"What if, what if I'm pregnant?" Lin Fang's heart pounded wildly, and her chest heaved more and more frequently.

He Yuzhu's mind is now a mess.

To this question, he has only one answer.


The two words blurted out, and the faces of the two of them immediately pressed together.

In the depths of love, there is no need to elaborate on what will happen.

He Yuzhu used all his strength to tear his own clothes directly from the neckline.

Seeing He Yuzhu's fury, Lin Fang couldn't wait to reach out to his belt.

But at this critical moment, an uninvited guest rushed into the room.

"What do you want?"

This sudden voice almost didn't frighten He Yuzhu into shivering.

Hurrying to cover Lin Fang with the quilt, regardless of the torn clothes, He Yuzhu glared at He Yushui and Qin Huairu who entered the room.

"Are you two sick? What do you want to do in the middle of the night?"

He Yushui glanced at He Yuzhu.

"What's the matter, can you ruin your good deed?"

"I'm not married yet, so it's time to go to bed?"

"What's the matter with you?" He Yuzhu asked back.

If a good thing is interrupted by others, everyone will be angry.

What's more, these two people still have such a strange look.

"It doesn't matter, this is also He Yushui's home, don't think this house will become yours!" Qin Huairu suddenly stood up and said.

Just as He Yuzhu wanted to retaliate, he suddenly realized the purpose of the two of them coming here.

It's just that he still can't believe it.

Can't believe He Yuzhu really thought so?

"He Yushui, I advise you to think carefully before saying what you said next, and don't be led into the ditch."

He Yuzhu was somewhat annoyed.

It's not good for He Yushui to mix with anyone, but he just walked with Qin Huairu.

Is this bitch a good person?Let alone a good person, she is not even considered a person.

"What's the matter? Could it be that this house doesn't have any rainwater?"

"He Yuzhu, you have been taking care of your sister for so many years, just to marry her off when she grows up, and then you take this house all to yourself?"

Qin Huairu's words fully confirmed that she is indeed not a person.

I don't know whether she came up with these words with her head or her ass.

So much so that He Yuzhu couldn't help laughing when he heard these words.

Take a deep breath.

"You can say whatever you like!" He Yuzhu didn't bother to continue talking to him.

Some words are too much, but it will hurt He Yushui.

Now He Yuzhu is still He Yushui's half brother, and he doesn't want to make the situation too ugly.

It's a pity that Qin Huairu and He Yushui didn't think so.

The two looked at each other, and then He Yushui clenched his fists, gritted his teeth and told He Yuzhu.

"I've already thought about it, now that I'm grown up, we'll have a family."

"There's a part of me in this family too."

It doesn't matter if He Yuzhu wants this house or not.

But he couldn't swallow the breath in his heart.

You must know that she only gave He Yushui pocket money yesterday.

Cooperating with myself toiled to death, so I raised a white-eyed wolf?

Resisting the anger in his heart, He Yuzhu nodded slightly.

"Okay, if you want the house, I'll share it with you. I have no objection, but."

"The money I spent taking care of you over the years, and the money I spent for your education, do you have to pay me back?"

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere froze for a moment.

Everyone knows that He Yuzhu raised He Yushui like a parent.

He Yushui could not refute this matter.

Qin Huairu and Qin Huairu next to him thought of some crooked idea again, and suddenly whispered a few words in He Yushui's ear.

Immediately afterwards, He Yushui changed his attitude and asked He Yuzhu instead.

"I'm your sister, shouldn't you take care of me?"

"Besides, you take care of me. Isn't this what your parents asked you to do when you were young? Do you still want to go against your parents' wishes?"

Well, what I said, I just need to write the words Baiyanlang on my forehead.

Lin Fang behind noticed that He Yuzhu's mood swings were getting bigger and bigger.

I was also worried that He Yuzhu would lose control and do something.

Lin Fang quickly made a relief and said.

"We are all relatives, there is no need to make trouble to this point!"

"Yu Shui, you are not completely independent yet, after you become independent, your brother will naturally give you what belongs to you!"

"Think about it, when he took care of you all these years, was he ever stingy?"

What Lin Fang said was indeed the truth.

He Yuzhu has never been stingy with He Yushui.

It can be said that He Yushui has never eaten worse than anyone else.

Even her going to school was arranged by He Yuzhu.

It is obviously non-existent to say that He Yuzhu would occupy the extra meal and not give her.

But He Yushui's attitude has been decided today.

She didn't come here to reason.

How could it be possible to listen to Lin Fang's reasoning.

"Heh, you and He Yuzhu are the same breed, don't think I don't understand your thoughts!"

"When you get married and have children, the house will be yours once your household registration is registered!"

"At that time, I was called "every day should not be answered, and the earth is not working."

Qin Huairu also followed along.

"That's right, He Yuzhu, don't go too far, bullying a little girl like this."

"Don't think that no one will support He Yushui."

"I'll just put my words here. If anyone dares to bully He Yushui, I will be the first to say no."

Really, there are Qin Huairu everywhere.

He Yuzhu really wanted to rush over and slap the woman in the face twice.

But reason told He Yuzhu that he must calm down.

After taking a deep breath, He Yuzhu said softly.

"Whatever you like, so be it, I am too lazy to talk so much nonsense now."

"What you want to do is your own right."

"As your brother, I can only tell you, think carefully before making a choice, and don't let yourself regret it in the end."

He Yuzhu's advice didn't help at all.

On the contrary, it ignited He Yushui's anger.

"You've been like this since you were a kid."

"I don't know what you are pretending, why do you have to act like you know everything?"

"Do you have to think that it is right for others to listen to you?"

"Since I came to you today, I have already made a decision."

"Tomorrow we will split up. I hope you can prepare all the real estate certificates by then!"

Leaving a cold snort, He Yushui took Qin Huairu out of the room.

He Yuzhu stood there not knowing what to say.

Lin Fang came from behind and patted He Yuzhu on the shoulder lightly.

"Don't think too much, if she thinks she's grown up, let her do whatever she wants!"

He Yuzhu forcefully forced a smile.

"It's okay, kid, it's all like this."

Lin Fang is not stupid, if nothing happened, He Yuzhu wouldn't have such an expression.

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