Hogwarts, was gnawed at the beginning

Chapter 18 Metamorphosis Lessons

What should come will come after all.

Soul, who had just entered the auditorium, saw Hermione's brown and furry back at a glance.

He quickly rubbed his face and looked like I was tired.

As he passed the Gryffindor table, Soul quietly sat down next to Hermione and took a ham bun from the plate in front of her.

Hermione was startled, holding her fork in front of her in a defensive posture and looking at the person holding her bread.

"Good afternoon, Hermione." Soul said, pretending to be weak.

Hermione ignored him, but her body relaxed, and she turned around to continue working on the lunch in front of her.

"What's wrong with you, Soul?" Neville came over in time.

Su Er pretended to be calm and calm, and said loudly that he overslept and did not have time to eat breakfast, and was deducted points by the dean. Then he made a mistake in the herbal medicine class and suffered a minor injury. Category.

Sorry, Professor Sprout...

As he spoke, he used his peripheral vision to see Hermione's reaction.

Unfortunately, Hermione didn't react at all, but Neville was shocked, "Is Professor Sprout very strict? We have an herbal medicine class in the afternoon."

Although a little disappointed, Soul still answered Neville's question.

"Don't worry, Neville, Professor Sprout is a very good and kind professor, as long as you don't mess with other plants in her greenhouse."

"I have to go to our place for lunch. I have to catch up on my sleep after the meal. I have Professor McGonagall's Transfiguration class in the afternoon. See you at dinner, Neville."

"See you at dinner, Hermione." Soul said, slowly getting up from his seat.

Hermione was still fixing her lunch without looking back. If Soul hadn't had more sensitive ears, he might not have heard Hermione's low hum.

That's it!

Soul, who was in a happy mood, turned his back and swept away the fatigue he had pretended before, and happily returned to the Hufflepuff table.

"Who is that Gryffindor girl?" Sol's roommates came over and they could see clearly.

"What's her relationship to you?"

"I know, it must be a relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend. My brother has been writing letters to his girlfriend using an owl during the summer vacation." Another little Hufflepuff wizard said.

"Is your brother also from Hogwarts?" Another young wizard came over.


Several young wizards put aside Suer and started chatting enthusiastically.

Suer didn't mean to answer them, but just took a piece of juicy beef and stuffed it into his mouth.

Mmm, it's delicious.

In the afternoon, in the Transfiguration classroom, the little wizards of Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw sat quietly in their seats, waiting for the class to start.

"Tell me, why hasn't Professor McGonagall come yet?" Justin lowered his head and asked softly.

Suer glanced at the tabby cat on the desk, which was as quiet as a sculpture.

"Professor McGonagall has always been here," Soul said in a low voice.

"?" A question mark appeared on Justin's head, his face full of confusion, but then the question mark immediately turned into an exclamation mark.


Not only Justin, but also the other little wizards were shocked.

The tabby cat on the desk suddenly moved. After taking a few steps forward, it jumped up and turned into a witch wearing a dark green satin wizard robe before landing.

Tabby cat = Professor McGonagall.

Professor McGonagall seemed to be very satisfied with her masterpiece. She raised the corners of her mouth and turned towards the podium to face everyone with a serious expression:

"Transfiguration is a very, very, very dangerous and complicated magic. I hope you will remember every point I said in my class. If anyone is mischievous in my class, I will expel him. Leave the classroom and never allow him in again."

Professor McGonagall's aura was in full swing, and the entire audience was silent.

As the little wizards watched, Professor McGonagall waved her magic wand and easily turned a desk into a big pink pig, and turned textbooks into vivid birds.

One of them flew to Sur's table, and just when Sur reached out to touch it, it flew away again.

The subtle deformation of this hand made the little wizards' eyes sparkle with light.

Coach, oh no, professor, I want to learn this!

Professor McGonagall saw this in the eyes of the little wizards.

"I think if there are young wizards who have previewed the textbook in advance, they should know Gamp's five transformation laws. Does anyone know?"

A Ravenclaw girl raised her hand, and Professor McGonagall nodded.

"Miss Dupin."

Lisa Dupin was one of the last people in the Sorting Ceremony yesterday, and the moment the Hat touched her, it called out Ravenclaw.

She stood up with a red face and said in a confident and full voice:

"There are five major exceptions to Gamp's law of transformation. First, we cannot transform a delicious meal out of thin air. Second, we cannot turn a dead object into a living thing forever, but we can make them come alive temporarily. Third, transfiguration It is impossible to transfigure an object with magical properties, that is the realm of alchemy. Fourth, we cannot use transfiguration to turn one item into multiple other items, such as turning a table into two deer. Fifth, transfiguration You can’t make something out of nothing.”

"Very good, five points for Ravenclaw." Professor McGonagall nodded with satisfaction, "Why don't you write down what Miss Dupin said?"

The little wizards immediately waved their quills.


"Next, close your books and take out your wands! Let's start practicing the spells first."

The little wizards all took out their wands and obediently followed the steps taught by Professor McGonagall.

"When performing transformation, it is very important to wave the wand firmly and decisively, and not to make unnecessary movements when necessary."

Professor McGonagall looked around at the actions of the little wizards and said suddenly.

"Mr. Finch-Fletchley gave us a demonstration. His wand waving movements were very graceful and elegant, but unfortunately, Transfiguration is not a duel performance. It does not require you to dance for everyone to see."

Low laughter came from the classroom, and Justin Finch-Fletchley put down his wand with a blushing face.

This was just a small interlude, and Professor McGonagall continued to correct the little wizards seriously.

"When pronouncing the incantation, it should be clear and forceful. Note that there needs to be a pause between 'gu' and 'ra', but it does not need to be too long."

There was a low voice of chanting incantations in the classroom.

This is simply a pyramid scheme of the Demon Cult... Sur cursed, but his body honestly followed Professor McGonagall's instructions.

"Magic isn't just theory, it's a practical course."

The theory class came to an end, and Professor McGonagall distributed matchsticks to the little wizards, each of whom had one.

"What you need to do is to transform the match in front of you into a needle." Professor McGonagall said, "The point is, when you wave the wand, you must have a clear and detailed understanding of the transformed object in your mind."

"Professor, I want to learn the transformation technique you just used to transform the book into a bird." A little badger raised his hand and said.

"Mr. Morn," Professor McGonagall said with a stern look, "This is a step that beginners must go through. I just said it, if you are paying attention."

"Transfiguration is a profound and dangerous subject. I hope you can lay a solid foundation in a down-to-earth manner."

"Okay, let's get started."

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