Elf: I'm really a civilian trainer

Chapter 80 Transportation, with it

As before, Miss Goethe immediately tensed up when she saw him approaching, and kept on guard.

On the one hand, he was very afraid of him, and on the other hand, because of his master, he had to stop in front.

Mark noticed that the pile of oranges he put on the ground before was missing a few pieces, which should have been fed to Mr. Sun by Miss Goethe.

However, Teacher Xiao Sun still showed no sign of waking up.

Mark squeezed his chin lightly and said: "It seems that it will take a while for the Alliance or the people in the village to find this place. I want to place this Raymond and the electric shock beast. In this way, I will find an elf to come over later, how about letting it take you away?"


Miss Goethe nodded subconsciously, then shook her head very vigilantly, obviously not trusting him very much.

Mark shook his head helplessly and said: "Forget it, after I bring the elf's help, you can think about it again, by the way, there is one more thing.

About this Raymond, and this electric shock monster, can you help me hide it?

Don't reveal the fact that Raymond and the Electric Shock Beast were captured by me, just say that he escaped.

You should have seen the actual combat exercise between the green caterpillar and the electric shock beast just now, so you should know that this Raymond and electric shock beast are very important to me, and I don't plan to hand them over. "

Following Mark's words, Miss Goethe's body trembled again.

It did see the battle where the monster green caterpillar beat and tormented the electric monster just now.

However, it doesn't quite understand why the Electric Shock Monster and that Raymond are important to Mark.

Could it be that he wanted to continue to torture Raymond and the electric shock beast?

Miss Goethe glanced at Mark secretly, and wanted to ask, but she didn't dare to speak in the end.

So he nodded continuously and made a promise to Mark.

"Goethe, Goethe, Goethe."

Regarding the fact that Mark captured Raymond, it will not tell anyone, even its owner Sun Ting, it will hide it.

Mark nodded, and brought another unconscious Thunderbolt thug from the nearby battlefield, and then tied them up with silk thread. When Sun Ting was sent back to Qingxi Village, Mark planned to send this person back with him.

Considering that it would be dangerous for this dangerous person to wake up midway, Mark thought for a while, and punched this person in the head a few times.

He didn't use too much force. After all, this person is not a strong Leiming regiment cadre Lei Meng. He looks a little thin. It would be bad if he was beaten to death with too much force.

After finishing everything, Mark found that the electric monster that had eaten the orange fruit had fallen asleep, so he took it back into the poke ball, and then picked up the unconscious Raymond.

It is not very far from the territory of the green caterpillar. Mark decided to transport Raymond to the territory of the green caterpillar for resettlement, and then asked Ba Dadie to help him send Teacher Xiao Sun back to Qingxi Village.

But just after walking less than 20 meters, the green caterpillar discovered something through its mind and pulled his trouser legs with its forelimbs.


Following the sight of the green caterpillar, Mark soon found a green square figure hiding in the grass, about half a meter tall.

As it got closer, the figure turned into a red light and disappeared.

Mark turned his gaze, followed the direction where the red light disappeared, and quickly found a Poke Ball with a thunderbolt logo.

"The elf ball of the thunder group? It seems that it is not a small magnet monster and a three-in-one magnet monster..."

Mark turned on the Poke Ball.

A sixty-centimeter-tall green square elf appeared, showing a somewhat flustered and nervous expression.

Because of its poor mobility, the elf quickly chose to play dead and remained motionless.

This elf has blue square lens-like eyes in front of it, as if wearing a pair of glasses, and the zigzag-shaped mouth is closed together like an elevator door, which looks mechanical.

Mark raised his brows slightly, and the green caterpillar came over at this time, looking at it curiously. It felt that this elf should be of the insect type.


Mark nodded: "You feel good, it is indeed of the insect type, to be precise, it is of the insect type and the electric type, and its name is Chongdianbao, which evolved from the strong-jawed chicken henworm.

Currently in the second stage of evolution, it is similar to the armored chrysalis in some ways.

However, it is not a completely abnormal elf, because its bloodline genes contain a lot of move genes, which are not as rare as green caterpillars and iron armor chrysalis. "


Thoughtful, the green caterpillar stretched out its legs and lightly touched Chongdianbao's body, and then showed a surprised expression.

Sure enough, as Mark said, the power bank is very similar to the armored chrysalis.

Although the shape of the body is square, the green material of the shell of the chrysalis is almost exactly the same as that of the iron armor chrysalis.


The green caterpillar continued to ask, since this guy's carapace is very similar to the armored chrysalis, does that mean it will also become a butterfly after evolution?

Mark laughed: "It's not going to be a butterfly, but it will be a very good vehicle."


"Yes, it is an elf that can carry people to fly fast, and then it can take us to the Huck Elf Academy.

Its size is larger than ordinary insect electric treasures, and it will be much easier to carry people after evolution.

And judging from its state, it should not be an elf cultivated by Raymond himself, so this charging treasure can be cultivated by us in the future. "


The green caterpillar looked at the Chongdianbao in surprise, his eyes were full of curiosity, he didn't know what the Chongdianbao would look like after it evolved.

Mark described: "After the evolution of Chongdianbao, it will become a kind of elf called Stag Nong Pao Bug. Its shape is somewhat similar to a weightless racing aircraft. The long triangular jaw not only has a strong bite force, but also the barrel of an electromagnetic laser cannon. It can also be regarded as the front of a weightless racing car."

The green caterpillar tilted its head, obviously not understanding Mark's description.

Mark rubbed the green caterpillar's head: "You will know after it evolves. Speaking of which, it is actually one of the transport elves that I am more optimistic about after looking up information in the elf illustration book. I also checked some information at the beginning, by the way..."

Between the words, Mark suddenly thought of something, and took out the elf illustrated book seized from Raymond from his backpack.

After a few simple searches, the appearance of the stag farmer beetle soon appeared in the elf illustration book.

The green caterpillar stared at it in surprise, and Chongdianbao, who was playing dead on the ground, also raised his body slightly to see his evolved appearance.

Mark said: "According to the method introduced in the illustrated book, it seems that as long as a sufficient amount of lightning is injected into the insect electric treasure, and then the lightning stone is used, it can be rapidly evolved.

We now have Electroshock monsters, and there are a few stunned electric elves on Raymond's body. In addition, there are nearly [-] small magnetites and three-in-one magnetites. The lightning reserve is not a problem.

Uncle Qian's basement also has lightning stones.

That is to say, this bug electric treasure can evolve into a stag farm gun bug in a short period of time, and if we do some special flight training, it can fully meet our day-to-day needs. "

Mark said, looking expectantly at the insect electric treasure on the ground.

Chong Dian Bao, who was still secretly looking at his evolution in the illustration book, gradually came back to his senses, and looked at Mark who was talking suspiciously.

I don't know why, but it feels a pressure that it shouldn't bear, and it feels like it can't breathe...

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