Hogwarts, was gnawed at the beginning

Chapter 10: Someone from the Ministry of Magic (revised)

The owl's movements were very fast. When Sur and the others arrived home, they saw a thick pile of books piled up at the door of Granger's house.

"It seems, it's a bit much." Hermione stuck out her tongue in embarrassment.

In the days that followed, Hermione was naturally immersed in the magic book.

I went to Ellison's house every day with my wand to practice the standard spells - the spells mentioned in the elementary book, such as the recovery spell, the levitating spell, the lock-picking spell, etc.

As we all know, to practice magic, you must have an object that can use magic.

For example, for the lockpicking spell, its target must have a locked lock, so the lock of Granger's house became the subject of the experiment.

And little wizards often cannot control the magic power in their bodies, which can easily make the power of the spell a little bit stronger or a bit weaker.

Hermione looked innocently at the smoke-emitting hole in her door. Mrs. Granger was at the other end of the hole.

"Miss Granger, I must remind you that this is the fourth lock that our house has had."

"I'm sorry, Mum." Hermione bowed her head and admitted her mistake honestly.

Sur stood on the lawn and happily threw a Bibi multi-flavored bean into his mouth.

Oh, damn, it smells like rotten eggs.

"You have to teach me. I cast spells exactly according to the key points written in the book, but why do I always fail?" Hermione walked to Soul with a frustrated look.

"It's not fair, why can you practice so easily?"

This... what should I tell Hermione? I did learn a few basic spells without practicing a few times, and he didn't know what happened.

"Well, maybe you can ask about your wand?" Soul said hesitantly.

Hermione's eyes widened, "You perfunctory me again!"

"No, please demonstrate it to me again and I'll take a look."

"Guo Guo, what are you doing?" Angel jumped downstairs after waking up, "Are you practicing magic again?"

"When can you turn me into a unicorn and play with me?"

"I'll change it for you when I learn how to do it. Now I'm going to show the idiot Granger the magic. Can Angel help me go inside and lock the door?"

"Okay." Angel jumped into the house again and locked the door obediently.

"You're the idiot, huh, big pig head!" Hermione glared at Soul fiercely and walked to the door angrily, "Why don't you come over?"

Soul shrugged, took out his wand and walked towards Hermione.

That night, Hermione was having dinner at Ellison's house. During the dinner, the naughty Angel broke a porcelain plate, so Hermione took out her wand and volunteered.

The ideal is full, but the reality is extremely cruel.

Under the expectant gazes of Mr. and Mrs. Ellison, she broke the broken porcelain plate even more.

"Ha..." Sur burst out laughing, attracting the predatory gaze of the little lioness.

"Sul?" Mrs. Ellison also glared at him angrily.

Okay, okay, Soul took his wand back from Angel.

"Restore to the original state!" Under the tip of the staff, the broken porcelain plates seemed to be pulled together by invisible threads and restored to their original state.

Angel clapped happily, "Guo Guo is great."

"What's so great?" Hermione muttered with her lips curled up.

Soul glanced at Hermione proudly and returned the wand to Angel.

Outside the house, two men in cloaks hurriedly emerged from the night. One of them looked around for a while, seeming to be muttering something, and then took out a silver box-like thing from the cloak. Open the box and there is a small buckle on the top.

He raised it high and pressed the buckle. There was a clear "click" sound in the box. The street light nearest to them went out, and then the other lights also went out quietly.

He didn't put the box in his arms until it was completely dark outside No. 445.

"Is this here? Nymphadora." A dull male voice turned his head and looked at the other person beside him.

"Don't call me Nymphadora." She complained dissatisfiedly and took off the cloak on her head, revealing her white face and fiery red hair. "The people in the ministry said this, but that shouldn't be the case. wrong."

"The magic aura here is incredibly weak, just ignore it," she said.

In the room, Soul grabbed a chicken leg and moved it unscrupulously close and far away, not letting Angel get it easily. Mr. and Mrs. Ellison watched the show from the side, and bursts of laughter broke out in the restaurant.

"Knock, knock." There was a knock on the door.

Angel twisted her body anxiously, trying to go down and open the door, but because the chair Angel usually used was locked in the room, she could only sit in the baby chair.

Mrs. Ellison took her down, and Angel ran all the way to the entrance hall and opened the door.

"Wow, what a cute little girl." A female voice came in from outside, "What's your name?"

"My name is Angel, sister, are you a wizard?" Angel chatted with the visitor in a familiar manner.

Then, the little girl walked in with two people wearing wizard robes.

There was a black wizard with a stoic face, and a witch with fiery red hair.

The witch glanced at the people present and turned back to complain to the wizard, "Let me just say, there must be no such thing as wizards attacking Muggles."

"Hello, my name is Kingsley Shacklebolt." The wizard also glanced around the room, then breathed a sigh of relief and took off his cloak, "We are from the Auror Office of the Ministry of Magic."

"Wizard? What's wrong with you?" Mr. Ellison asked doubtfully.

"It seems that we are too worried," he said. "The ministry has received reports that there are frequent magical auras in this community. We are worried that dark wizards are attacking Muggles. This is against the laws of the magical world."

"Are you new students at Hogwarts?" Kingsley turned his gaze to the only boy and girl on the table, and couldn't help but condense when he glanced at Soul's cheek.

"Yes." Hermione said cautiously, "We are practicing magic recently. Please..."

"Oh, it doesn't matter." The witch said loudly, "There have been frequent wizard attacks on Muggles recently, and the department's nerves are a bit tense. By the way, my name is Nymphadora Tonks, but I don't like to be called I'm Nymphadora, just call me Tonks."

"Just a reminder, freshmen should not use magic privately. This is a kind reminder."

"Oh." Hermione nodded.

"The magic world is so dangerous?" Mrs. Ellison asked worriedly. She suddenly didn't want Suer to learn magic, although it was indeed magical.

"Hogwarts is safe, ma'am," Kingsley said. "Dumbledore is one of the most powerful wizards in the wizarding world today. With his protection, there will be no problems."

Mrs. Ellison obviously did not fully believe his story.

"Sister." Angel quietly ran to the witch, "Can you turn into a unicorn?"

"Unicorn?" Tonks tilted her head in confusion, "Magical animals cannot be conjured using magic, dear."

"But...but..." Angel said anxiously, "Grandpa White Beard has transformed into Angel."

"Grandpa with white beard?"

"It's Principal Dumbledore, he's been here before." Soul said, "He may just have changed into a horse that looks like a unicorn."

In the past few days, Soul and Hermione have read a lot of textbooks required by the school. A beginner's guide to transfiguration begins with Gamp's Law of Transfiguration. One of them is that items or lives with magical properties cannot be transformed by transfiguration. And out.

"That's easy." Tonks snapped her fingers and took out her wand.

"Tonks!" the wizard frowned in displeasure, "don't forget, the Ministry does not allow us to use magic in front of Muggles."

But Tonks waved her hand indifferently, "Okay, we are just showing the magic of magic in front of the new students at Hogwarts."

After saying that, she turned around and looked around, seemingly looking for a suitable transformation item.

"If you don't mind, use this." Suer patted the stool under his butt.

"Oh, thank you, dear." Tonks smiled charmingly, making Hermione wrinkle her nose.

The chair twisted and transformed under Tonks' wand, transforming into a silver horse with a missing horn.

"Almost forgot," she said, and waved her wand.

A single horn "grew" out from the horse's forehead.

"Okay." She put her wand back into her wizard's robe and clapped her hands.

Angel was already cheering and couldn't wait to climb up, but no matter how hard she twisted, the horse wouldn't move.

"It won't move." Angel said aggrievedly.

"Oh, dear, I'm sorry," Tonks said, "Professor Dumbledore's Transfiguration is much more advanced than mine, and I haven't reached his level yet."

"The Bones family's transfiguration is well-known in the magical world..." Kingsley said, looking at Soul.

Soul frowned and heard the name Bones from a wizard again. Is it really famous in the magic world?

Forgive Suhr for searching through his memory but couldn't find anything about Bones. He only vaguely remembered that there was a little girl named Susan Bones in the same grade at Hogwarts in the movie.

Not sure if this Bones and his Bones are the same thing.

"Are you from the Bones family? But..." Tonks glanced at Soul in surprise.

"My name is Soul Ellison." Soul said firmly.

Kingsley was silent for a while and said: "Bones is a heroic and glorious name. You shouldn't..."

"This seems to have nothing to do with you, Mr. Wizard." Suer was a little unhappy.

"Sul!" Mr. Ellison said suddenly and loudly, which was rare. He seemed a little angry.

Suer remained silent and pursed his lips tightly.

Kingsley sighed, his expression seemed a little dull, "Let's go, Tonks." He said.

The two wizards quickly left Ellison's house, and the street lights turned on one by one after they left.

Later, Hermione also left. Before leaving, he glanced at Soul worriedly.

"Follow me." Mr. Ellison said firmly, and then went upstairs.

Soul hesitated in place for a while, and finally followed Mrs. Ellison's silent comfort.

In the study on the second floor, Sule and Mr. Ellison sat opposite each other in silence for a while.

"Sul," Mr. Ellison said, "I know you must have a place where you come from."

"Dad..." Suer shook his lips and said.

Mr. Ellison continued, minding his own business:

"When Sully picked you up, your name was written on your swaddle, Sule Bones. Sully has always taken good care of that swaddle."

"Over the years, I have asked if there is a family named Bones, but I have never heard of anything."

Mr. Ellison sighed;

"Although you are not our biological son, Su Li has always regarded you as her biological son, and so have I. The reason why I want to help you find your original family is that I think that whether you want to accept this surname or not, your life After all, it’s what they give you.”

"The grace of giving birth is indelible. Even if they have passed away, the blood of Bones flows in your blood."

"I don't mean to say this because I want you to change your surname back. I don't know what the Bones family means in the magical world. In fact, the choice is yours. I just hope you understand, be grateful and accept it. .”

"Some things, some responsibilities, can't be eliminated just by saying you refuse."

"You are a smart boy, you should understand what I mean." Mr. Ellison looked at Suhr with expectant eyes.

"I understand, Dad." After a moment of silence, Suer nodded.

Ellison smiled happily and said, "Okay, let's go down and play with Angel."

Suer nodded, stood up and opened the door to the study. Mrs. Ellison stood outside the door with worried eyes. Suer was stunned and hugged her hard.

"Thank you, mother."

Mrs. Ellison smiled, hugged Soul gently, and touched his head.

"You're welcome, kid."

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