Team villains except me

Chapter 274 Carone’s Final Chapter

Heavy rain in Carone today.

The heirs of the Kulunk family were fighting each other last night. The clansmen who did not want to be involved in this war got in touch with Otcest early, and left Carone as soon as the family leader died.

When the sky is getting brighter, everything has settled.

The sect disappeared, the three major families fell, and the rebel army was dispersed.

After Sosa Remiyaz, the third prince of Remiyaz, renounces his ownership of Carone, Carone will become a public domain.

All the people of Carone will become free people.

Norvia was awakened by the patter of rain. The first thing she does when she wakes up every day recently is to check the communicator to get the latest progress of Carone.

It's the same today.

Teacher Valerio sent her a list of all the properties owned by the Smith family in the middle of the night, and Otcest sent her a message in the early morning that the Kulenk family had disappeared.

The latest message is from Teacher Erbu.

Orb asked her what kind of room she wanted to live in. He and Hector would decorate the room before they went to the southern continent.

Norvia got up after replying one by one.

The rain is getting heavier.

She walked down the stairs and saw His Highness the Prince who had already bought breakfast.

Norvia took a steaming sandwich and asked Hute after she took the raindrops off Hute's body.

"Didn't Elliot come with you?"

"He bought a small box at the market yesterday that was said to be 'unopenable no matter what.' He and Andre studied it until late at night."

"Did they finally open it?"


"Then they just gave up and went to bed?"

Nolvia asked Hutte doubtfully while eating her sandwich. She felt that it was impossible for Ellite to give up halfway. He would at least split the small box open before he could give up.

Hutte had a complicated expression.

"They didn't give up. But they made too much noise and woke up Naiden who had just fallen asleep. Naiden threw the box into the sky and split it with thunder. There was only a note in the box, which read 'Wish you happy'."

Norvia: " this."

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, and Irene was awakened by the thunder. She originally wanted to find Norvia, but Norvia's room was empty, and she saw the half-mermaid and the captain downstairs.

Wearing a nightcap, she ran downstairs dragging the fluffy quilt and pillows, placed the three chairs next to Nolvia side by side, and then lay down next to Nolvia.

"Norvia, the thunder is so loud, I'm scared."

Norvia touched her forehead, made sure she didn't feel any discomfort, and then let her lie there and continue to sleep.

Lightning flashed across the sky, and Norvia's voice was low.

"Will Prince Sousa give up on Carone in this weather?"

Hutte nodded slightly.

"He is leaving Carone today to go to the Prince of Wools, whatever the weather, he can only announce it today."

The hotel was quiet with only the sound of breathing, and Norvia hesitated.

She had never met Sosa Remyaz, Hute had been negotiating with Sosa.

The final result of the negotiation was that if the three major families disappeared, Sosa agreed to give up the city of Carone on behalf of the Remiyaz royal family——

Carone lost its mineral resources, reform plans were scuttled, and Carone was no longer a valuable territory in the eyes of the royal family. The formation of a noble family takes time to accumulate, and the Remiyaz royal family is not willing to spend energy supporting new nobles.

But if one of the three major families survives, the Remiyaz royal family will still appoint this family as the new manager of Carone and launch Carone's reform plan.

Fairness and justice are things that are superficially used to cover interests. For the royal family, interests are the first factor that needs to be carefully considered.

Norvia was worried that Sosa would break the contract.

Hute saw her worry and his voice was low.

"I know Sosa. Sosa doesn't bother to lie. He will do what he promises."

Norvia nodded. Just as she was about to say something, the door of the hotel was opened, and the wind blew all the raindrops in.

"Why did you leave so early, Hute? It's raining too much!"

It's Airit.

His whole body was soaked, and his blond hair was tucked behind his ears, revealing that bewildering face. There are still water drops hanging on his eyelashes, and they will fall down in the blink of an eye.

Erin was awakened by the sound of the door opening. She sat up in confusion and saw a wet Ellit.

"...boiled succubus."


"What are you talking about, little dwarf?"

Irene ignored Ellit, she rubbed her eyes, lay down again and fell asleep.

Norvia reluctantly took the moisture out of Ellit's body and asked him why he didn't hold an umbrella.

"Andre said this weather is perfect for playing in the water."

Hute threw the fire to the trembling Ellit and frowned.

"Andre said you just listened to him?... Why did Andre get up so early?"

"Something happened in the country of Will, and Barry Ban needs to go back to deal with it. Andre followed Barry Ban back to the country of Will."

"Isn't he going to wait until Carone is free before leaving?"

"He said Carone no longer needs him and Carone will be free sooner or later."

Elliot also sat down with the fire in his arms and started eating breakfast.

The rain is still falling.


Otcest had not fallen asleep since she woke up from a coma. She looked at her existing assets through her communicator and felt that she should be able to buy a crown for Miss Irene.

Otcest watched quietly as the rain got heavier and heavier, and heard the commotion next door.

Royta and Jerry were at Jerry's. They hadn't left since last night.

Royta held a wheat beer and cried to Jerry about his uneasiness and entanglement in being forced to become the heir of the Thom family these days.

"I have never been an heir. I thought it would be easy to be an heir. Difusta has never learned anything. She has been eating bubble gum and drinking mushroom soup with us on the street since she was a child... My biological father is very special to me. Well, he is being biased, and he still turns on me when I make trouble, but in fact he doesn’t love me at all!

My mother really loved me. She saw a future in which I would be used as an experimental subject. She said that I would destroy the Thom family in the future and took me away... I didn’t want to be the heir. I would not be happy being the heir. I am not happy in Daystar either! Jerry, let's take Difusta to have mushroom soup! "

After Roita finished speaking, he drank the bottle of wine in his hand.

Jerry couldn't drink, so he could only watch as Royta got herself drunk.

Just as Jerry was about to ask Jie Pei to take Royta home, he saw Jie Pei also drinking quietly.

Jerry: Am I a side dish that goes well with alcohol?

"What's wrong with you, Jie Zi?"

Jie Zi raised his eyes, his blue eyes glazed with drunkenness.

He put down the bottle, walked to Jerry's bed, knelt down, and burst into tears.

"Brother - I'm sorry, it's all my fault. I said I would protect you, but you were so seriously injured. I'm sorry... I am the worst brother in the world... I can't protect anyone, I can save Without Difusta, the Wan family is nothing!"

Jerry could only move his head. He looked at Jie Zi with difficulty, trying to comfort him, but Jie Zi cried louder and louder.

Difusta opened the door and rushed in.

"Roita, can you shut up! Mephi can't even sleep...Jie Zi?"

Difusta thought it was Royta who was crying, but she didn't expect it was Jie Pei.

Jie Pei stood up after seeing Difusta come in. He wiped his tears, calmly found an empty bed, fell on the bed and fell asleep.

Difusta and Jerry looked at each other for a moment, then smiled at each other.

"Jerry, thank you for informing Norvia."

Difusta sat beside Jerry's bed, lowered his head and thanked him quietly.

"If it weren't for you, Mei Fei might be..."

Difusta's nose was sore and tears were about to fall.

Jerry looked at Difusta helplessly and said dryly, "You're welcome."

Difusta returned to the next room and Jerry sighed.

His room was full of drunks and he wanted to drink. But he couldn't move. He could only close his eyes and count the sheep.

There was a sound of rain, and it was still dark when Jerry opened his eyes. Jerry and Royta were playing cards. After a while, Difusta came with Murphy.

"The sound of rain is very noisy, everyone is awake."

"Yes, Mei Fei, do you want to play cards together?"

"Roita, my sister can't play this-"

"Then teach me, Deve."


Jerry watched them playing happily and felt completely abandoned.

He suddenly thought of Otcest next door.

"Why didn't you call Otcest?"

Royta slapped her leg.

"I forgot! I'll call her!"


Otcest, who was quietly looking out the window, heard a knock on the door of the room. She turned her wheelchair to open the door and saw a cheerful young man with a smile.

"Otcest, do you want to play cards? Let's work together and win both Jerry and Difusta!"

Otcest: "...Okay."

Lightning fell from the window, illuminating the faces of the heirs of the three former families.

They held the cards in their hands and were about to start playing.


Roland met Barry Ban and Andre at the magic circle. He greeted them slowly and asked them where they were going.

"We are going back to China."

Roland said "Oh" and nodded.

"Me too."

Andre felt the dense raindrops with his hands and curiously asked Roland why he left at this time.

"The family has sent someone to take over the business here. I have stayed in Carone for too long, and the family is urging me."

Roland spoke slowly, looking up at the lightning-thundering sky with a calm tone.

"It's time for Carone to get on the right track."


The "Article 23 School Rules" team patrolled in the rain.

Gemma was still left indoors, looking at the pouring rain and not wanting her teammates to go out on patrol.

Captain Hashim, wearing a raincoat, patiently explained to her.

"Gemma, Carone is not free yet, it is still very dangerous here."

"The three major families have disappeared!"

"There is a saying, 'The hundred-legged dragon is dead but not stiff'. It's okay, Gemma, this little rain is nothing."

Pterodactyl Bond patted his chest.

"We are great."

Gemma pursed her lips and said nothing.

The team members disappeared into the heavy rain one after another.

The last one to leave was Jack Lowe, and Gemma turned her head away from him.

Jack Low walked up to her and spoke calmly.

"Gemma, this is the territory you bought. We have an obligation to protect the safety of your territory."

"I care more about your safety than the safety of the territory!"

Jack Lowe had no expression. He put on his raincoat.

"……we know."

He also walked into the heavy rain.


Yusili was eating breakfast when she received a video message from Joshua.

"Yusili, how long will it take for you to come back?"

Yusili drank hot cocoa while listening to the sound of rain, and calculated the approximate time.

"About half a month. When the cooperation with Carone is settled, I will go to Philip's Talan House to visit."

"Okay, then I'm going to take Kalan out to play. Don't forget the gifts from Kalan and I! I made new clothes for you."


Yusili hung up the communication. She touched the rough cloak she was wearing and guessed that Joshua had made her a sweater.

She saw Joshua sorting out balls of yarn before leaving for a business trip.

Yusri finished her hot cocoa.

She has already agreed on the details of cooperation with those wealthy businessmen. When Carone becomes free, these wealthy businessmen will be the maintainers of order in Carone.

Sure enough, you should come to Carone.


"My dear, are you going back to Yadu tomorrow?"

"Well, I've arranged everything here. I want to continue my vacation with my mother."

"Baby, are you just going on vacation with mommy without daddy?"

"Of course... I'm bringing daddy too!"

As Lacey chatted with her parents, the hotel room window tinkled with the rain.

"I originally wanted to leave today."

"My dear, please wait one more day. It's raining so hard outside. What if you get sick?"

"Mom, I am a water magician."

"Do water magicians never catch colds?"

"...That's not the case."

"So, come back tomorrow, sweetie. Mom and dad will pick you up at the magic circle tomorrow. What do you want to eat?"

“Butter grilled chicken legs!”

"Okay, mom knows."


Huan Xu was chatting with her father Huan Ge in the hotel.

The sect's stronghold, including the church next to it, was burned down, and he now lives in a cheap hotel very close to the church.

[Huan Shu: Dad, my wages. 】

[Huan Ge: Huan Shui, tell me honestly, did Archbishop Hisfa really fall to death? 】

[Huan Shu: Yes. I have evidence. 】

[Huan Ge: ...Okay, come back early. 】

[Huan Shu: Dad, my wages. 】

Huan Ge can no longer read it back.

Huan Shu watched quietly for a while, then went out to buy corn cakes in the rain.


When Pingluo woke up, the rain had almost stopped.

The black cat Weiwei was sleeping deeply in the nest. Pingluo made herself a simple and nutritious breakfast, then turned on the light to review her previous knowledge.

She is going back to study in mehndi college.

After taking a few years off from school, she had forgotten all her previous knowledge.

Weiwei woke up. It licked its paws, then jumped onto Pingluo's shoulder and meowed twice.

Pingluo knew what Weiwei meant, she wanted to eat snacks.

But the snacks at home have been eaten, and now it’s raining outside...

Pingluo kissed Weiwei's little head.

"Wait a minute, I'll go out and buy it now."

She took the umbrella that her mother had bought before and ran out in a hurry.

The rain seems to be particularly heavy today, with puddles on the ground and tree branches falling on both sides of the street.

This rain must have been falling for a long time.

Ping Luo judged this and ran towards the cat snack shop she often went to.

Fortunately, the cat snack shop is still open. The shop owner was a friend of Ping Luo's father. She looked at Ping Luo and smiled.

"Shouldn't our little genius study hard at home?"

Pingluo blushed.

"I'm not a little genius, Aunt Rui. Many of Carone's students have gone to Mehndi College. I'm not great."

The shopkeeper known as "Aunt Rui" snorted.

"Nonsense! No one around me has been admitted to the Mehndi College except you? But Carone is indeed...even if he is admitted to a good college, he may not be destined to study. It's much better now, Pingluo, I tell you News, I heard that all the people from the three major families yesterday..."

Aunt Rui scratched her neck with her hand, the joy on her face obvious.

"It's time for them to be gone, a bunch of weak idiots, filthy slugs!"

Ping Luo thought of her Master Spider.

She felt that the good news in Carone was brought by people like Lord Spider.

Aunt Rui brought her a lot of pet snacks, but when Pingluo was about to pay, she withdrew her hand.

"I can't accept this money."

"Aunt Rui, I can make money on my own, so there's no need to pity me."

"This is not pity. Pingluo, I know you have done a lot for us."

Aunt Rui winked at her.

"Although your Aunt Rui and I are greedy for life and afraid of death, it doesn't mean that I don't know anything. I'm good friends with Uncle White, and I've heard many Carone folktales from him... Pingluo, You also appear in the story."

"You can't be good even if you get an advantage. If I still take money from you, then I'm nothing!"

Ping Luo looked at Aunt Rui blankly. She hurriedly picked up what Aunt Rui threw to her, and in the end she could only hold it with both hands.

Before Pingluo left, she mentioned her treasured name to Aunt Rui.

"Aunt Rui, there should be a name in those stories."

"what name?"

"Spider Bi. The name of a hero."


Pingluo placed the umbrella at Aunt Rui's place. The sky has cleared up, and the sun has torn apart the thick clouds bit by bit, sparing no effort to shine its light.

Summer is not over yet. Pingluo is walking here holding those snacks, her clothes are slowly soaked with sweat.

Suddenly many people passed by her.

Excited shouts came one after another, music appeared on the street, and people danced on the street.

Pingluo looked at them confused, not understanding what was happening.

Has the news spread that the three major families have disappeared?

That's nothing to be happy about.

Carone is the territory of Remyaz, and the people of Carone are always only the private property of Remyaz.

Even if the three major families are gone, there will still be new ones. Even if the strongholds of a sect are burned down, there will be new sects.

Just like her, even though she was admitted to the Mehndi College, she still couldn't protect her family. Her parents and sister disappeared into the underground research institute, and she could only protect herself.

If Mehdi cannot stay in school after graduation, she will have to return to Carone and continue to live in fear in Carone.

Such is the life of a Carone resident.

There's really...nothing to be happy about.

"...Free! Carone is free!"

Pingluo heard the people around her shout.

She suddenly came up with a guess.

She remembered that Lord Spider asked her to wait... She felt that no one could do it.

People who want Carone to be free are not capable enough, and people who want Carone to be free will not want Carone to be free.

Pingluo's heartbeat gradually increased.

She followed the noisy crowd to the place where the nobles used to issue reward orders. the proclamation of the Remiyaz royal family.

The declaration, Carone, has since become public domain.

Carone is free.

Pingluo stared blankly at that short line of words, feeling like she was in a dream.

She watched strangers hugging each other, spontaneous bands playing cheerful dance music, and children running on the street without fear of being arrested and taken to the underground research institute...

She suddenly looked up.

The sun was warm and the sky was washed by the rain, as clear as the most precious and pure gemstone in Carone.

She saw Lord Spider-Bi flashing through the crowd.

She subconsciously wanted to catch up, but stopped abruptly.

She knew that setting Carone free was not something that Master Spider could do alone. It would require the efforts of many, many people. Lord Spider should be with the heroes who saved Carone now.

Ping Luo thought that she would also see Lord Spider Bi in the future. At that time, she would be braver, tougher, and more powerful than she is now.

She hoped that all the heroes who saved Carone could spend their lives happily.

The people in Carone probably think so too.

At this moment, Pingluo saw gold coins falling from the sky.

——She was sure that the people in Carone would think so.


Lacey and Nolvia are scattering gold coins.

Lacey looked at the expressionless Norvia, a little scared.

"Your current state is too scary, Norvia."

Norvia mechanically sprinkled the gold coins, which made Lacey even unable to stand it.

"Would you like to keep a bag of gold coins?"

"No, this is the family property of Otcest and Royta."

"Uh... But look below, Irene and Ellit picked it up the fastest, and they even took Dooku with them."


Lacey awkwardly changed the subject.

"Norvia, the weather has cleared up. I will leave Carone in the afternoon."

"We're leaving tomorrow. Is Neden following Irene?"

"Well, Neden said she doesn't want to return to the Quetzalcoatl clan. Let Irene work. Norvia, the next time we meet again should be at the academy."

"Yes. We will see many familiar faces in the academy."

"What acquaintance?"

"Otcest and Royta. They both want to go to Abesgo."

"They are also the heirs of the family after all...but I think Absig is better than Lulitia. Of course, they can't go to Lulitia if they lose the family. If they don't give all the money to the common people, maybe they can still Give it a try.”

Lacey dropped the last gold coin.

The gold coins reflected the light of the sun. Lacey looked at the lively Carone and sighed.

"I had no intention of getting involved in saving Carone."

Nolvia looked at Erin and Dooku who gave the gold coins they found to passers-by, and smiled.

"A lot of people thought the same way before coming here."

Just like the nobles from the three colleges who came to participate in the auction, the "23rd School Rules" team who came for vacation, Yusili who just wanted to do business, Huan Shu who came to do odd jobs...

Norvia looked at the bright sun.

"Carone will get better and better."

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