Team villains except me

Chapter 246 "Duke Jean-Louis"

After Fiana dealt with the follow-up issues in the territory, she got on the magic circle heading to Carone.

Oqifu guarded the Rose Mansion, and she handed over some affairs to Bu Dan to manage. Bu Dan performed well in this war. She felt that Bu Dan was a talented child. If she no longer wants to be a lord one day, she thinks it would be a good idea to hand over the territory to Buma.

Bu Dan's most important relative now is Buma. If Buma becomes the lord, Bu Dan will stay in the territory well.

But that’s just a thought. Fiana wore black and red gloves and looked noble and cool.

She would never hand over the territory in her hands before the king died before her eyes. She would personally step on the king's back and hang his head on the bell tower of the palace.

Fiana's rose-colored eyes were filled with hatred.

But she thought about seeing her teammates soon - her anger was suppressed and disappeared without a trace.

After she killed the magician, she opened the communicator, and the messages were received. She watched them one by one, clearly knowing the movements of her teammates during this period.

Irene would send her pictures of dinner every day, and Norvia and Spider-Bitch were having a good meal. From time to time, Irene would send over government orders that she thought were well written, and then ask, "Teacher Fiana, have I made any progress?"

Fianna replied "yes" to every one.

The timing of Spider-Bi's messages was very random, and most of them were accusations against His Highness the Prince - and complaints about his boring life.

"Fiana, if you don't come out, don't come out again."

"Fiana, if you can't do it, don't force yourself."

This type of information is often given before dinner.

"I can go to your territory and help you."

"Fiana, I agree to play the Monopoly card game with you."

This type of information comes after dinner.

Fianna guessed that a certain forest witch's mood was related to her food intake - but she specifically printed out the message that Spider-Girl promised her to play the Monopoly card game.

The messages sent by Ellite were full of his photos, so many that her communicator was stuck for a while.

Fianna doesn't understand the aesthetics of succubi. She felt that except for the succubus's face, the clothes he wore were neither practical nor beautiful.

But there are a few pictures that are really impeccably beautiful. Fiana printed it out and hung it at the door of the succubus' room in the Rose Mansion.

Ever since the message stating that he was going to Carone and that he didn't have to worry about him, Huter had only been worried about Dooku and the situation in the Abyss——

Fianna's little puppet hadn't heard much from Dooku. Her territory is closed, far from the abyss.

She couldn't restrain her anger just listening to Hute's story, and when she completely lifted the blockade of the territory and was about to leave in the magic circle, her little puppet spoke.

It was Dooku's voice.

Dull and confused, with some hope and grievance.

Fiana's eyes turned red.

She rarely goes berserk after receiving special training. But she felt really angry.

She couldn't help but want to smash the abyss into pieces - as for the so-called "grandfather", Fiana wanted to punch him into the mud of the abyss.

She knew Dooku had sleeping problems.

She knew Dooku wouldn't be able to sleep in the abyss.

Fiana closed her eyes, letting her eyes return to rose color again.

She would see them soon.

She would soon sense them.

Fiana looked at the message Norvia sent her.

[Norvia: Fiana, what happened? Do you want to talk? 】

Half-mermaids are always keen, and false reasons will not convince half-mermaids.

[Fiana: I just want to see you earlier. 】

She did think so.

Norvia dropped the subject and showed her the jewelry she bought at the Carone market.

Fianna felt that Norvia probably knew that she didn't tell the real reason--but that was the case with Norvia.

Gentle and strong, it makes people want to trust and rely on.

Fianna did feel that the gods were unfair and she felt that she had been fooled. But Shen Mingming allowed her to meet Norvia again, allowing her to find a new direction in life when she was most confused.

It's just that what she can't let go of is "could have had" more than what she has lost.

Becoming a lord was not her dream. Whatever she does she does well, so she is an excellent lord now.

But she has sacrificed so much to become a responsible lord that she feels trapped. She doesn't regret the efforts she put in, but she just feels unwilling.

Her life should have had many possibilities, and she should have had the power to decide her own future. Maybe she can become a less awkward child who doesn't need to be taught by Norvia, or who knows how to love and respect others, who doesn't need to be with Hute and others, who is full of love and is cherished by her parents.

She learned very early not to dwell on the regrets of the past. Life is a one-way street and it is impossible to turn back. So she never complained.

But why does it have to be her?

She spent many years telling herself that even if she was not expected by her parents, she would still have someone who loved her, just like the mother-in-law in the nursing home.

She kept losing, and she thought it was just because she wasn't lucky enough. But in fact, all the twists and turns of her fate are being manipulated.

Be it a king or a god.

Fianna touched the stuffed rabbit necklace around her neck, remembering her uncontrollable questioning when she killed the magician who was loyal to the king.

She gave the magician a choice. As long as the magician remained loyal to her and abandoned the king, she was willing to give him a way to survive.

But the magician would rather die than betray the king.

Fiana knew that he was for the common people. She knew that he took in many old people. This magician was not a bad person. But he was so stubborn that he regarded the king as some kind of unshakable belief in him——

Just like her father.

Fiana pressed her tense fist against the magician's temple, trying to wake him up.

"The king is cruel. He is not a good choice. He is not worthy of you dying for him. Why are you so stubborn and so... stupid!"

The magician smiled faintly.

"Duke Jean-Louis, I don't hate you. I think you are a kind lord. If it weren't for a different stance, I would really like to be in your territory.

But it was His Majesty the King who saved me. No matter why he wanted to save me, I am alive today only because of His Majesty the King's help. I can't betray him.

Duke Jean Luo, I don't want to be loyal to you, nor do I want to fight you endlessly. There is only one thing. There are some sick and old people in the manor under my name. I know I have no position to say this - but please don't kill them, and don't let them live in His Majesty the King's territory.

The illness is not their fault. They still want to live. "

The magician raised his head, his eyes pleading.

He was very clever and the people in his territory loved him. Fiana played with him frequently and felt that he was a respectable opponent.

She wants to kill him, but she doesn't really want to kill him.

The magician knew that she would not leave those old people homeless, so he suddenly sighed, his expression calm and calm.

"Jean would be great if you saved me."

After he said this, he didn't give Fiana a chance to take action, and used magic to let himself leave this world that he was still attached to.

Fianna won the war, but hated the king even more.

When she was almost swallowed by the flames of hatred, she lowered her head and touched the soft down of the rabbit necklace.

She thought of Norvia.

She thought of Irene who was still an immature lord, of the squeamish succubus who was on a business trip in the eastern continent and everyone's treasure Yalinxiu, of Dooku who returned to the abyss, and of the feeling that she was going to do something bad. The spider looked back, thinking of the worried prince who ran to Carone alone.

… She still has a lot to do.

Facing the magician's body, she took off her gloves and walked back to Rose Mansion.


"I want to go back to Rose Mansion."

Ellit drank the honey water sadly. He returned to the hotel last night with five portions of specialties. Various fabrics, local specialties, fruit candies, and weird toys squeezed his sleep time.

He spent half the night asking questions to a supposedly "all-knowing crystal ball," and finally had to stop torturing the crystal ball when he saw that the crystal ball had cracked a small crack.

He got up very early again today.

He heard from Norvia that today and tomorrow there will be a flower-themed jewelry market for an hour or two in the morning near the Carone Trade Center.

Philippe's rose won the war, how could it not be without some gifts?

And Dooku had suffered so much in the abyss, so he should buy him something fun to distract him. After Erin went to chat with the unknown orc, he saw many small gifts in the night market that he should have bought.

But Hute and the others went to the market with him, and he wanted to give them a surprise.

So he forced himself to sleep and found the flower-themed market, only to see his teammates arriving here one after another.

Norvia and Hutte also carried six breakfasts. Because Yalinxiu was still asleep in the hotel. Eventually it became a group activity again. He bit into the glutinous rice yogurt cake sprinkled with sugar and asked Huette why he didn't drizzle more honey on him.

Hutte ignored him and snatched the agate rose brooch that he also wanted to buy.

He's going to hate Hutte! ! !

However, when Hashem, the captain of the "Article 23 School Rules Team", speculated whether Hugh Te, as the Grand Prince of Remiyaz, would collude with the nobles, he couldn't help but take off his ring and let him know Hashem went to the wall himself.

Jack Lowe met his gaze, picked up Gemma Wright, the astrologer, and Bond Vivorn, the pterosaur, and left without looking back.

He finally bought Fiana a pink rose bracelet that could be worn together with the pink hammer on her hand.

After this market ended, he secretly ran to other markets to buy all the gifts, had lunch with Hute and the others, and in the afternoon discussed with Eileen how to force... and negotiate with the nobles amicably.

Then it's now.

He yawned and waited for Fiana's magic circle to arrive in Carone.

"You can go back after Carone's matter is over. that time, it's time to go to the southern continent to find Teacher Orb and Mr. Hector."

Norvia replied calmly. She supported Irene, who was shaking due to sleepiness, and signaled Hute to support Dooku, who was about to fall down with his eyes closed.

Erin sobered up a bit.

" it really okay for her to leave her territory so quickly? Will nothing happen?"

"If her subordinates are all useless, then she is too bad at being a lord."

Spider Girl's dark eyes were open, and in her hand was the list of research institutes that Norvia had obtained from "Morning Star". She has demolished a lot, but there are still some hidden deep that have not been unearthed.

At this moment, the magic circle stopped rotating.

The pink-haired Duke walked out of the magic circle majestically.

Erin pounced.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Fiana, I miss you so much——"

The weather is gloomy.

Fiana held the petite gray wolf in her arms and accepted the care of her teammates calmly.

She felt that the sun was just right and there were no clouds in the sky.


Fiana updated the existing news while having dinner. After learning that Andre was missing, found and lost his memory, she finally understood why Barry Ban left early without saying a word.

She has studied the issue of Carone in the territory. As the lord of Philippe, she knows very well how Carone operates.

She would follow Hueter to gather information.

But now there is something more important than these - she is holding six pieces of local specialties, with too much jewelry to wear.

So she decided after dinner that she was going to go to the market by herself... and then she was going to go back to the hotel and play Monopoly.

Spider Girl promised her.

Fiana's eyes accurately caught an agate bead string. The color of this bead string is bold, and the green silk thread looks like a vine.

Very suitable for spiders.

"I want this."

"Please pack this for me."

Two voices sounded at the same time, and Fiana turned her head to see a woman with raised eyes.

Her intuition told her that this woman was very strong. She had been with Barry Ban for a while, and she knew some of the swordsman's habits.

This woman is a swordsman. Even a stronger swordsman than Barry Ban.

"I will pay for your loss. Please give me this bead. This is the gift I picked out for my brother."

The tall woman said this, and Fiana looked at her coldly.

"I'm not short of money. Under the same conditions, I can pay you double the compensation."

The tall woman paused for a moment. Just before she was about to explode, she took a closer look at Fiana's appearance.

She froze for a moment.

"Are you Fianna Jeanreau, Duke of Philippe?"

Fiana secretly nodded warily.

The woman opposite laughed.

"I am Yusili De, and my brother is Joshua. I heard Norvia mentioned you."

Yusri looked at her gently.

"I didn't expect to see you here. Is Norvia here too?"

Fianna nodded.

She probably knew that Norvia spent some time in the Deshi Manor for Kallan Christine, and she also knew that there was Yusili De.

"It seems that we have won the victory, Duke Jean-Louis."

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