When I reach 70, I will marry the richest man in the village

Chapter 57: Three meals in one house, wife and children by your side

Zhou Huainan tilted his head and looked at the big and small sleeping beside him and at his feet. He could clearly hear the breathing and snoring.

It was extremely quiet inside and outside the house. Although it was in the countryside, the house was simple, and the conditions were not very good, he actually had a feeling of peace and tranquility.

Quiet, peaceful, calm.

This was what he had always wanted to pursue, a house with three meals a day, a wife and children by his side, and he thought again of that person and home in Beijing.


That man probably wouldn't like this kind of life, nor would he like his wife.

But that's not important. What's important is that he likes it.

Zhou Huainan's sharp eyes suddenly softened, and all he looked at were the people he wanted to protect.

Soon, he fell asleep quietly.

"Ah ah ah..."

"Brother, don't make any noise."

"Bad, my brother is bad."

"Yes, he is bad."

While sleeping deeply, Luo Wanyi suddenly felt as if something was crawling on her body, and then she vaguely heard several little milky sounds.

She was dazed for a while, and then she was kicked several times, and she woke up instantly.

"Brother, look at my little brother, he is so mean. Mom is still sleeping. He is going to wake her up. Now he is kicking her. He is so mean."

It was Goudan who complained angrily to brother Tiedan, and it was he who stopped Xiaodouding from harassing Luo Wanyi.

The four of them slept early and woke up the fastest, so after waking up, they turned around to look at the brothers and sisters around them, and found Luo Wanyi next to them.

Little Douding didn't cry or make a fuss. He groaned and crawled out of the bed, using his hands and feet to crawl towards Luo Wanyi.

Goudan was woken up by his little brother's little hands and feet. The little guy completely ignored all the obstacles around him, including his brothers and sisters, and crawled directly across.

Therefore, children are not immune.

Fortunately, Goudan, Xiaohua and Xiaohu are all sensible and grown up. They didn't cry or get angry when they were stepped on, and sat up together from the warm quilt.

After Goudan saw through Xiaotu's intentions, he quickly went over and hugged him, but the result was that the little kid was unhappy and struggled to punch and kick him.

Immediately, Goudan was angered. He turned around and saw that Tiedan had also been awakened, and immediately complained to him.

"Ah ah ah..."

Little Douding didn't know if he understood, and the little man also protested, babbling in alien language, and spitting spit.

Luo Wanyi felt that every move of these little cubs was cute and very interesting.

"Little son of a bitch, you have to obey me, or I'll spank you."

As the eldest brother, Tiedan is still very dignified, trying hard to keep a straight face and educate the youngest brother who can't speak.


It’s really hard to take care of my little brother.

Tiedan has been taking Xiao Douding with him for several months, and just staring at him every day feels more tiring than working.

However, who is the eldest brother? Brother Goudan also has to help look after his two younger brothers and sisters. He is exhausted from looking after only one.

"Ah ah ah..."

The elder brother is bad, the elder brother is bad, he wants his mother, he wants his mother.

Xiao Douding really understood. He was angry. He waved his little hands and was very unhappy. Then he twisted his little body and went to find Luo Wanyi.

Goudan could hardly hold him.

"Goudan, let me hug my brother."

"Have your brothers and sisters used the toilet?!"

Luo Wanyi sat up and reached out to hug the little guy, then put on the cotton coat and got out of bed with the little guy in his arms.

She had to take someone out to pee first, otherwise she would end up peeing on the bed.

The weather is not easy to wash and dry, so the whole family has to lie on the bed to sleep.

As expected, the little guy didn't release the water. As soon as he was taken out, he peed a lot.

Xiaohua and Xiaohu were also brought out by Tiedan and Goudan. The four children also finished draining the water and went back into the house again.

Luo Wanyi looked at the sky. It was starting to get a little dark. She didn't have a watch, so she didn't know what time it was. She only relied on the light to guess, or whether she was hungry to decide when to cook.

"First child, second child, let's eat dry rice, scrambled eggs and cabbage tonight."

There are a lot of eggs at home, and there is no other fishy smell except eggs. However, if she eats eggs the way she does, she will only be able to eat them for a few days at most.

When the time comes, Luo Wanyi will still have to buy some more quietly with the members of the production team.

As for chicken, forget it for the time being. Let alone eating chicken every three days, even eating chicken once a week is not good. It’s too eye-catching.

The smell of chicken couldn't be concealed at all, it was too fragrant and spread far away. If they wanted to live a quiet life, they couldn't buy chicken.

Luo Wanyi thinks he can eat it once a month at most, which is probably a lot.

Although Luo Wanyi was talking to Tiedan and Goudan, he mainly wanted to talk to Zhou Huainan.

After all, you have to tell others what you eat, drink what they spend, and what you eat to see if they will object, have any objections, or have anything they want to eat.

As a result, Zhou Huainan didn't care what he ate. He had already planned to leave everything to his wife to make her own arrangements, and she would eat whatever she wanted.

"Tiedan, Goudan, open the door."

"Iron egg..."

At this time, the courtyard door was suddenly banged hard, and the voice of old party secretary Zhou was heard.

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