Team villains except me

Chapter 226 The Adopted Son and the Thornless Rose

"Yusili, I want to adopt Kalan."

Yusili, who had changed into a dress and was preparing to attend the luncheon, heard her dear brother Joshua say such unbelievable words.

"...Joshua, how much younger is he than you? Did he agree to be your adopted son?"

Joshua was stunned.

"Why the adopted son? I didn't want to be his father. If I must be his father, it should be the elder brother? Kalan should be about the same age as Simon..."

Yusri understood.

"You mean to let your parents adopt Kalan? They stopped recently and you started again. Is there really any blood in the family that likes to adopt children?"

Joshua scratched his head and awkwardly held the velvet coin purse in his hand.

"I just want to help him. Sister, this is the first time I have seen a man-made miracle."

Yusili was shocked by the sudden appearance of "sister". When Joshua grew up, he rarely called his sister in front of her.

Yousli raised her eyebrows, suppressed the irritability of being up all night, and asked Joshua patiently.

"What man-made miracle?"

"Caritan is the genius water magician and Kalan's sister. She gave Kalan light... and gave Kalan eyes that could see the world clearly. That is something that a healer cannot do. That is Only a god can do it.”

Yusili guessed it.

"Is it the rain?"

Joshua nodded.

Yusili was silent for a while, then reached out and took away the blue velvet coin purse from Joshua's arms.

"You can adopt him. Have you asked his opinion?"

Joshua's eyes lit up.

"I'll ask now!"

Joshua ran to the guest room, and Yusili also stood up to check on the situation.

Before opening the door to the guest room, Joshua suddenly turned around, raised his head to face Yusili, and gave a pure smile.

"Yusri, I will protect you. Like Caritan."

Yusili was nailed to the spot by these words. She watched Joshua knock on the door without realizing it and push open the door of the guest room. It seemed that he just said something casually - but Yusili knew that it was a promise. .

And Joshua kept his promise.

Yusili pinched the chain of her coin purse and stared at Joshua's back.

An unfamiliar aroma drifted faintly into Deshi Manor. Yusili suddenly remembered that the thornless roses she had planted had already bloomed.

She inexplicably thought of a morning many years ago, also at Deshi Manor. At that time, there were not many children in the manor, and Joshua was still a very clingy child. She was dressed up and ready to go to study. Joshua hurried out with a sandwich in his mouth and an old knee pad that had been mended and was so ugly that he couldn't bear to look at it.

One of her favorite knee pads.

"Sister, I will definitely become the best tailor in the future!"

Noticing her pause, young Joshua swore like this. The wound on his face scratched by the rose had just scabbed over, looking funny and pitiful.

Yousili was so angry that she wanted to cut down all the roses planted in the manor, but was stopped by Joshua.

"The rose did nothing wrong! It was born with thorns! I was scratched because I didn't look at the road well. It's not the rose's fault. Sister, don't cut them."

In the end, Yusili did not cut down the roses. She allocated part of her pocket money to find a wood magician who liked to cultivate new varieties of plants.

"I want a rose without thorns."

she said so.


After Joshua made his promise, she silently made a decision in her heart. She decided that in order not to worry Joshua, she would be less injured.

So later on, even her teacher looked at her with surprise, wondering why she had such an explosive personality but was steady and conservative when wielding the epee.

And now, Joshua promises to protect her.

Yusili walked slowly towards the guest room and made another decision.

——She wants to make more money and have more trump cards. She wasn't going to let Kallan and Caritan's predicament fall on her and Joshua. Absolutely not. She wouldn't give Joshua the chance to sacrifice himself to protect her.

So where can we expand our industry recently...

She needed to visit Carone.


Norvia just used the communicator to send a message to Hute who was in Carone.

[Norvia: One week. 】

She knew that Hute would most likely not reply, but she would definitely look at it.

In a week's time, if Huet had not returned, she would have gone to Carone. This was her notice to Hueter, the same one he had sent her before.

There is no room for negotiation.

Nolvia puffed up her face and just put down the communicator when Joshua knocked on the door and walked in. He ran straight towards Kalan, who was lying on the bed with a pale face and a daze in his eyes, his eyes bright.

"Kalan, I want to adopt you!"


Kalan also reacted for a while, and he asked Joshua in confusion.

"...What are you talking about?"

Joshua: "If you want to apply for Albersig, the deadline for applying for the scholarship program has passed. As a free man who has just left the territory, you can't study magic until at least next year, so you need a noble status! "

Kalan was silent, and Joshua became more enthusiastic when he saw this, promoting what kind of help a person from the De family would get.

Norvia did not participate. She saw Yusili standing aside with an expression that she couldn't bear to look at.

Norvia smiled softly, turned on the communicator again, and sent a message to Teacher Valerio.

[Norvia: It’s probably not a bad deal, Mr. Valerio. 】

[Valerio: What kind of good deal? 】

[Valerio: Kallan is dead? 】

Norvia paused.

[Norvia: No. 】

Norvia calmly closed the communicator and did not reply to any messages from Valerio.

And here Joshua is looking forward to Kalan's reply.

The skinny boy's eyes were one blue and one green, as pale as a faded ghost.

Kalan hesitated for a long time, and finally shook his head.

"I'm sorry, I still...want to be named Christine."

"Becoming a member of the De family does not require you to abandon your original surname."

Yusri walked up to Kalan.

Her tone was a little stiff, but she could still hear some comfort.

"My surname remains. My name is Youslie de Talanchuo now."


Fianna's Tallan House.

Nolvia heard the familiar place name, and she looked at Yusili blankly.

"Is it—Philippe's Talan House?"

Yusili nodded unexpectedly.

"Do you know this place? Philippe was a closed country, and Talanchuo was historically the place where Philip was executed.

Philippe had no need of weaklings. My biological parents lost some limbs in the war, so they were abandoned by Philip. They sent me out of Philippi before they died. I don’t remember their last names, but I remember that I was born in Talanchuo. "

Joshua remembered something.

"Yusili, Norvia has a teammate who is the Duke of Philip."

Yusili was slightly surprised.

Norvia nodded.

"Yes. Miss Yusili, my teammate Fiana Jeanrot is the Duke of Philippe. Talan is located in Fiana's territory, and it is now a very prosperous and warm city."

Yusili reconfirmed in disbelief.

"Is it really Philip's Talan house?"

The place in her memory was filled with violence and darkness, shrouded in despair.

Norvia's eyebrows slightly arched.

"Fiana is a wonderful lord."

Yusili would go out of her way to avoid news about Philip. She could not bring her parents back to life, nor could she uproot Philip's deep-rooted tradition of preying on the weak. She could not subvert a country.

So she would ignore Philippe, her hometown.

She vaguely remembered that the lord of Talanchuo at the time was Duke Secret Jean-Louis, a crazy man who had been raised in Philip's court since he was a child and was loyal to the king.

Could the descendant of such a man be an excellent lord?

"It takes a lot of help to rectify Talanchuo. Your teammate must have a good family and can fully support her."

Yusili sighed with emotion, but saw Norvia suppressing her smile slightly.

Joshua also remembered some widely circulated news. He hesitated to speak, not knowing how to mention the Iron-Blooded Duke who had killed all his clan members to survive.

"...No family."

Norvia's blue eyes were clear, and the sunlight jumped in and brushed her white hair.

"Only her."

Only Fianna.

In a time she didn't understand, Fiana worked hard to live, and tried hard to let everyone in her territory live well.

Yusili noticed it.

She pondered for a long time, curling her fingers around the chain of her coin purse.

"I'd like to meet her if possible."

"...the great lord."

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