Hogwarts, was gnawed at the beginning

Chapter 21 23 Things to Do in Class

Professor Binns' History of Magic is indeed enough to make you sleepy.

Soul suspected that Professor Binns's voice had a magic power that could make people fall asleep for a second. At least in the first period of the History of Magic class, only one or two eaglets from Ravenclaw could persist. The army was destroyed.

Professor Binns' dismissal was like a counter-curse to the sleep curse. When he stopped teaching, everyone woke up successfully.

In the afternoon magic class, the first-grade wizards need to learn a basic magic spell - the levitation spell.

Professor Flitwick gave a vivid example of what would happen if he mispronounced the levitating spell. He deliberately mispronounced a word.

Pronounced 'f' as 's', and then, a crazy bison appeared in the classroom, stamped its front hooves on the ground with a heavy moo, and charged towards Professor Flitwick with red eyes.

Amidst the exclamations of the little wizards, Professor Flitwick waved his wand lightly, and the bison disappeared.

"Unless you can survive the hooves of a bison, then it's best to be careful when reciting spells."

Professor Flitwick's vivid example made the little wizards remember that in history, there was an unlucky man named Baruffio who used a simple levitating spell to send himself to see Merlin.

It was still half a class to practice spells and spell-casting gestures.

In the second half of the class, Professor Flitwick gave everyone a white feather and asked everyone to try to use the levitation spell to make the feather float.

"Keep in mind what I just said, subtle wrist movements and correct spelling are also important." Flitwick shouted loudly as he walked off the podium.

"Oh! Very good." Professor Flitwick walked to Soul in small steps and stared at the feathers floating lightly on the table in front of Soul. "Mr. Bones, did you have any previews before the start of school?"

"Yes, Professor." Soul responded softly.

"Are you guided by an adult wizard when you practice?" Flitwick's eyes were filled with curiosity.

"No, Professor, neither of my parents are wizards." Soul replied.

"Well..." Professor Flitwick paused, a trace of doubt flashed in his bright eyes, and it disappeared briefly, "Actually, I don't recommend that young wizards practice magic alone without the supervision of adult wizards. It is too dangerous."

"However, obviously, Mr. Bones, your performance exceeded my expectations, so..." A smile appeared on Flitwick's face, "Fifteen points for Hufflepuff!" he shouted loudly. .

Everyone in the classroom looked over, and Justin's eyes drooled with envy. He also wanted to get extra points.

After class, Soul became the favorite of the little Hufflepuff wizards. Their eyes shone with desire and they tirelessly asked about the techniques for successful spell casting.

Soul naturally knew everything, but he was only forced by Hermione to practice a few spells in advance and read hundreds of millions of textbooks.

He can't say it's because I'm smarter than you?Anyone who says this deserves to be put in a sack when going to the toilet.

Wednesday night is an astronomy class. They have to use telescopes on the tallest tower of Hogwarts to observe the orbits of the planets and learn the names of different stars and what they represent.

"If you are going to choose divination in third grade, you'd better write down everything I say." Astronomy professor Aurora Sinistra said.

Thursday's Defense Against the Dark Arts class became a joke.

"I think I can go to the kitchen and fry myself in oil now. It will be very fragrant." Justin made a humorous joke, but he found that except for a few Muggle-born wizards and wizards, no one got it to his point of laughter.

"Don't you know garlic is a kitchen seasoning?" Justin said with an exaggerated expression.

Everyone reacted and laughed, but there was still a hint of embarrassment in the air.

No wonder he said that, it was because the smell of garlic in the classroom taught by Professor Quirrell was too strong. Professor Quirrell said it was to drive away a vampire he met in Romania, and he was afraid that the vampire would come back to catch him.

As for the scarf that the little wizards were curious about, Professor Quirrell told the little wizards that it was a gift given to him by a prince in Africa, in order to thank him for helping to get rid of the entanglement of the resurrected zombies.

However, everyone tends to listen to these stories as stories. As for the credibility, well...it's a matter of opinion.

At least Soul wouldn't believe it. He knew exactly what Professor Quirrell looked like under his scarf.

Professor Dumbledore has already made a good move to invite you to the urn. It would be better for him to watch on the sidelines. At most, he will pull Hermione and prevent her from participating. As for Harry and Ron, what will happen if Hermione is missing from the iron triangle?

So what does it matter to him?

Dumbledore will naturally control the situation secretly.

After finishing the third herbal medicine class this week, it was already Friday, and in the afternoon after the herbal medicine class, everyone had heard more or less about the little wizard's nightmare--- Potions class.

"I can't expect you to truly understand the beauty of the slowly simmering crucible emitting white smoke and wafting the fragrance. You also won't understand the magical power of the liquid flowing into people's blood vessels, which makes people's hearts dizzy and their wills blurred. …”

Professor Snape pushed open the basement door with a bang, and the low-pressure aura emanating from his body made the young wizards hold their breath and tremble.

This is another person whose field control ability is not that of Professor McGonagall.

Snape strode straight up to the podium, the pure black wizard cloak on his body making a sharp sound. He faced the young wizards with a straight face, and his gloomy eyes scanned the entire audience.

"I can teach you how to increase your reputation, brew glory, and even prevent death--but there must be one thing, that is, you must not be the stupid fools I often encounter!"

"Now, throw away those outdated potions textbooks in your hands. In my class, you only need to follow my instructions."

Professor Snape's potion skill points were not fully used up, Soul didn't know, but his poisonous tongue skill was definitely fully used up.

Moreover, he especially liked to stand secretly behind the little wizard and stare at the little wizard's operations with a suspicious look.

"Mr. Butt, I think what I said is very clear." Snape bent down and picked up a handful of dried nettles that had been ground and set aside, and twisted them. "Dried nettles need to be ground into a texture like flour."

"If you don't know what flour is like, then I suggest you go to the Hogwarts kitchen and ask the elf for advice."

Almost everyone has been criticized.

Although the steps for brewing the scabies potion and material handling instructed by Professor Snape were quite different from those marked in the potion book textbook.

Following Professor Snape's instructions, Soul was about to put the porcupine quills into the crucible away from the fire when he felt the cool chill and faint breathing coming from behind him.

Justin's face was pale and he was shaking slightly.

Sur hesitated for a moment, then immediately put the porcupine quill into the crucible. Pink smoke rose from the crucible. Sur closely observed the color change of the potion in the crucible, watching it quickly turn into a light color. light blue.

Suer, who was just about to breathe a sigh of relief, saw a hand picking up the still bubbling crucible.

Damn it, ruthless iron hand...

Snape held the hot cauldron expressionlessly, put it under his nose and sniffed it gently, then looked at Soul with an inexplicable look on his face.

"Before adding the horned slugs, the temperature of the crucible did not meet the standard requirements, and the efficacy of the drug was reduced a lot."

"It's barely usable." Snape snorted, placed the cauldron on the table, and left a comment.

"One point for Hufflepuff."

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