Seven Zero: The vicious female supporting role pampered four little villains

Chapter 46 The Vegetables Grown in Space Are Selling for a Good Price

"This onion will sell for fifty cents? You are not robbing, are you?"

Although the spring onions Jiang Li sells are green and pleasing to the eye, the price is unflattering.

Now the meat only costs 1 yuan, 1 yuan and 1 a catty, and she sells a small handful of green onions for 2 cents, so why not add more money to buy half a catty of meat.

"My onion is not an ordinary onion."

Jiang Li broke off one of the shallots while talking, and the onlookers felt the scent of the onion was very strong just now, but after it was broken, the fragrance even rushed straight to their noses.

This kind of onion smells very attractive, and it is completely different from the shallots they usually grow.

"What kind of chive is this?"

Most of them plant chives in four seasons, so they can be planted in all seasons, but when it snows in winter, the yield can hardly be seen.

"My name is red-headed rice onion. It is an improved variety. It is very difficult to cultivate and has a low yield. Don't think that the price of this onion is expensive. In fact, it took a lot of time and energy to grow it."

Jiang Li carefully calculated a deal for them with his fingers.

"It took more than a year to cultivate the seeds, and there were several failures during the planting process. The loss in the middle is not small, and there are still..."

Jiang Li said a lot, and everyone finally realized it.

Since this is indeed a new variety, and it is very difficult to grow, at least after hearing what Jiang Li said, they no longer have the idea of ​​trying it.

With the mentality of giving it a try, many people approached her to buy various ingredients.

Everyone bought very little, just a small handful of this one and a small handful of that other, and the money each person spent on her stall was only one or two yuan.

But it doesn't matter, Jiang Li made a lot of money in just half an hour.

She not only sells onions at this price, but also sells garlic at this price.

The price of chili and ginger is directly based on the size and her mood.

Jiang Li's only advantage is that her hand is like a steelyard, and the amount distributed each time is very even.

In this way, even if everyone is not very satisfied with the price, there will be no quarrel because one is given more and the other is given less.

In the end, there was only a little pepper left in the pile, and just as Jiang Li was about to close the stall, he heard someone shout.

"The red armbands are here, the red armbands are here, everyone run!"

The red armband is the management committee here, which is responsible for cracking down on speculation.

Although the crackdown is not as severe as before, people still come to check from time to time.

However, most of the time it is just for show, and only those who participate in a particularly large number and share will be arrested and dealt with.

Seeing the situation, Jiang Li immediately ran away with spicy sticks in her hand. She got into an alley, quickly packed the things into the space, and then she swaggered out from the other end of the alley.

As soon as Jiang Li came out, he saw a little boy squatting on the ground holding two baskets.

The two big boys were bullying him non-stop, and the little boy was guarding the basket tightly, even though they bullied him without making a sound.

"Who are you? Why are you bullying this kid?"

Jiang Li yelled hard, and the two big boys ran away immediately with a guilty conscience.

Jiang Li squatted in front of the little boy and asked with a smile, "Little brother, are you the only one here? Where are your parents?"

The little boy lowered his head and said in a childish voice: "Thank you, sister."

Jiang Li talked with the little boy for a while, and just as she was about to get up, she saw a peasant woman rushing over with two handbags.

"Dad, Er Dan, are you okay?"

"Sister, is this your child? Just now, two big boys bullied him, and I have already driven him away. Your child is too young, so you should watch it a little bit."

"Hey, I can't help it. The child's father is not in good health, and the family has no money to buy medicine. I saved some eggs and sold them in the town. I can't get too much at once, so I can only let the child watch."

The peasant woman sighed, it is not easy for anyone these days.

Fortunately, she raised a few chickens secretly, and she could make some money by selling eggs.

It's just that crackdowns are everywhere these days, and it's not easy to sell some eggs. After a busy afternoon, she sold more than 30 eggs, and she didn't know how to sell the remaining 50 eggs.

"Are you all native eggs?"

"Yes, they are all eggs laid by the chickens raised in my own home. I usually don't want to eat them, so I have so many of them."

The peasant woman lifted the cloth on the basket, and under the cloth were some rice husks, and when you peeled off the rice husks, you could see the eggs hidden inside.

Jiang Li took out an egg and put it under the sun to take a picture. There was a small black spot in the middle of these eggs.

There is no doubt that these eggs are fertilized eggs, and as long as the temperature is right, they can hatch chicks when they are taken back.

"Sister, how do you sell your eggs?"

"Eggs are usually sold for 8 cents each. You helped my child. If you can buy more than 10 eggs, you can pay 7 cents and 5 cents each."

Jiang Li took a few eggs and took photos under the sun. After confirming that they were all fertilized eggs, she decided to take them all with a wave of her hand.

"Sister, I want all your eggs."

"I have more than 50 eggs here, are you sure you want them all?"

"Yes, the children in my family need more nutrition, and more than 50 eggs are not too many."

The elder sister carefully took out the eggs and counted them in front of Jiang Li.

A total of 58 eggs were taken out of the basket, for a total of 4 yuan, 3 cents and 5 cents.

"Just give 4 yuan and 3 yuan." The eldest sister was also very happy to sell so many eggs at once.

After this matter is done, it is equivalent to removing a big stone in her heart. With money in her hand, she also has confidence in her heart.

"As much as you want, I'll give you 4 yuan, 3 cents."

It is not easy for the eldest sister to bring her children out to sell eggs, and the conditions in her own family are not very good, Jiang Li does not want to take advantage of her five cents.

"Girl, you are such a good person, thank you for what happened today!"

The elder sister took her hand and thanked her again and again, Jiang Li felt a little embarrassed.

She was not ashamed to say that the price of fertilized eggs was different from that of ordinary eggs.

However, people in the 70s did not have this awareness. In their view, eggs are eggs, and they are all eaten.

Some people even only keep hens at home, just to lay eggs for the family to eat.

If the eggs in this elder sister's house are fertilized eggs, they must have raised roosters.

Jiang Li had bought fertilized eggs online before and planned to incubate chickens himself, so he knew that the price of a fertilized egg was ten times that of ordinary eggs.

On the surface, it seems that she lost money buying these eggs, but in fact she made money.

Jiang Li returned to the village with a big bag of eggs, and this time he returned with a full load.

When Jiang Li returned home, it was already dark outside, and Jiang Yi had already returned from school.

The two babies were so hungry that they were crying loudly in the room. Zhang Guocai frantically fed them rice soup, but the two little ones didn't drink it at all, and even vomited on him in a disgraceful manner.

Seeing Jiang Li coming back, Zhang Guocai seemed to see a savior: "Jiang Li, you are finally back, please take care of your two cubs, uncle, I really can't stand it!"

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