The point of the sword pointed directly at the iron wire, the gust of wind subsided instantly, and the chaotic air suddenly froze, making it impossible to breathe.

Cheng Yan looked at the shriveled iron wire, pulled an inner and outer sword flower, and put away the shape of the sword.

"Don't worry, I won't stop you."

The sound sounded from the empty rooftop, and the frozen air recovered in an instant, and the flowing air brought oxygen to save it from danger.

"You want revenge is your business, but whether you can succeed is another matter."

Cheng Yan turned around and looked at the dark night scene with a very meaningful tone.

The wire behind him has not moved for a long time.

The world suddenly became quiet, so quiet that Cheng Yan could hear his own heartbeat.

After a long time, a gloomy female voice sounded behind him.

"You entered by mistake, I can send you out."

The corner of Cheng Yan's lips curled up, and he turned around to look at the figure standing in the corner.

It was very dark, she was wearing a blue dress, she was unique in the darkness, the wind raised her long hair, revealing her pale facial features, she looked delicate, her eyes were dark, completely destroying her innocence, leaving only coldness.

This is Yi Yao.

On the day Yi Yao chose to die, she had just finished her final exams, and everyone was immersed in the longing for leaving school and starting a beautiful summer vacation.

After handing in the test papers, Yi Yao returned to the dormitory, took off her school uniform, put on her favorite blue skirt, and walked up to the roof of Chongwen Building step by step.

Before that, she behaved normally. Even when she met Peng Shanyi, Xun Jing and others on the road, she got a few handfuls of hair pulled and was insulted and made fun of wantonly.

She endured everything and took a last look at the world.

In the scorching evening, the overflowing youth, the smiling faces everywhere, and the sunset that dyes half the sky red make everything extremely gentle.

Everything is fine.

The height of 20 meters is enough to raise her wings, and the girl finally rushes to the blue sky and where she wants to go.

But after going around and around, the girl returned to the cage.

Cheng Yan put away his sad mood and smiled, "It's late, I'm very interested in your plan."

Even if Yi Yao kicked him out, he would still come in.

Yi Yao stared at Cheng Yan with heavy eyes, wondering why he was not afraid of death, why didn't he agree to such a good opportunity?

"If you sabotage my plan, I will let you die."

Yi Yao does not allow any resistance to her plan.

Even if the person is innocent.

So what of innocence, she Yi Yao is so innocent.

"I said, I won't stop you, but whether you succeed or not is another matter." Cheng Yan just wanted to remind her.

After all, at the end of the original plot, Peng Shanyi, Xun Jing, Bai Jiayu, and Ao Jiayou were not dead.

Even if Yi Yao stood above everyone else, she couldn't stop her hatred.

Yi Yao clenched her fists, her voice was sonorous and forceful: "I will succeed."

The simple four words contained her determination to put all her eggs in one basket.

"wish you success."

Cheng Yan smiled, especially dazzling in the dark night.


A sharp cry broke the dark silence and interrupted the conversation between the two, and Yi Yao disappeared instantly.

Cheng Yan looked in the direction of the screaming, which was the office building, Tang Maoshan.

The people in the classroom of Class 28 heard the horrific scream clearly, and were almost jumped up in fright.

"Yes, who is it?" Xun Jing covered her ears in fear and looked towards the window in panic.

"This voice seems a bit old." Bai Jiayu analyzed.

"Could it be, teacher?" Li Shengyun's eyes lit up.

Students have an innate sense of dependence on teachers. If there are teachers in the school, it can bring them psychological comfort.

But the teacher's current situation does not seem to be very good.

"Want to go have a look?"

Everyone looked at each other.

They wanted to go privately, because no one wanted to mention Yi Yao.

But the danger outside made them flinch.

Without waiting for everyone to make a decision, Xu Heng got up from the corner and went out through the back door.

Seeing him leave, Ao Jiayou and Bai Jiayu also followed.

Seeing that Ao Jiayou had left, the rest of the people breathed a sigh of relief.

After he left, no one would let them talk about Yi Yao, and they would not have to face the danger outside.

As soon as the two stepped out of the door, Xun Jing closed the door behind them.

Bai Jiayu looked at the tightly closed door, and frowned in disgust, "What's the difference between this and meeting a group of rookie teammates while playing games?"

The two of them were diligently looking for clues, but these people were good and just wanted to sit back and enjoy the benefits.

"Why don't you tell me about Yi Yao?" Ao Jiayou didn't comment, but just changed the subject.

Bai Jiayu's eyes froze, and he looked away, "I don't know much, but I heard that Yi Yao's reputation is not very good, and I found out later that she committed suicide."

"Bad reputation?" Ao Jiayou frowned, feeling displeased with the word.

What kind of person is qualified to put such a word on an independent individual?

"I don't know either, I haven't had any contact with her."

Hearing Bai Jiayu's words, Ao Jiayou frowned even deeper.

Bai Jiayu is hiding it.

What is he hiding?

Conceal that you don't know Yi Yao, or hide that you have never had contact with Yi Yao?

Ao Jiayou didn't show his doubts. In this dangerous place, he couldn't even trust his best brother.

Ao Jiayou and the two quickly followed Xu Heng.

Ao Jiayou spoke to him, "Xu Heng, my name is Ao Jiayou."

He didn't explain why he knew Xu Heng's name. After all, Xu Heng was famous in the whole No. [-] middle school.

Ao Jiayou's reputation is not small, but he can't believe that the other party knows him.

"My name is Bai Jiayu, how are you, Xu Heng?"

Xu Heng didn't look sideways, and ignored the two people who were puzzled.

Ao Jiayou didn't expect him to respond, but Bai Jiayu was a little annoyed when he saw that he still ignored the two of them.

But because of Ao Jiayou, he didn't say anything after all.

Soon, the three came under the office building.

At a glance, I saw Cheng Yan standing downstairs in the office building. The other party's leather jacket was really handsome in the dark, and his presence was so strong that it was hard to ignore.

Xu Heng walked to his side and said calmly, "You are here too."

"Come and see the excitement." Cheng Yan smiled and walked up the stairs first.

Several people followed behind him to the third floor.

"How do you know it's here?" Bai Jiayu asked doubtfully, looking around.

"Listen with your ears."

Cheng Yan pointed to his ear.

Suddenly, heart-piercing shouts came from the end of the corridor again.

"Ahhh - don't come here, don't come here!!"

Everyone looked at each other and immediately ran to the office at the end.

When their eyes touched the blood spilling from the door, everyone stopped.

The screams inside the door had stopped, and all sound was lost in an instant.

Cheng Yan ignored the blood, stepped on it and pushed open the door.

Seeing the scene inside, the four couldn't help but hold their breath.

Everything in the room, where the lights flickered on and off, was in a mess, comparable to a garbage dump. Snakes of different sizes crawled around the room, leaving a line of sticky blood everywhere they went.

There was an office chair in the middle. A middle-aged man was sitting on the office chair, his whole body was stained with ink, and his face was so dark that he couldn't see his features clearly.

He was wrapped around his whole body by a huge snake, his tongue was sticking out a letter, and his vertical pupils were staring straight at the humans who suddenly broke into the territory.

Blood was spreading out from under his feet, piled up to the feet of several people, sticky and disgusting.

He watched the living person appear without any reaction, his eyes widened exaggeratedly, and he breathed desperately through his mouth and nose, but it became more and more difficult.

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