Elf: Start small diamond, mutant Diancie!

Chapter 26 Nothing to do today, hang out with cat coffee

six o'clock in the evening

It took a day to complete the six-game winning streak. Although some unpleasant things were encountered in the end, overall it is stable and good!


Walking out of the battlefield on the 13th, Su Hao found that the three-person group on the mobile phone had several unread messages.


[Electric dragon can also be a dragon]: Burning hot!Both the Blue Jay and the Green Mianniao are exhausted!

[Electric dragon can also be a dragon]: 3 wins and 1 loss!Seeing that you are still fighting, I will withdraw first!


[Mingjing Zhishui]: 4 wins and 1 loss, and in the last game, I met an elite fish fryer.

[Mingjing Zhishui]: When I go back, I will practice in seclusion with the naughty panda with my wrist strength. If my wrist strength is less than the elite level, I will not go out of the mountain!

Su Hao raised his eyebrows. It seems that both of them have good records.

Then open the chat box and enter a string of characters.


[Pokémon Master]: Report! 6 consecutive victories!

[Pokémon Master]: As expected of me, in the last game, I directly cut down the giant pincer mantis in the early stage of the elite level.


[Electric dragon can also be a dragon]: 6.

[Mirror Stops Water]: 6.


Official first day of class.

Most of the students who were arrogant and ready to make a big career were hit in the head.

"Why did it become like this... the first time I had the original Pokémon; the first time the classmates fought against each other, and these two happy things were intertwined."

"And these two joys will bring me a lot of joy. I should have obtained this dreamlike happy time. But why did it become like this...?"

The four classes in the morning are "History", "Spirit Cultivation", "Mathematics" and "Chinese".

Forced to sit in the classroom and take a boring cultural class, all the students in the classroom were in a state of excitement.

They thought school would be an adventure!fight!Contest!

In the end, I didn't expect to be forced to sit here and listen to the culture class.

Human sorrows and joys are not interlinked.

Since awakening the power of waveguide, his brain has become more active, and Su Hao has learned the knowledge of the third year of high school on his own before the start of school.

After spending the whole morning proving himself, Su Hao got the privilege of not listening to lectures in class, or even skipping class directly to train Pokémon.

The students on the side were listening to the class bitterly, while Su Hao was sitting on a chair in a new groping posture to practice the power of waveguide.

This feeling of growing strength in the body like cultivating immortals is really beautiful.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, the day's class is over.

Many students set foot on the way home with tired steps.

Su Hao, who has been practicing for a day, is at his best.

So, he made a decision against his ancestor (x) hot meow (?).

Nothing to do today, the cat coffee licks the cat!

Come to the city center.

A store named [Mao Buri Cat Cafe] came into view.

The store is decorated brightly and spaciously, and six cat Pokémon are resting on their respective grounds.

Because there were no customers in the shop, the shop owner was lying on the recliner and fell asleep.

How does this store survive without a single customer?

Su Hao questioned for the second time in his heart, the same way he did when he came here last time.

"Jingle bell~~"

Pushing open the glass door, a crisp bell sounded.

The shop owner, who was sleeping soundly with his eyes closed, opened his hazy eyes, and his eyes slowly focused.

"Ah...it's Xiao Su."

The owner of the store is a man in his 30s with an upright face.

Su Hao sighed for the second time, it's a pity that the shop owner doesn't want to be a policeman because he looks like a good public servant.

"Well, is the store still open?"

The cats in the shop owner’s cat cafe are different from other cat cafes, they are all “big cats”.

Perhaps this is the reason why there are no customers in this cat cafe. The cats in the store are cold and cold, and their appearance is not as cute as Charming Meow and Xiangwei Meow.

Looking around, there are a total of six cat Pokémon on the ground and on the shelf.

They are Roentgen Cat, Cat Boss, Mongoose Zhan, Flaming Lion, Blazing Roaring Tiger, and Magic Masked Cat.

All the final evolved feline Pokémon.

"It's still open, and the fee is still the same as last time. Would you like something to drink?"

The store owner got up and moved the deck chair aside, and walked to the water bar to prepare drinks.

Most cat cafes will bundle the consumption of a drink when selling tickets, and this store is no exception.

"Let's have a cup of poplar nectar."

"it is good."

After receiving the order, the shop owner began to make drinks in the water bar.

Su Hao walked towards the cat he was going to visit today - the Roentgen cat.

Roentgen is a quadruped Pokémon resembling a full-grown lion.

Its face, hind legs, torso and the back of its front legs are blue, while most of its body is covered in fluffy black fur.Body hair is longer on the shoulders and at the base of the tail and forms a mane on its head.

Eyes are yellow with red sclera.The ears are round with yellow interiors.The tail is long and thin, with a yellow four-pointed star at the end.Female roentgens have a shorter mane.

The reason why Su Hao wants to come to this store is also very simple. The cats in it are not found in other cat cafes, which are quite unique.

The last time he came, he ordered the mongoose chop.

Originally, Mongoose Zhan would not be touched at all, but under the death gaze of the shop owner, he had to show his belly to Su Hao.

Su Hao was also very upbeat. With one hand, he licked the cat's eighteen moves and cut the mongoose into a puddle of water.

The store owner saw it and wanted to pay to learn the skills!

The mongoose, resting on the cat climbing frame, cut one white and one red, and its sharp ears on its head trembled slightly. It could smell the arrival of the humans who had served it comfortably last time.

But last time the human made it lose face with the other cats. Although it is very comfortable, do you want to let this human touch it?

Su Hao is not clear about the battle between heaven and man in Mongoose Zhan's heart.

Su Hao walked through the cat climbing frame area, and went straight to the Roentgen cat lying on the sofa.

The Roentgen cat's ears moved, its golden eyes opened, and it recalled a little.

It was the human who beheaded the mongoose so badly last time.

Why don't you go find the mongoose and cut it to your side today?

Roentgen Cat was a little puzzled.

While Roentgen Cat was thinking, Su Hao had already approached the sofa where Roentgen Cat was.

Pokémon are intelligent creatures, even if he has only been here once, the Pokémon here should know him.

Su Hao chose to start directly, and started to walk around the Roentgen cat's neck and chin with his hands through the black mane.

Just for a short while, Roentgen Cat, who was about to resist, also softened, and spread out on the sofa, letting Su Hao do whatever he could.

While stroking the Roentgen cat, Su Hao was ready to satisfy his curiosity.

The last time I came to this shop, I found out that all the cats in this cat cafe are feline Pokémon who have finally evolved and are good at fighting.

Most Pokémon's breath is restrained when they are not fighting.

At that time, he didn't even think about exploring the data of Pokémon in Maoca.

Through the system's detection function, the data of the Roentgen cat appeared in front of Su Hao's eyes.


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