Hogwarts, was gnawed at the beginning

Chapter 25 Gryffindor point hourglass clears to 0 incident

what happened?

When Soul went to the Great Hall to eat, he found that every little lion on the Gryffindor table had a sense of low pressure, gray and foggy.

He heard a certain Draco at the Slytherin table mockingly say, "Potter should go back to his Muggle home.

Take another look at the four hourglasses of different colors in front of the rostrum.

There are only a few scattered dust particles stubbornly staying on the hourglass that belongs to Gryffindor House.

Yesterday there were one or two hundred points, why are there none today?

Go back to before liberation overnight?

After a while, combined with a certain Slytherin's loud announcement and Hufflepuff's inquiring about Morne's narration, Soul roughly figured out the whole story.

The famous savior took the lead in violating school rules. He stayed up until midnight and played Dolomites with armor in the corridor at midnight, and even broke into the restricted area on the fourth floor.

Peeves' co-administrator Filch successfully captured a group of "criminals" led by the Savior on the spot and took them to the Gryffindor Head of House's lounge.

Professor McGonagall was furious, ruthless and merciless, and deducted all Gryffindor's points.

I heard that Professor Severus Snape intended to expel the four of them as a warning to others.

"Give them a chance, they are still children." Professor Dumbledore stopped the incident.

At this point, Hogwarts' annual Academy Cup competition for Gryffindor has undoubtedly been pronounced dead.

Unless---some old bee takes action to forcefully reverse the situation.

As a member of Hufflepuff, Soul should be happy that Gryffindor was eliminated early. At least Hufflepuff House will not be ranked last this year, and at least it will be third place.

But Sol didn't show it on his face, he was a little worried about Hermione in his heart.

This little girl has been obsessed with scores since she was a child. Although the whole thing was caused by Malfoy's excitement and Harry Ron's impulsiveness, Neville and Hermione were actually the two most innocent people.

With Soul's knowledge of Hermione, she would definitely blame herself beyond measure.

But the strange thing is that Soul didn't see Hermione on Friday or even throughout the weekend.

Snape seemed to be in a very good mood during Potions class that day. Even though Justin, who was in the same group as Soul, accidentally knocked over the glass bottle containing moonstone powder, Snape didn't get angry.

The little wizards completed the task of learning and dispensing the demulcent agent in shock and fear.

This is a magic potion that can calm people down and is extremely suitable for coders and office workers who are particularly stressed.

Soul gave it another name - the Saint's Potion after the fact.

But be careful, the dosage of ingredients of this potion must be accurate to the decimal point, and cannot be placed too much, otherwise it will become a drug with a sleeping effect, which is probably equivalent to swallowing a whole bottle of sleeping pills. Puts people into an irreversible state of lethargy.

Potions are really interesting, and any recipe that spreads to Muggle society can create great value.

"It's still early... Let's see." He added this magic potion to his schedule and marked it as pending.

Compared to this basic magic potion, he is more interested in the water of life and death, and its pure sleeping effect has a larger audience. Sol's adoptive father Ellison often falls into insomnia due to work.

Suer, who was flipping through a book called [Elementary Magic Potion Refining] in the library, could not meet the little girl who might need comfort for two days in a row.

This is really un-Hermione...

When he had to wonder if the four people had already boarded the train home.

Soul finally saw Hermione on Monday morning.

"Good morning, Hermione." Soul patted the furry figure sitting on the long Gryffindor table with his back to the door.

"Good morning." Hermione seemed to be in a good mood?

This is strange. Could it be that Hermione was replaced?

The curious Soul sat on the long table of Gryffindor, attracting the attention of the little lions. He couldn't help but sigh after Soul's insinuations and Neville's additional explanations coming from behind.

The protagonist's luck is really bad, and at the same time, I have to lament the advancement of the plot.

After the four Harrys separated from Soul, they met Peeves on the fourth floor of the castle who was graffitiing the classroom. Of course, Peeves, who caught the little wizard wandering at night, started shouting for fear that the world would not be in chaos. .

"I could have escaped by making a deal with Peeves, but Ron insisted on giving Peeves a slap."

(ps: Peeves is the only Hogwarts Castle ghost that can touch the entity)

Peeves' revenge soon attracted the patrolling castle administrator Filch. In order not to be caught, the four had to break into the right corridor on the fourth floor.

"It's really scary." Neville said with a frightened look on his face. "There is a dog there that's bigger than the troll. That dog has three heads."

Frightened by the three-headed dog's roar, the four people turned around and ran away in panic. They ran into a corridor full of armor. The unlucky Neville tripped over the armor parts on the ground, and then there was a burst of sound that Soul heard at the door of the dormitory. The sound of "clang, clatter, clatter".

They had to run wild again.

Hermione didn't know when she ran away from Harry and the others. With soldiers chasing her, she wisely chose to take Neville back to the dormitory.

As a result, Harry and Ron were escorted to the office by Filch, while Hermione and Neville were lucky enough to escape.

"I found the three-headed dog guarding something. It was standing on top of a trap door with a chain locking it," Hermione said. "What do you think it will be?"

Soul guessed what it was, but he couldn't reveal the mystery without any reason.

So --- "It's either very dangerous or very valuable," Suhr said.

"I thought so too, but I'm not curious about it, but I successfully released the unlocking spell." Hermione said happily.

"Congratulations." Soul said insincerely. From the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of the defeated savior Harry and his little follower Ron walking in from the gate.

It seemed like these two were punished quite badly.

According to Neville's description, there were at least a hundred pieces of armor in that corridor. Assembling and cleaning them without the help of magic was a very large project.

Tsk-tsk, Soul shook his head, said hello to Hermione, then got up and returned to the Hufflepuff long table.

It can be seen that Hermione is really not interested in what the three-headed dog is guarding. She has been pulling Soul to study the transformation spell together this week.

This is something little wizards only learn in their fourth grade Transfiguration class.

All I can say is, is a top student worthy of being a top student?

However, the magic power in the bodies of first-year wizards cannot support them in using this higher-level magic spell. Here, we need to mention the definition of the transformation spell. It is a branch of the transformation spell and is also performed on the original object. Deformed upgrade operation.

This spell can transform a person into an animal, or transform an object into another object that has nothing to do with it.

Soul felt as if he had found a way to turn a chair into something like a unicorn. He still remembered the promise he made to his sister Angel, so he was very interested in this magic spell.

Professor McGonagall admired the two's eagerness to learn and affirmed Soul's ideas. She carefully answered their questions about the conversion spell.

"If you want to turn a chair into a horse, it's easy."

"But if you want to create a horn on a horse's head and make it move, that involves a more advanced form of transformation. For this, I suggest you go to the library and borrow the 1981 "Transformation Today" magazine, where Principal Dumbledore published a paper explaining the deeper theory of this magic in detail."

Professor McGonagall made a list and asked them to borrow it from the library. If they have any questions, they can come to the professor's office to ask at any time.

Well, at least first grade Soul can't do it, but he can try turning a chair into a horse.

Professor McGonagall's advice to him was to find an object that was similar to the target body shape he wanted to transform. Converting between items of the same size would greatly reduce the magic power required and the difficulty of transformation.

Gryffindor was scheduled to attend classes with Hufflepuff this week, except for Potions class.

Hermione spent the whole day with Soul, along with a Neville and a Hannah.

Soul and Hermione were studying transfiguration, while Neville and Hannah were reading together with a book called "How to Cultivate Herbs More Effectively".

Neville seemed to be very popular with Professor Sprout, and he usually spent time with Hannah taking care of the herbs in the greenhouse.

A whole week passed in this selfless study, and Hogwarts Castle ushered in Halloween in a quiet and peaceful way.

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