Lying on the big round bed, Lu Chengwen gently played with the ends of Cen Xian'er's hair in his hands, looking at the unique lamp on the ceiling in a daze.

Cen Xian'er lay on Lu Chengwen's chest, looking innocent and disappointed.

She had resigned herself to her fate.

I am really happy to be with this man.

However, she lost the bottom line that she had always adhered to, and found a man inexplicably in this way, which also made her feel confused.

But at this moment, she decided not to think about the problems that bothered her.

Leave those things that you can’t figure out and that annoy you to think about later! Isn't it good to enjoy the tenderness and romance that a woman should enjoy at this time?

"Lu Chengwen?"

Her voice was soft and soft, completely different from the cold tone before.


Cen Xian'er raised her head and looked into Lu Chengwen's eyes: "Do you have many women?"

Lu Chengwen looked at her and nodded: "Yes."

A trace of disappointment flashed in Cen Xian'er's eyes, and she continued to lie on Lu Chengwen's chest, her fingertips slowly drew circles on Lu Chengwen's chest, and said aggrievedly:


Lu Chengwen smiled and looked at the ceiling: "Yes, what a scumbag. I never thought that I could be such a scumbag before. I am really a beast in clothes."

Cen Xian'er said: "How many girlfriends do you have?"


Lu Chengwen didn't want to get involved in this topic with women: "Not many."

"Are there three?"




"All five?"

Cen Xian'er pouted and pinched Lu Chengwen's chest hard.

Lu Chengwen bared his teeth and said, "Senior..."

"What did you call me?"

"Uh... beauty..."


"Then...just tell me, I don't know anymore."

Cen Xian'er wouldn't tell him, but just pinched him hard again.

"Do you think I want to be your girlfriend? Don't be wishful thinking, I'm just poisoned! When my poison is cured, you and I will go back and forth, and no one can pester the other!"

Lu Chengwen rubbed the sore spot: "Yes, yes, yes, I am definitely not worthy of you, senior. We are just trying to save the world. Once your poison is cured, we will go our separate ways and won't entangle anyone. No way."

Cen Xian'er sat up angrily: "You mean, you are going to be irresponsible?"


Cen Xian'er's eyes became fierce again: "You've tortured me to this point, and you're just going to let it go, right?"

Lu Chengwen looked at her, his mind a little unable to keep up.

"No! I'm... I... you... aren't we just detoxifying, and by the way... have fun!"

"That means you regard me as a slut, don't you? In your mind, I am the kind of casual woman, right?"

"No! Absolutely not!"

Lu Chengwen became nervous and quickly sat up: "Senior, you said it. From now on, bridges will return to bridges and roads will return to their own roads. No one will bother anyone else! I am following your words!"

"I can say it! You are not allowed to say it!"

"Oh." Lu Chengwen said, "Then I won't tell you."

"What are you going to do?"

"I...I listen to you."

Cen Xian'er was really angry. She grabbed her clothes and started to put them on: "No man is good at anything!"

Lu Chengwen also quickly put on his clothes, looking for his Jun Zixue while doing so.

If a fight breaks out, having a guy in your hand might save your life.

This woman was as gentle as water at one moment, and then made her feel like she was going to kill her at any moment. It was so scary.

After Lu Chengwen got dressed, he wanted to run away.

Cen Xian'er sat on the bed and couldn't believe it.

The man who had been fighting to death with him just now, the man who tried his best to conquer himself and be in harmony with him...

At this moment, he actually wished he could stay away from him immediately.

The feeling of being slighted, abandoned, and insulted made Cen Xianer feel heartbroken.

"where are you going?"


"What are you doing with the knife?"

"I...I'm going to cut a watermelon and eat it."

Cen Xian'er looked at him and understood in an instant.

When he is with himself, he is just trying to catch a duck. He has no feelings for himself.

All the turbulence in my heart and the various plots in my mind are just my own one-man show.

In his eyes, he is a burden.

The sooner he gets out, the happier he will be.

Cen Xianer was extremely sad.

The first man I fell in love with, the first man who gave everything to me, actually regarded himself as a scourge and avoided him at all costs.

How could I, Cen Xianer, get to where I am today?

Cen Xian'er felt that she was so humble and degraded, and at the same time she had a sense of humiliation and frustration of being abandoned, bored, and even despised by the one she loved.

She cried with mixed feelings.

She hadn't cried in years, especially not in front of a man.

But today, in her heart, she hoped that Lawrence Lu would see her tears.

Lu Chengwen's mind also cooled down a lot.

If she was in this mental state, she wouldn't kill me, right?

With her ability, there was no need to cry at all, she could just jump up and fight with herself and everything would be solved.

Therefore, this is a psychological injury, not... what I thought.

Moreover, taking advantage and running away is indeed very grandiose.

Lu Chengwen slowly moved back: "Can you please stop crying?"

Cen Xian'er was grateful in her heart that he didn't turn around and leave, but her emotional expression was to shout at him:

"I just want to cry! You can't control it! Aren't you leaving? Aren't you annoying me? Don't you have many girlfriends? Just leave! Why aren't you leaving?"

Lu Chengwen actually doesn't understand women.

In the past, when I delivered food, I basically couldn’t get a girlfriend;

Becoming the president of the Monkey King Group, he can have many girlfriends without pursuing them...

So... faced with a woman who showed a normal woman's mentality to him, Lu Chengwen actually had no experience and didn't know how to deal with it.

"I...I don't mean anything else. Don't cry."

Lu Chengwen thought for a while and put down Jun Zixue: "I really have no other meaning, I just think...Senior, you..."

Cen Xian'er shouted loudly: "Don't call me senior! I don't like to hear it!"

"Then...what should I call you?"

"think it yourself."

"Then...Miss Cen?"

"Am I acting like a lady?"

"No, no, no, it's not..."

Lu Chengwen looked at her, and the two people looked at each other. Lu Chengwen had an extremely unreliable guess, but he couldn't believe it.

"Then I'll call you...sister Xian'er?"

Cen Xian'er's expression softened a lot, and she was obviously suppressing her smile: "I don't like it."

"Xiao Xian'er?"

Cen Xian'er finally couldn't hold it back and smiled.

"Who are you calling 'Xiao Xian'er'? You...are not big or small!"

Lu Chengwen was sure that his unreliable direction was right.

Lu Chengwen sat down next to her: "Little slut?"

Cen Xian'er's face suddenly turned red: "You... what are you talking about!? Don't call me that! I... I will kill you! Believe it or not, I will kill you!"

Lu Chengwenxin said, "Who can you kill with your tone?"

He hugged Cen Xian'er and said, "Ah, maybe I should call you little bitch Xian'er!"

" hate you! You're annoying! You can't call me that, it's so unpleasant!"

Lu Chengwen pinched her chin and made eye contact.

For a moment, Cen Xianer's breathing was rapid, her eyes flickered, and she looked directly at Lu Chengwen.

Lu Chengwen looked at her and couldn't believe it:

"Heh, do you like me?"

Cen Xianer's face turned red, her eyes pitiful, then she lowered her head and said in a voice like a mosquito: "No... no."

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