Team villains except me

Chapter 313 Can my last name be Fiana?

Fiana ultimately did not tell Spider-Bitch the story of her parents.

For King Alosso made an attack on her dominions during the night. There are still many spies arranged by Aloso in his early years in her territory.

This night was destined to be anything but peaceful.

Fiana changed her clothes and prepared to go out, but Spider Girl, who was supposed to be sleeping in the room, appeared at the top of the stairs, yawning and waiting for her.

Fiana ignored the spider and stepped on her leather boots loudly.

After hearing the voice, Spider Girl raised her eyes slightly, naturally preparing to face the emergency situation with the Duke - but the pink-haired Rose Duke refused her.

"Spider, this is my territory, this is my war."

Fiana stood on the stairs and looked up at Spider.

She understood very well why Spider Girl appeared here, but her responsibility should not become a burden for others.

She is Fianna Jeanreau, the selfless Duke of Philippe. She is the last line of defense for this territory. She cannot wither, let alone rely on others.

She cannot expect anyone to take charge of her life. Once she has such an idea, she will quickly weaken. So she accepted care, but never took out her hope and threw it to others, even her teammates...even them.

She will take all responsibility. She will protect everything she has now. She won't lose anything again without knowing it.

Therefore, what the forest witch should do now is sleep instead of following her and helping her protect her territory.

Spider Girl should be in her safest place, Rose Mansion.

Fiana's rose-colored eyes were slightly red, but it was not obvious under the light.

The spider lazily leaned on the golden velvet armrest, not paying much attention to Fiana's words.

"I didn't tie you up to prevent you from dealing with 'your war', and since there is no Silen's class tomorrow, I asked Dooku to ask for leave for you and me."

"Dooku is still awake at this time?"

Fianna's focus was on Dooku.

"Didn't he take those Anshen incense?"

"Take it away. The Sleeping Beauty should be asleep by now."

"Then how does he know that he has to ask for leave for you tomorrow? He doesn't have a communicator, and the puppet can't store messages."

"So he doesn't know."


Fianna fell silent. She stared at the forest witch with red eyelashes and black eyes for a long time, and after a long time, she sighed.

"Spider, I don't need sympathy or help."

"Do you think you can get these two things from me? Fiana, I just want to find some interesting things in the boring life after school starts-"

The forest witch smiled.

"Just like this."

The spider is always so willful.

Fiana thought that she should not tolerate such willfulness. If this willfulness were applied to anyone other than her teammates, it would be particularly annoying.

But when facing the Spider Brother, she always felt that it was not enough. She felt indebted to the Spider Lord because of her limited life.

She is always very conflicted when dealing with issues related to the Spider Girl. She doesn’t want to respond to the Spider Girl’s requests like Irene does, because she doesn’t know if there will be anyone like her who will inherit the Spider Girl’s emotions in the future where she disappears. .

She also couldn't rest assured about Spider Bikin like she did Norvia, because Spider Bikin's paranoia couldn't be measured by common sense, and some of Spider Bikini's dangerous ideas must be curbed in time.

Fiana pursed her lips, her rose-colored eyes cold.

"Go back to Albersgaard for class before dawn."

Spider Girl snorted and reluctantly agreed.

...But they still couldn't get out of Rose Mansion.

Because Oqifu brought Shaqi and Fuket to find their lord.

Fukate was the black-haired, green-eyed astrologer Fiana had met at the Rose Market in Talancuo before.

Strictly speaking, Fuchte is not really an astrologer. She cannot see the future like Valerio, nor can she predict the movements of the next few hours through the stars like Gemma Wright. What she is familiar with is not the future, but the past.

She is able to read people's immediate memories. At the same time, people affected by her abilities will be trapped in the emotions of the memories.

This is why Fianna tells Spider-Bitch about her past. She noticed an abnormality after this, and soon realized that it was the influence of Fukate's ability. So she kept Fukate around so that Fukate's abilities could be used to a greater extent.

But so far, she hasn't asked Fuket to do anything.


Fukate held Shaqi's hand and faced Fiana and the spider behind Fiana with some embarrassment.

Their bodies were stained with the cold air of the autumn night and the distinct scent of roses. They seemed to have been wandering outside the castle for a long time.

As for what they wanted to do - Fiana had a rough guess.

Spider Girl also guessed it. She didn't know Shaqi, but she had some impression of Fuket. The astrologer with black hair and green eyes gave Fiana a bag of silver coins and said, "You won the bet."

Spider Girl was very interested in this bet.

It was Fianna after all. One hundred silver coins was nothing to the Duke who owned countless properties, but Fiana actually accepted the one hundred silver coins in the end.

She asked Fiana why.

Fianna only said "This is a sign of my victory."

While Spider-Bi was still thinking, he heard the strange girl speak timidly.

"...Lady Fiana, we want to do something for you."

"Correction, it's Shaqi who wants to do something for you. Lady Fiana, I just accompanied her, but if there is any need for me, I will still be happy to help you."

The black-haired astrologer Fukate raised her hands to express her position. Her green eyes were calm, and she only had a calmness that she didn't want to work.

Spider Bi immediately recognized the identity of this shy strange girl from Fuket's words - this was the Shaqi who personally executed her father.

A thin girl with timid and evasive eyes. She held Fuket's hand tightly and did not dare to raise her head to meet other people's eyes. She looked very powerless.

But the way Shaqi looked at Fiana was direct and shining, like Otcest looking at Irene or Pingluo looking at her.

"I don't need you to do anything. You did a good job before."

Fiana had a gentle attitude towards Shaqi, but she rejected Shaqi's request and only let her go back with Fuket.

Shaqi is surprisingly stubborn.

She wanted to stay at the Rose Mansion and wanted to do something for her Duke, even the smallest thing.

"If I can be useful to you... Sir, can my last name be Fiana?"

Shaqi looked at Fiana expectantly.

Fiana raised an eyebrow.

"You can decide your own surname, even if you want to be named Jean Lo."

Fucket clapped her hands emotionlessly.

"Shaqi Fiana, have you got what you wanted? Can you go back to sleep?"

"Okay! Goodbye, Lady Fiana, I wish you all the best!"

Shaqi left happily.

Fiana also took Spider-Man to the war zone.


Later, Spider Bikin learned from Fiana that Sha Qi did not go back to rest obediently.

Shaqi excitedly pulled Fukite and captured all the spies in Rose Mansion and its surrounding areas.

With the name Shaqi Fiana.

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