptibly.

"Okay. Then keep it."


While Joshua was performing a full body check on Kalan, Norvia left the guest room.

She thought of the message Mr. Valerio had sent her yesterday.

Through the communicator, Valerio's voice was somewhat distorted.

"...Christine died of magic exhaustion."

"Chachas is extremely dry this year. The old lord of Chachas is still alive. He feels that the water magician should not be used so gently. He tried to kidnap Christine."

"The current Lord Chachas once opposed his father's actions, but the situation in Chachas this year is severe, and Christine is indeed a genius water magician. The current Lord Chachas, like his father, has no bottom line in life. .”

"He wanted to copy Christine."

"Kristine is aware of this, and she is trying to find other lords to overthrow the rule of Lord Chachas. Obviously, no one will do this business with her that is extremely risky and has no benefits."

"So she chose death."

"A decent death."

——Caritan Christine is a genius magician.

She not only arranged a way out for Kalan, but also prepared revenge for Chachas for herself.

She will not be reduced to an undignified experiment in an underground research institute.

She would not be exploited and humiliated as Chachas' property after her death.

She placed a magical retroactive device on herself. After her death, all the water magic she gave to Chachas will be absorbed back into her body.

That would gather an unbearable water magic group.

Her body will be decomposed by these magics, and then float with the water vapor to her favorite place during her lifetime.

Chachas will gain nothing.

This is also the reason why Kalan was not intercepted by Chachas's people on the way - Chachas's people were shocked by the huge explosion caused by the corpse of the genius magician, and what followed was a scorching drought. .

They will no longer have the energy to hunt down a useless chess piece.

Caritan is responsible for almost the entire water supply of Chachas. Now that the water sources have been recycled, the lords of Chachas are struggling to find new water sources.

"It was enough trouble to teach you little devils, and now here comes Kalan - it's really not a cost-effective business."

After Valerio finished speaking, he complained, the weariness in his tone clearly visible.

Norvia: "Mr. Valerio——"

"Raphael not found!"

Valerio became wary when he heard the half-mermaid's tone and interrupted what she was about to say in advance.

Norvia smiled, her eyebrows slightly arched.

"I want to say - Teacher Valerio, thank you for your hard work."

Valerio was stunned for a moment.

He snorted unconvincingly.

"It's just business. And I happen to be a reputable businessman."


It's almost dawn.

The stars gradually become transparent in the blue and white sky, like brittle candy slowly melting when soaked in water.

Norvia walked to the living room and happened to see Yusili coming down the stairs wearing a cloak.

The tired look on this Tyrannosaurus lady was so obvious that Norvia didn't need to guess that she had also been up all night.

"That Kalan has woken up?"

Yusri asked, glancing towards the guest room where Joshua and Kalan were.

Norvia reacted for a while, then followed Yusili's eyes and looked towards the familiar guest room.

"...Yes, Joshua is examining Kallan."

Yusili nodded, she was silent, as if she was weighing something.

After a while, Yousili made her choice, and her tone was particularly firm.

"I want hot cocoa."

Norvia: ...?


Ten minutes later, Norvia sat face to face with Yusili holding a cup of hot cocoa made by the pastry chef.

The heat is rising and the sky is getting brighter.

The birds became noisy and chirped, taking away all the dullness of last night.

It should be a sunny day today.

"Norvia, is Joshua in a good mood?"

Yusri put down the hot cocoa, and finally couldn't help but ask the half-mermaid opposite.

Norvia nodded.

"He's a little disappointed, but okay."

"Joshua is really not suitable to be a therapist..."

Yusri murmured.

"But he was a really good healer."

Norvia looked seriously at Yusri's narrow eyes.

"He will also become a very good tailor."

Yusili was startled for a moment, but then smiled faintly.

"I know. Norvia, no one knows better than me."

Yousli picked up the embossed silver cup containing hot cocoa and felt the temperature of her knuckles touching the wall of the cup.

"Joshua became a healer because of me. He wanted to be a tailor because of me.

Before I inherited the title, I always wanted to be a top epee swordsman. Injury is a normal thing for swordsmen, but for young Joshua, this is incomprehensible.

He was so young that he didn't understand why I had to be injured in order to make progress, he didn't understand why every time I came back fully clothed in the morning, I would be scratched and ripped.

He wanted to do something for me. He awakened the gift of a healer and used it to heal me.

In fact, I have the power to hire a healer or a light magician.

Although I had not inherited the title at that time, I was responsible for all matters of the estate when my parents were not at home. If I want to heal, I certainly don’t need Joshua to become a healer.

Pain wakes me up, makes me angry, and allows me to do better next time.

But Joshua wouldn't allow that. "

Yusili looked nostalgic.

"Joshua is a very stubborn child. Whatever he promises, he will definitely do it. He took my tattered clothes and swore that he would sew them up, and he would mend all my clothes in the future.

I said he would be a great tailor in the future.

——That was just teasing.

How could the heir of a noble family know how to sew and become a tailor?

But Joshua is serious. He said that he will definitely become a super-powerful tailor in the future. "

"I don't think being a tailor is inferior to being a healer. As long as he doesn't inherit the title, he can do anything. But few people can always stick to what they love. Joshua can always work hard to become a great tailor. I Proud of him.

I think Joshua is not suitable to be a healer because he cannot save all the patients.

But he will make a promise.

‘Will I live?’ ‘You have to save me’ ‘I don’t want to die’… These words that needed to be comforted became shackles that bound Joshua.

He made a promise, but he couldn't do it.

Can't blame him. No matter how powerful the healer is, he can't bring people back to life - that's what evil wizards can do. "

Yusili moved her eyes to the closed guest room door.

"If I could go back in time, I would never want to be an epee again."

Nolvia heard the half of what Yusri didn't say.

——If she doesn’t want to become a heavy swordsman, then Joshua may not awaken magic and become a healer, and he may not necessarily want to become a tailor.

"...Having said that, before it is certain that I will inherit the Toku family, even if I give up becoming a heavy swordsman, I will still try other professions that will bring me glory and admiration."

Yusri touched the somewhat rough cloak.

“In that case, what would Joshua want to be now?

In fact, whatever it is, it will be relevant to me.

He is my brother and his dreams are for me. So accordingly, I will be responsible for his life. Joshua just needs to be happy doing the things he likes, sadness and trouble are not suitable for him.

Norvia, what I want to say is, no matter whether Kalan wants to die or live, he can only live. "

"Miss Yusili."

Norvia frowned and put down the hot cocoa in her hand calmly.

"Although I also hope that Kalan can live a good life, if he decides to accompany his sister, I will not stop him."

"Kalan is also being well protected. Just like Joshua."


The silent confrontation stretched for a long time.

It was Joshua who broke up the confrontation.

He opened the door to the guest room and stuck his head out.

"Norvia, I'm done with treatment - Hey Yusri, why did you get up so early? Oh, by the way! I remember you said you wanted to see the thornless roses bloom. But they just bloomed last night, and you went to bed too early. "


"I didn't sleep at all."

Joshua motioned to Yusri to look at the dark circles under his eyes.

"What a coincidence, I didn't sleep either. Is there any hot cocoa? I want some too!"

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