Team villains except me

Chapter 285 Treasure Hunt

When Hute walked into the Rose Mansion, everything was quiet.

Hute guessed that Allit had just fallen asleep, and Irene was about to wake up.

He took off his coat and the cold outside and walked into the living room.

The living room was messy. On the sofa was a notebook that Erin used to jot down ideas for territory development. On the carpet were Rubik cubes that Ellit liked to play with. There were also bagged snacks that looked like they were half eaten by the spider.

There are many parts on Dooku's work table. It seems that he got sleepy halfway through making the puppet, so he left them here and went back to his room to sleep.

The neatly folded newspapers on the table looked like Norvia's, but the recruitment information was all circled.

Hutte suddenly noticed that there was dirt on the ground.

...Did Ya Linxiu dig in the soil last night?

Hutte rubbed his eyes tiredly.

Libido was really a very difficult guy. He tried many methods in the palace to make Libido fall into a deep sleep, but Libido would always wake up when he wanted to leave, as keenly as if he kept his eyes open.

But he had let Sosa sleep peacefully for so long, and even if Libidu woke up and found that he was missing and was shouting loudly in the palace, Sosa should have had enough sleep by now.

He is extremely benevolent and righteous.

He was also going to go upstairs to his room to sleep.

dong dong.

Hueter heard strange noises.

He thought of the dirt in the living room and thought that some kind of small animal might have accidentally bumped into it.

dong dong.

Hutte frowned.

He felt that the sound did not sound like that of some kind of animal. Like someone banging on the door -

Hute summoned the fire with a cold face.

The fire traveled around the living room and eventually headed to the storage room, which was rarely opened.

Hute followed the fire to the door of the storage room. The sound of impact was clear, and the fire magic in Hute's hand was ready to go.

dong dong.

Hute suddenly opened the door of the storage room, and a dark shadow rushed out. The fire magic in Hute's hand stuck to the shadow.

At this time it was getting brighter.

Hute saw the shadow was a strange woman.

But what tied her was the spider's flower vine.

——The Spider Girl wouldn’t tie up someone and keep him as a pet, would it?

Hueter felt that it shouldn't be possible. He looked at the woman indifferently and asked her coldly who she was, how she entered the Rose Mansion, and why she was hiding in the storage room.

The woman scratched her face and said something random while crying and laughing.

"Isana... it's not my fault, it's not my fault... I don't want to be a princess anymore, I want to marry a noble... Tori, Tori! Don't... my Tori..."

Some familiar names emerged and Hueter identified her.

This should be King Aoyou's current princess and Irene's stepmother.

Hutte's first reaction was that something had happened to Irene, but Norvia didn't send him anything, which proved that Irene was safe.

So the fact that this princess appears here means that she has done something that Irene cannot forgive.

Hutte put out the fire on her body and shut her into the storage room again.

Erin will take care of him. He is going back to his room to sleep now.

But he left the fire outside the storage room.

If the princess wakes up and wants to escape from the Rose Mansion, the fire will stop her.

After Hueter finished all this, the day after tomorrow was completely bright. He returned to his room and prepared to sleep.

The quilts prepared by Fiana will be taken out to dry regularly. Hute smelled the sunshine and fell into a deep sleep without any precautions.


Erin was the first to wake up.

She went to bed early yesterday, and although she had some strange dreams, she felt like she slept well.

She thought she would dream about the bad past.

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