Team villains except me

Chapter 254 I can’t kill Hisfa

Spider Girl took the black cat back to the hotel, but Norvia hadn't come back yet.

Eileen and Ellit used the communication device in silence. Tomorrow, they would take the small nobles in Carone to protest against the three major nobles in the central area.

Other areas within Carone are controlled by the nobles of Lulitya and Mehdi, and the "School Rules 23" team is responsible for handing over to them.

On the sect side there are Huan Shu and Lacey, and they decided to let Bishop Hisfa go see the gods tomorrow afternoon. Once Sisfa is dead, Hut and Andre will burn the sect's stronghold to the ground.

Huan Shu has transferred all the good people in the sect away.

He said that he would advise the sect when it was all over not to set up a chapter in Carone, because the patron saint of Carone disliked them very much - so those bishops all died inexplicably, and even Archbishop Sifa could not escape this fate.

Fianna and Yusili have already arranged the Chamber of Commerce. The Thom family's cash flow will be the first to break tomorrow. The Kulenk family has spare funds, but they cannot sustain it for long.

Yusili stayed in the central area of ​​​​Carone to ensure that these wealthy businessmen were not instigated to rebel. Fiana will leave tonight. She will first close some of the magic circles, and then wait until Hisfa comes to Carone and completely close all the magic circles that can lead to Carone.

Irene and Ellit's task is to lead the small nobles to put pressure on the three major nobles so that they cannot start Carone's reform plan. They couldn't get the reform plan to be abolished directly, they could only delay... until Hisfa was killed.

Erin rubbed her eyes. She has been busy these days and is even more tired than being a lord. Fortunately, there is Ellit. Although the succubus doesn't like this kind of work, it does it smoothly.

Whether Carone's reform plan can be abolished depends mainly on the three major families.

The Naxi family is loyal to the royal family of Remiyaz and will remain neutral until the king or the Prince of Wools expresses their opposition.

The Kurunke family is the strongest, and the Thom family has close ties with the sect. Archbishop Hisfa was invited by the Thom family.

Carone's freedom requires the disappearance of the three major families.

Erin hasn't figured out how to free Carone yet, but she's tired now.

Seeing the Spider-Girl return, Irene cheered up a little.

"Spider, you are back! What do you want to eat tonight?"

"Didn't you already book a restaurant?"

Spider Girl put down the black cat and sat next to Fiana.

"The restaurant Erin wanted to go to was not open. Maybe the owner of the restaurant knew what was going to happen tomorrow and wisely prepared to hide in advance."

Fiana answered her question, and what was displayed on the communicator was a textbook on magic circle.

Spider Girl looked at it for a few times and felt sleepy. She looked at Dooku and asked him where Norvia was.

Norvia and Dooku are in charge of the rebels. Dooku is at the hotel, but Norvia hasn't returned yet.

It's late enough now.

Dooku didn't know either. He shook his head silently.

The eldest prince, who dyed his hair red again, glanced at Spider Girl, and saw that the black cat brought back by the witch was surrounding him.

"Norvia said she would be back soon."


Norvia has been reducing the power of "Heiga" and "Morning Star".

There were only a few people left in "Heiga", and the middle-aged man who originally invited her to be a double undercover walked up to her with the same expression as before.

"I know it was you. Lilai, you finally chose 'Morning Star'. You are not as smart as I thought. I feel sorry for you.

Even if all the nobles in this world die, Carone will still be the same as before. Carone is just a ball of mud. It is impossible to turn mud into a solid house. "

Norvia looked at him calmly.

"I didn't choose 'Daystar.'"

The middle-aged man tapped his cane and shook his head helplessly.

"I am too arrogant. I think you are a smart person, and you can understand the pros and cons. I think you can understand the meaning of the existence of 'Heiga'.

I shouldn't have invited you into 'Heiga', you are our scourge. But even if you are not invited to join, you will still help 'Venus' attack 'Heiga'. "

The middle-aged man murmured.

"You shouldn't have come to Carone. Everything was fine and developing smoothly. Your appearance ruined everything. You ruined Carone."

Norvia smiled.

"Did I ruin Carone? Or did I ruin your life, which was much better than the civilians in Carone?"

The middle-aged man didn't listen to her words. He looked at Norvia and made some determination.

"You should atone for your stupidity, Miss Lilai."

He tossed a coin and waved it in front of Norvia's eyes.


She seemed to understand.

This middle-aged man is a hypnotist.

"This level of hypnosis is nothing to a pure-blood succubus teammate."

Norvia wrapped the coins in steam.

"It's such a shame you won't get to see Carone's freedom."

The middle-aged man fell down in response.

There was a coin stuck in his throat.

"Heiga" is now annihilated.

The remaining people were given to her by this middle-aged man, and Dooku's puppetry forced them to be loyal to her.

Norvia went to the "Morning Star" stronghold again. When Roita saw her coming, although her expression was a little sluggish, she still managed to cheer up and say hello to her.

"Miss Riley, you came just as we were talking about you. They were too suspicious and said that you were the culprit that caused the "Day Star" to be severely damaged. I had a big quarrel with them. Don't worry-"

"it's me."

Nolvia's blue eyes were clear and she recognized it simply.

Roita: "That's not funny, Miss Riley."

"I'm not kidding, Royta."

Royta closed her eyes. He felt ridiculous, but he still couldn't believe it.

"Miss Riley, why are you doing this? Do you think 'Morning Star' is not as good as 'Heiga'?"

"There is no more 'Hega'."

"This is what you did too? Why? Since you don't like 'Heiga', why did you destroy 'Morning Star'?"

Norvia did not answer his question directly.

"Roita, I scored very high on the college exams. I'm good at finding the source of problems.

I found the reason for the appearance of 'Heiga'. 'Heiga' was originally established to curb the 'Morning Star' who were only classified as bandits at that time.

Most of the "Morning Stars" are ordinary people, which determines that they cannot take revenge on the nobles protected by magicians and swordsmen. So they took action against the minor nobles and murdered many people who were no different from commoners but only had noble titles.

The founder of 'Heiga' was a small nobleman. Her parents fought for the rights of civilians and offended the Thom family, so they were executed when she was young. She and her sister depended on each other. Because of their parents, they were hated by the Thom family and their lives were even more difficult than those of ordinary people.

But her sister was admitted to the Mehndi College, and their future was about to become brighter. The day before her sister left home, she was so happy that she went to a pub and got drunk after her sister fell asleep. Unfortunately, at the same time, the people of 'Morning Star' assassinated her sister. "

Nolvia looked calmly at Royta who didn't dare to raise his head.

"Although 'Heiga' became a tool of the nobility after the death of its founder, 'Morning Star' is not a completely righteous organization."

"This is all in the past! 'Morning Star' is no longer like this..."


Norvia shook her head.

"Three months ago, the Disen family died tragically, leaving only a baby. There are only two people in the Disen family. They are a couple. They saved money from the lumber business to buy their aristocratic status, because they gave them The infant school chosen by the child is exclusively for the nobility."

"Is it justice? Royta, 'Morning Star' is not salvation. It is just a tool like 'Heiga'."

Royta was speechless.

He was silent for a long time, and explained dryly that Daystar attracted many people, and many people would vent their anger in the name of Daystar... In the end, he felt that he was quibbling.

Norvia did not expand on this topic any further. She began to tell Royta about the origin and development history of the Thom family, as well as the current decentralization of power.

Royta didn't understand what Norvia was talking about, so he asked Norvia in confusion.

"Do you want us to focus on causing trouble for the Thom family?"

Norvia paused.

"It's not 'us', it's 'you'."

"Roita, the gardener of the Wan family is not your biological father. Your biological father is the current leader of the Thom family. According to the family rules of the Thom family, you are qualified to compete to become the next generation heir.

"Carone needs you. 'Morning Star' doesn't need to exist anymore."


Norvia returned to the hotel only after "Morning Star" was forcibly disbanded.

She destroyed the Morning Star roster. "Morning Star" is a one-way connection, and subordinates do not know each other's identities. Therefore, Royta did not know the "Morning Star" member who assassinated the Dessens and his wife, nor did he approve this member's actions.

She used the "fire" lent to her by Hute to destroy all the strongholds of "Morning Star", and this intricate organization became history.

For the rest of the time, Norvia only had to deal with the "storm".

Norvia pushed open the door of the hotel, and "Fire" ran straight towards the red-haired prince.

Norvia was startled, then laughed.

"There is no need to hide your identity anymore, Captain."


All members of the "Send You Home Team" appeared in Uncle White's shop again.

Most of the nearby restaurants were closed, except for Uncle White's, which remained firmly open.

Norvia saw the "Article 23" team in the store. They had just finished their dinner.

On the way to check out, Hashem politely said "Be safe" to Hueter. He learned about the general plan of the "Send You Home Team" from Gemma Wright, and he also had some doubts about his unfounded speculations. Awkward.

But their goals are the same. They should be considered allies now.

Hueter also replied, "Be safe." Norvia asked Jack Lowe about the area they were going to patrol and learned that Gemma Wright was left in the central area because she did not have combat capabilities.

Gemma Wright is a stargazer. Unlike a mature astrologer, Gemma cannot accurately predict the future now, nor can she determine the state of things and explore the essence of things like Valerio.

Gemma could only see, at most, what might happen in three hours.

Gemma is just a stargazer. Her physical fitness is not good, and she can only protect herself at most. So she was left in the center zone by her teammates, comfortingly called backup.

When Gemma left, she pursed her lips and refused to speak angrily.

Norvia wishes them all the best.

Today, the customers in Uncle White's shop are still aristocrats from various colleges.

Unlike the previous bustle, there was no wine on any of the tables. The atmosphere was serious, and the nobles were talking in low voices. It could be seen that they were a little nervous, but more of they were eager to try.

Norvia poured a glass of apple juice for Spider Girl and asked her if she had encountered anything interesting today—after all, she was the one who asked Spider Girl to appease people.

There are also some voluntary organizations among civilians. Their rash actions would ruin their plans, and Nolvia had originally intended for Spider Girl to tell them to be patient for a while longer.

Spider Girl drank apple juice and spoke briefly.

"I locked them all up."

Norvia: Not surprised at all, even accustomed to it.


Nolvia accepted Spider-Bi's approach and packed some cheese sandwiches for Fiana.

Fiana will leave the central area tonight, and she is worried that Fiana will not have time to buy breakfast tomorrow.

Irene was biting her spoon and was about to fall asleep, Ellit was chatting with Yalinxiu, Fiana had been reviewing the knowledge about magic circles, and Dooku was eating his dinner seriously.

Hute frowned and looked at the communicator.

Norvia asked Hutte.

"What happened?"

Hueter put away the communicator and kept his voice low.

"Sosa...the third prince of Remiaz, he will come to Carone the day after tomorrow."

Norvia knew Sousa.

The third prince is the heir to the Remiyaz royal family. He has a huge power behind him and is more prestigious than the king.

There were rumors that Prince Sousa was of tainted blood, as Prince Sousa was particularly admired by Prince Wools.

Nolvia looked at Irene who had her eyes closed, and her voice was also low.

"Is the royal family going to express its attitude towards Carone's reforms?"

Hutte nodded slightly, but his expression was calm.

"It doesn't matter. The royal family's attitude is not important. Sousa cannot decide Carone's future."

As soon as Hute finished speaking, Irene fell into Fiana's arms. Yalinxiu covered her mouth and signaled Ellit to stop making any sound.

Dinner was already eaten, and Dooku waited obediently to return to the hotel.


This is the night before Carone's day of light.

The summer night is quiet.

The restlessness was concealed under the peaceful wind, and countless people could not sleep peacefully.

But soon, a voice broke the silence.

Norvia heard a familiar roar after sending Fiana off.

It seems to be Lacey.

"——What are you doing!"


Lacey is devastated now.

Because she received a communication from Huan Shu.

Huan Shu said that he could not participate in Shisfa's assassination because his father Huan Ge did not allow him to do it.

Lacey, who learned of the sudden change in plans: "Huan Shui... what are you doing!"

"He only said that I couldn't kill Sisfa, but he didn't say that Sisfa couldn't die."

Huan is well organized and clear.

"Laidong-san, I will support you mentally."

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