Team villains except me

Chapter 290 Endless questions and countdown to vacation

Norvia was very tired when she returned to the water castle.

All things were tied together like a knot. Norvia re-examined her time travel and felt that something was not quite right.

As a magician in her previous life, she never had any special encounters. Her father is a freelancer and her mother is an illustrator.

They travel to new countries every few years to experience life in a different cultural context, even with her.

They eventually moved to the country where Norvia's uncle lived.

Norvia's uncle was still very young and came to this country as an exchange student. He felt that this ancient country had a different kind of charm, and he wanted to stay.

Uncle doesn't like her. Norvia knew why her uncle didn't like her, because she was a very willful child at that time.

But she felt her dissatisfaction was justified. She doesn't like moving. She didn't like walking on the street with only her blonde hair, and she didn't like the culture that she had never been exposed to before.

As a child who couldn't write, she had no say in where she lived. Of course, she has no particular preference for where to live. She has been slowly integrating into the new society and feels that it is better than where she originally stayed.

At this time, her parents died in a car accident.

At that time, she didn't understand why her parents never came back.

Her uncle, who didn't like her very much, looked at her with red eyes and said that they were going to depend on each other.

Her uncle was very kind to her. It's just that the uncle doesn't know how to take care of children, and they often make each other so angry that they burst into tears.

Despite this, her uncle would still tell her bedtime stories every day, take good care of her, cook for her, and coax her to eat.

This is why Norvia hates eating white sea bream. Because the white sea bream cooked by her uncle always had a bitter taste, she ate it for a long time and felt that the white sea bream was the most disgusting food in the world.

But she loved her uncle very much. When she and her uncle gradually got along well, his uncle also passed away.

Very suddenly, without any warning.

She was alone in the huge house, and no one was waiting for her.

Her status is special, her distant relatives are all abroad, and it takes a long time to get in touch. But even after being contacted, no one wanted to adopt her.

She was sent to an orphanage and grew up there.

She became a magician. In fact, she did everything in the circus. She toured with the circus and eventually saved up to buy a small house in the place where she was born.

She never had the chance to go back and live there permanently, and she didn't regard that small house as her home. She doesn't have many friends, and the ones she knows best are her colleagues.

She grew up according to the expectations of her parents and uncle, but her goal had been achieved and she didn't even know what to do next.

She just went on living day by day like this.

If nothing happens, then maybe she can find a new purpose in life.

It's just that at some point she will always step on the road her parents once walked - she suddenly fainted while walking on the road.

When she opened her eyes again, she turned into a baby.

A baby hiding the soul of an adult. She has new parents. An ordinary human, and a pure mermaid.

She was surprised to find that she had arrived in a magical world.

She thought it was ridiculous at first. She thought it might be a fantasy she fell into after her car accident. She held this suspicion for two years.

She has no sense of belonging in this world. But the parents in this world really love her. It had been a long time since she had felt it, and she was unfamiliar with that kind of unreserved love.

She knew this was no longer a dream.

She learned to accept love and respond to love. She felt that the people in the small town were annoying, class oppression was annoying, and the world was also annoying.

But there are parents in this world that she loves the most, so she feels that even if she has to grow up as a child again with her memories, it's not that bad.

However, she only had that kind of happiness for ten years.

A very short ten years.

Then there was the struggle and study in difficulties. As her parents expected, she was admitted to Albersco.

Her goal is to find a good job in Remiyaz after graduating from the fourth grade.

She went to school seriously, worked in all her free time, and saved money to place her parents' remains in the best cemetery.

She didn’t expect much from Albersgaard’s traditional sophomore match-up teammates. She just hopes that the teammates Dius assigns to her will not be too difficult to get along with, so that she will not be too tired in subsequent games.

She didn't even expect to get along with her teammates as friends. She had seen many precedents of disagreements within the team, and felt that it was a complete scam to let Dius assign team members. The assigned list was most likely randomly selected by the college leaders.

Nolvia thought this way and did not pay attention to this link at all.

But when the day of assignment came, she was still nervous. When she heard about those famous figures in the college with extremely bad reputations, she never imagined that they would be her teammates.

She was overcome with rage and fainted, but she awakened another memory. She remembered that this was a book in which she and her teammates were evil villains.

She slipped into this book.

Of course she wants to defy fate.

She was supposed to have escaped death, but the world changed.

There are no evil gods in the novel world she knows, nor the humanoid monsters Hector mentioned.

In Pentina's world, the only people who are annoying are Albersgaard's team of villains. Once they were all dead, there would be no obstacles in her path to becoming pope. There is no evil god, no Special Incident Investigation Bureau, no abyss.


Norvia lowered her eyes.

Could the appearance of these things have anything to do with her?

She felt that it had nothing to do with her, because there were some preparations for the evil god to come before she was born.

Then there is something wrong with her memory.

When did she read this book containing "Norvia" in her previous life? If she had read it, she should have been impressed, after all, her name was in the book.

But she doesn't remember.

Even though she doesn't remember it, she feels a sense of familiarity with the memory. This sense of familiarity made her feel that she should have read this book, or that she had heard the general plot.

Who made her suddenly remember this memory? Is it Deus?

Who can do this except God?

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