Ji Xunye chuckled lightly: "Why, are you dumbfounded?"

How is it possible! The little girl muttered in her heart, brother Xun Ye is so narcissistic, shameless. ?–_–?

"No!" The little girl shook her head in denial, so she wouldn't be obsessed with brother Xun Ye's beauty!

Um, no! (guilty)

Mo Xunye looked at the little girl's expression of refusal after being exposed (don't listen to his nonsense), the corners of her mouth curled up, and she exuded a pleasant atmosphere.

The little rabbit is puzzled, why is brother Xunye so happy all of a sudden?

Does he like being rejected by others?


The villain in his heart wrinkled his face and made the same emoji as the subway grandpa looking at his phone.

Seeing the little guy's disheveled and pitiful appearance, Ji Xunye expressed sympathy:

"Little guy, why are you so pitiful?"

What a caring sentence, if you ignore his gloating eyes, it can definitely be called the top ten quotes about caring for others in the stars!

The little girl stomped her feet and turned her back in anger, so she didn't pay attention to such an annoying brother Xunye!

But Ji Xunye was still enjoying it, and took the little girl's clothes from the nape of her neck, turned her around and bent down to look at her:

"What? Are you so angry?"

Looking at her puffy cheeks, I couldn't help poking her with my finger.

Well, there was a red mark on the little girl's chubby face, and Ji Xunye then reflected on whether she had beaten her too hard.

The little girl was wronged, her big eyes were watery, and the teardrops kept rolling in her eye sockets, as if golden beans would fall out in the next second.

Ji Xunye panicked, he was in a hurry, he wanted to hug her to comfort her, but he was afraid of making the little girl angry, so he could only coax her softly:

"I was wrong, little guy, I shouldn't bully you, you can beat me and scold me, don't cry, okay?"

The little girl is obviously a smart little rabbit who only takes the opportunity to make requests.

A small voice with a crying voice sounded:

"Hmph, if you let me go back with you, I will forgive you!"

I have to grasp the present opportunity well, otherwise the interstellar world is so big, when will I meet Brother Xun Ye again.

(???_??)?come on

"Okay..." Huh?

Ji Xunye apparently didn't react and directly agreed. When he recovered, he was thinking about what the little girl said just now.

The little girl wants to go back with herself?

You don't have to abduct yourself?

What a clever little guy who was sold and counted money for others.I really love it!


Ji Xunye's expression darkened, staring at the little girl's words:

"Since you decide to go with me, you should be prepared. After all, interstellar people don't like us. However, even if you want to go back on your word, it's too late!"


Before the little girl could react, Ji Xunye bent down to pick up the little girl and disappeared instantly.

In the blink of an eye, they appeared in front of a quaint castle.

The little girl poked her head out of Ji Xunye's arms and looked around curiously. It was different from the smart house where the interstellar citizens lived, and it seemed to be in another world.

There is no sense of technology, every plant, tree, flower, and tree is something the original owner has never seen before. More importantly, the people here, no, it should be said that the people living here are all Zerg!

No wonder Brother Xun Ye would say that. After all, Interstellar Citizens feel that the Zerg race is disgusting and violent, and they are very disgusted with them.

However, Su Mian found that they were different from what the interstellar people described. They had the form of humans, but they also had the characteristics of Zerg in some places.

For example, the tentacles on the top of the head, the small spots on the face, the hard carapace on the arms...

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