Team villains except me

Chapter 229 I’m not familiar with you outside the academy

His Highness the Grand Prince, who was far away in Carone, knew nothing about what happened to Remiyaz. He set out at night and entered Carone at dawn the next day.

Today was the third day that he and Andre checked in at the hotel in the center of Carone.

He looked at the "week" sent by Norvia in the morning on the communicator and pursed his lips in distress.

A week didn't seem to solve Carone's problem.

"Hugh...Andre!! Come out quickly! There are twirling dancers on the street, let's go and see them!"

Andre knocked on his door. The red-haired prince locked the communicator and opened the door expressionlessly.

"Andre, you're noisy."

Andre wore a robe with retro patterns and his eyebrows became serious.

"Please call me Xizhu outside, 'An, De, Lie'."

Hutte raised his eyebrows slightly.

"I just used your name when I checked in. Are you still angry?"

Andre couldn't maintain the serious expression on his face, and he stared at Hute resentfully.

"Then tell me beforehand! I almost didn't react. I wanted to say that since you used my name, I will also use your name. I even said the word 'Hugh' out loud! It's okay. I said something witty about Xizhao!"

"Do you have to complain every day?"

"Obviously Ellit can complain more than me!"

"Indeed. But Ellit is my teammate."

"... Hute, we blew up the shrine together."

"No. I don't know you."

"You...I want to see the twirling dance!"


Hueter put on the mask, and after making sure it wouldn't fall off, he and Andre left the hotel and walked into the bustling crowd.

Carone is the playground of the nobles. It is prosperous and chaotic, and the four forces are intertwined and clinging to each other.

Sects and nobles were at odds with each other, and wealthy merchants were at odds with bandits.

But upon closer inspection it is not that simple at all.

There are good people in the sect who want to protect the common people, there are also those who accept bribes from wealthy businessmen and only protect their interests first, and there are also clergy who have close ties with the nobles and cooperate with bandits.

The nobles in Carone are roughly divided into two types: one belongs to Remiyaz country, and the other comes from other countries.

The nobles belonging to the Kingdom of Remiyaz are divided into two types: those who obey the instructions of the king and the actual person in charge, Prince Wools, and maintain the order of Carone, and those who always want to seize the ownership of Carone. to the lords of other regions in their own hands.

Carone's unique gangster culture is even more complicated.

This group was originally gathered by common people to resist the nobles, but later became chaotic and dispersed because of the lack of clear rules, and gradually turned into Carone's fourth force, which is inextricably linked to other forces.

They hide in the dark, sometimes killing civilians for the nobles, and sometimes speaking out for the civilians and assassinating nobles. They also seem to be divided internally, each working on their own.

The four parties maintained a delicate balance on the surface, but Carone ushered in a huge turning point.

Carone initially developed because of its mineral resources, and many foreign nobles stayed because of Carone's resources.

Now, with very few minerals left, Carone will not have the same appeal it once did. Without the restrictions of government decrees, those foreign nobles could easily leave.

In this way, the balance is broken, the flow of money is slow, and Carone will gradually become impoverished. The local nobles of Remiaz foresaw such a future. They were dissatisfied with the loss of property and proposed to reform Carone.

What has the lowest cost and the highest benefit?


So the nobles came up with an idea.

They want to completely turn Carone into a playground for the nobles. Here, everything the nobles do can be forgiven - as long as they can hand over enough gold coins. Human life can be played with, and behaviors that are restricted in other areas can be realized in Carone.

The proposals of these dirty nobles were resisted by wealthy businessmen, and there were constant quarrels within the sect. The supporters of the Remiyaz royal family, who are now the managers of Carone, have not received accurate orders from their superiors, so they have always maintained a neutral attitude.

The robbers did nothing for the time being...but only for the time being.

Hutte watched silently the exchange of secret signals from time to time in the crowd, feeling that the robbers would soon make their own statement.

And his mission...

King Libidu asked him to scare those greedy "rebellious nobles".

Libido was not opposed to Carone's reforms. He was just afraid that the royal family's control over Carone would be reduced, and that the property handed over to the royal family would be shared by other forces.

"You understand, right? Hute, those worms in Carone, the hypocritical people in the sect, the arrogant bandits, and the restless civilians... these all need to be solved. I believe you can do it. Hute, The Royal Family will always remember your contribution."

He never spoke. He didn't even know if the king who asked him to kill was his father. He just nodded to show he understood.

"Hugh...little Andre, look! That dancer looks a bit familiar!"

Hute frowned and looked in the direction Andre was pointing, but he only saw a man wearing a brown wide-sleeved tight-fitting shirt, colorful plaid pants, a dark green feather hat, and a luminous crystal necklace hanging around his neck. , a spinning top wearing slippers.

A very thrilling combination.

Hueter tried to see clearly what the top looked like while it was spinning at high speed.

Hueter saw it.

Hutte was silent.

——It's more than a little familiar.

That's...Jerry Wan.

A loyal partner of their team in the recent cooperative competition.

Why is Jerry Wan here?

People burst into warm applause. It turned out that Jerry Wan had already finished dancing.

Hutte stared at him closely.


Jerry Wan, the colorful top, calmly accepted the applause of the audience and left the performance venue confidently. With just a casual glance, he saw a face that seemed familiar.

Jerry Wan mused.

This seems to be... Albersig's light magician. What's the name of his team?

Ah...the Spear of Athus?

But it doesn't matter, it has nothing to do with him.

Jerry Wan was humming Carone's ballad and pulling on his slippers to go home, when he was suddenly pulled to the corner by a hand.

"I'm telling you, I'm a noble. Please don't hurt me. My family has money and can afford the ransom!"

Jerry Wan closed his eyes and shouted while accusing strength in his hands. He planned to crush the blind kidnapper into pieces with earth.

"Jerry Van, I'm not a robber."

Jerry heard this voice somewhat familiar. He opened his eyes and saw a masked face.

Jerry Wan squinted his eyes and carefully looked at this person who gave him a familiar sense of oppression. After thinking for a long time, he suddenly realized.

"Difusta, are you on vacation too? Why are you scaring me when you have nothing to do!"

Hute wearing a mask:?

Andre laughed at the side.

"He is... He is... Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, you are so interesting! Is the Difusta you are talking about the Difusta from the Mehndi Academy who is dedicated to researching love potions with different effects? Although she also has red hair, how can you put...


Classmate, you don’t even know the person who ‘sent you home to the team’? "

Jerry Wan was confused for a moment.

"Send You Home Team"..."Red Hair"...

The two words were combined, and Jerry Wan's eyes widened.


Andre covered Jerry Wan's mouth quickly with quick eyes and hands.

"That's right, it's little Andre. You know him, right? My name is Xi Zhuo, and I am the vice-captain of the 'Spear of Ares'."

Jerry Wan nodded obediently.

He got it. They were playing some kind of disguise game.

Jerry Wan looked around, a little confused.

"Where's my sister Nuo?"

Hute's body stiffened for a moment, and he said "She's not here" in a cold voice.

Jerry Van is relieved. He was a bit psychologically shadowed by Norvia. Since Norvia is not here, he is not in any danger...

Jerry Wan coughed artificially. He held his head high and his attitude was haughty.

"We are classmates in Absolute, but after leaving the academy, we still need to know each other's identities. I am the heir of a noble family! Our family owns a quarter of Carone! You have to call me..."

Feeling the teasing eyes of the light magician who called himself "Xizhu", Jerry Wan stopped.

He was slightly uneasy.

Are these two people of higher status than him?

The captain of the "Send You Home Team" is named Hute...what is that? What's his last name?

It seems like thunder or something...

What are some surnames with the word thunder, Remiyaz?


etc! Remiyaz? !

Jerry Wan Yiji.

He remembered. His senses, which had been stupefied by his spinning dance, finally came back.

...The captain of the "Send You Home Team" is the country's eldest prince.

Jerry Wan looked sad and forced an ugly smile.

"No matter inside or outside the hospital, we are all classmates, we are all classmates..."

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