Team villains except me

Chapter 238 Princess Mermaid

"Miss Lilai, do you know the criminal who appeared on the reward order today?"

"No...why do you ask?"

"Because Miss Lilai, you have been watching for a long time."

"It's beautiful, isn't it?"

"To me, Miss Lilai, you are the most beautiful mermaid in the world. What color is your tail, is it green? If so, I want to see it. I have always heard about mermaids when I was a child. According to the legend, the green-tailed mermaid will bring good luck and wealth!"

Ruspa became more and more excited as he talked, and cold air came out of his hands unconsciously.

Norvia interrupted his thoughts.

"Sorry, Mr. Rusper, my tail should be white."

Rusper didn't notice the word "should." His attention was on the "white tail."

He was disappointed.

"White is a scary color, Miss Lilai, your eyes are so pretty - how come you have such an ugly tail? This shouldn't be the case. It's really disappointing."

Ruspa's attitude suddenly became cold. Norvia didn't say anything. She just used the communicator to tell Hute the general development of the matter when Ruspa strode forward, and told Hute not to wait for her in the hotel.

She should be at Ruspa's estate tonight...


She smelled a very faint scent of the ocean on this Ruspa. It has a friendly taste, but it also conveys unspeakable panic and fear.

From the beginning, Ruspa knew that she had the blood of a mermaid - the look in his eyes seemed to be looking at his belongings.


Norvia looked at Ruspa's back.

She admitted that Ruspa was an okay water magician. This "goodness" lay in Ruspa's disregard for life. His magic attacks had no buffer and had only one purpose, which was to kill.

He is very skilled.

And this proficiency made him arrogant.

He had clearly discovered that she came to Carone with Spider Girl, but he still regarded her as a weak mermaid.

A mermaid with no ability to protect herself.

Who gave him the illusion?

She has never seen any other mermaids except her mother. Sniffin in Kelade Sanatorium is also a mixture of mermaid and siren.

Norvia touched the shell necklace on her chest and thought of her mother.

Her mother is a pure-blood mermaid, but she has never seen her mother's fish tail.

And she couldn't transform. The teacher of Atavism said that she did not consider herself to be an Atavist - she only regarded herself as a human in her heart. She chose to become a human, so she lost the ability to transform.

What about mother?

Did the mother want to become a human and not recognize her identity as a mermaid, so she never grew her tail and lived in a small town away from the sea?

Norvia had no answer.

She and her mother in this world only got along for ten short years.

"Miss Lilai, what do you think of the rebels?"

Ruspa suddenly turned around. He wanted to look at Norvia condescendingly, but it looked particularly funny due to the height restriction.

Norvia did not hide her smile.

But Ruspa didn't understand what she was laughing at.

"Are you mocking the 'Rebels'?"

Norvia shook her head after laughing enough.

"Mr. Rusper, if I thought the 'rebels' were all clowns, I wouldn't go with you, would I?"

Ruspa couldn't say anything anymore, so he snorted coldly.

"You better not be. 'Rebels' are not easy to mess with."

"That's it."

Norvia glanced at the street, which was getting a little hot from now on.

There are unknown trees planted on both sides of the street. These trees seem to contain fire magic, making the temperature here continue to rise.

"Mr. Ruspa, why is it so hot here?"

Ruspa didn't stop.

"There are Foluku trees planted here. As long as the leaves leave the trunk, a fire will ignite."

Norvia was thoughtful.

Such an environment is unbearable for mermaids. Even though she is a half-mermaid, she hates the hot environment.

It seems Ruspa does possess the merfolk.

He made special arrangements for his manor to target mermaids... This shows that mermaids have escaped and succeeded. That's why he was so angry that he even planted trees that could light up the flames on the streets outside the manor.

Norvia thought idly, would Ruspa be furious when he learned that she couldn't transform?

No, he won't have that much time.

Ruspa approached a dilapidated manor. The door of the manor was sealed with a thick iron lock. As soon as Ruspa got close to the iron lock, it opened automatically.

"Only I can open this iron lock, Miss Lilai. If you want to go to the manor, please come and get my permission first."

Ruspa's words became more and more rude. He stared at the white-haired and blue-eyed mermaid as if he was looking at his own collection.

Norvia nodded casually. She originally thought there would be many accomplices in this manor - but this manor was too quiet.

Did Ruspa also know that he was doing something shameful?

"Barrow! You are becoming more and more useless now! You can't even hear me bring the distinguished guests back?"

Ruspa shouted. The moment he finished speaking, the door of the house in the manor was pushed open, and an old man with white hair walked out tremblingly.

He knelt on the ground devoutly and called "Master" in a rough voice.

Ruspa snorted coldly, and then changed his face when facing Norvia.

"Miss Lilai, please come in. Here, you will get everything you want."

Norvia pretended not to know anything and stepped into the house - she smelled a strong smell of blood.

And the saltiness of the ocean.

Mixed together, Ruspa's true face is revealed.

Norvia's expression did not change.

"Mr. Ruspa, where is my room?"

Rusper smiled sinisterly.

"Don't worry yet... lovely Lilai, I have something to ask you. You can't hide it, otherwise I will punish you."

Norvia responded indifferently.


Ruspa was stunned for a moment. He felt that the mermaid in front of him was a little too... too obedient. Why is this mermaid so slow?

He couldn't enjoy the crushing despair and panic at all.

He was a little unhappy.

As he led Norvia towards his studio, he kept a tight expression on his face, trying to use this attitude to make the fishermen suspicious.

But Norvia just looked at the oil paintings on the wall, silent like a mute.

Ruspa's studio was at the end of the corridor. He opened the door and stepped aside to let Norvia go in first.

Norvia could smell the fresh blood before stepping into this room. really. The first thing she saw was the bloody knives and forks on the fir wood table, as well as various gleaming instruments.

Ruspa sat slowly on the luxurious leather chair. He could no longer pretend to be gentle.

"Lilai, what do you think of the adults in Carone? Do you know that someone saw you living with the prisoner on today's reward order... Lilai, your situation is very dangerous."

Norvia's eyes were red.

"then what should we do?"

"Lilai, my lovely Lilai, you know, mermaids are a very precious race, you need shelter, you need someone to be your guardian. Lilai, become my mermaid, I will solve all problems for you ——”

"Is it because you are a rebel?"

Ruspa blinked and smiled broadly.

"Of course. Miss Lilai, do you believe in the power of the rebels?"

Norvia stared at Ruspa, and in Ruspa's eager eyes she said what he wanted to hear.

"Yes, I believe."


The surprise on Ruspa's face was not fake, he slapped the table excitedly.

"Lilai, you belong to me! You belong to me! Lilai, you are so obedient, and we are so in tune!"

He looked at the mermaid's beautiful face with fascination.

"Lilai, your appearance is the will of the gods. You will raise Lulu with me... and we will establish a new mermaid tribe!"

Norvia's expression moved slightly.


Rusper pressed a button on his work table.

"Yes, Lulu...she's not perfect, but she's cute. You'll like her."

The walls vibrate.

Norvia felt a weak heartbeat - coming from behind the wall.

The wall cracked in the middle, hiding behind it were dozens of huge water tanks.

There is a little mermaid imprisoned in the largest tank. It was a silver mermaid, her face was pale, and her eyes - those blue eyes, were forced open by the eyelid opener, and the bloodshot eyes almost covered the clear blue.

Half of her silver fish tail was cut off, and blood was still leaking out, dyeing the water tank a light red color.

She couldn't move. She was secured in the tank. She was fixed with sharp iron spikes and electrical devices.

She is weak. She is dying.

She couldn't move her eyes, but she felt the presence of the same kind.

She whined at the top of her lungs.

Nolvia is not proficient in the language of mermaids, and she has never encountered any of her kind before.

But at this moment, Norvia understood what the mermaid said.

This mermaid was warning her to get out of here - this human was a demon.

Ruspa sounded proud.

"Lilai, isn't she special? I didn't remove her bones or eat her flesh and blood. She is a silver mermaid. The silver mermaid represents glory."

"Don't be jealous of her, Lilai, you will serve me together in the future."

"Lilai...cough cough cough..."

Ruspa suddenly felt cold pain. He clenched his hands, but the water magic was not under his control.

Three solid ice picks appeared in Rusper's heart, throat, and ears.

He looked at the weak mermaid in disbelief.


"Is he just a water magician of this level? He didn't even detect any abnormality, and he still dared to direct and perform such a poor performance of a hero saving a beauty. Ruspa, as a lackey of the nobles, your performance needs to be improved."

" rebels..."

Norvia looked at him disdainfully.

"'Rebels' is the name given by nobles to civilian rebels. Those rebels you think of, they all call themselves 'Morning Stars'."

Ruspa's eyes suddenly widened.


Norvia turned towards the direction he was looking.

The thick ice pick stabbed Norvia out of sight——

Then evaporated into harmless vapor under Ruspa's pleased gaze.

Norvia looked back calmly.

"Is this such a low-level sneak attack? You haven't been to a magic academy."

"Originally I didn't want to kill you. I wanted to play with you for two more days. But you are useless. I can't find out the movements of the nobles from you, nor can I contact the rebels. You don't know any news. You just A rotten person who uses the power of the aristocracy to plan disgusting ideas."


Ice picks pierced Ruspa's body continuously.

After Ruspa closed his eyes completely, his body rose up and released a line of black energy like smoke.

Norvia tried to keep this ability - but the cold aura on it was beyond her control.

Strange, yet somewhat familiar.

——It’s the evil god.

She said why Ruspa's water magic was abnormal. Ruspa could only use water magic, he did not possess magic.

That's why he couldn't feel the gathering of magic elements at all, so he was killed by her so easily.

Moreover - Ruspa's thinking is illogical, he seems to be following some kind of instructions. Norvia deliberately exposed many flaws, and she did not act like a weak and bullied mermaid. But Ruspa ignored all the irrationality and lived in his own world like a puppet.

Norvia did not chase the power from the evil god. She rescued the little silver mermaid.

The mermaid has a very strong ability to recover. This mermaid is so weak because of the continuous electric shock and the incomplete fish tail.

Norvia used water magic to drag the silver mermaid out of the tank.

The mermaid weakly made an animal-like sound, and Norvia probably understood what she meant.

The silver mermaid said, "Thank you, messenger of the gods, I am a princess."

Norvia: "Do you need me to find a healer for you? Or whichever sea area you live in, I will send you back."

The princess mermaid continued to moan.

She's saying, "I don't understand what you're saying."

Norvia did not expect that there was a language barrier between them.

The princess mermaid is also aware of this problem.

She was a little frustrated.

"If I could, I would take the bones of my compatriots back to the sea."

Norvia nodded.

"Okay, where?"

The princess mermaid guessed what she meant. She rolled up the fish's tail, straightened her arms to get in position, and then started slurping.

"In this direction."

Norvia carried Ruspa's body, wrapped the mermaid princess in water magic, and opened the door to the room.

There is something unusual about the fluctuations in the air.

The princess mermaid shouted eagerly.

"There's a garbage manservant at the door! He can become invisible! Danger!"

"Messenger of God! I want revenge. I can feel his position. Please give me water magic!"

Norvia nodded.

The princess mermaid rushed in one direction, and Norvia wrapped her in water magic.

The princess mermaid opened her mouth, then bit into the air——

Screams sounded.

The white-haired old man Barrow from before appeared, and the princess mermaid bit his arm.

It can't kill anyone with such a bite.

When Norvia thought this, the princess mermaid’s hand dug into Barrow’s heart, and then as Barrow screamed, the princess mermaid’s nails swelled.

"I curse you with the honor of the Silvik family. Your heart will be entangled by the mermaids you killed - you will have no afterlife, your soul will be torn apart and eaten by the mermaids who died in a foreign land, and you will be in hell forever. Atonement."

The soft light blew the silver hair of the princess mermaid, and Barrow's heart floated in the air, gradually disappearing piece by piece. Barrow's roar became more and more shrill, as if he was really being eaten.

When the heart completely disappeared, Barrow's body also turned into a handful of ashes and fell to the ground.

Nolvia shed tears when she saw the mermaid princess.

The tear did not turn into a pearl, but floated directly outside the manor.

"Messenger of the gods, my tears can set those bones free. Their souls move to a new world. They will have a new life."

Norvia pointed to Ruspa's body.

"Why curse Barrow and not him?"

After several gestures and sporadic mermaid language, the princess mermaid finally understood what she meant.

"...Because this person has no soul."

Norvia's eyes dimmed.

She quickly left Ruspa's manor after the mermaid princess collected the bones of all the dead mermaids.

Ruspa's body was used to open the iron lock on the gate of the manor, but Norvia took Ruspa's body all the way to the street where the Foluku trees were planted.

Norvia stood in the distance, the water magic in her hand working rapidly.

Rather than "sending the birds home with water vapor," Norvia is better at "cutting off leaves with sharp water vapor at the same time."

The moment the leaves fell, flames suddenly surged up and covered the entire street.

The princess mermaid clapped her hands and kept slurping around Nolvia. Her eyes were very bright.

"You are not a messenger of the gods. You are the mermaid god, aren't you?"

Norvia shook her head. Her expression was very pale.

"...No. You have to understand that God is tolerant, but I will retaliate."

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