Hogwarts, was gnawed at the beginning

Chapter 39 The Arrogant Sijiao

"Ta..." Suer placed a thick book - [How to Better Handle Rare Materials] on the long table in the library, then sat down and flipped through the index, hoping to find out how to deal with unique materials in this book. Horned animal hair method.

Untreated unicorn hair is too hard and difficult to bend, making it completely unsuitable for making soft scarves, gloves...

Soul asked Hagrid, but Hagrid just looked blank.

Got it! ---Unicorn Category, 279 pages.

After flipping through the pages for a while, Suer looked at the text that he had seen at least four or five times today in silence.

Hey guys, copy and paste, right?

The whole paragraph explains how rare unicorn hair is, how rare and valuable it is, and what it can be used for...

The author says nothing about the treatment.

Do we really need to ask Professor Snape as Professor McGonagall suggested?

Thinking of Professor Snape's paralyzed face, Soul couldn't help but rub his scalp...

But I'm afraid that apart from the principal, Professor Snape is the only one in Hogwarts who has the ability to change the properties of magical biological materials, right?

It was not that Thor had never thought of using magic spells, but Professor Flitwick kindly reminded him that unless the goal was to completely destroy the material itself, such as the cutting spell, most spells were time-sensitive, and came from The materials of magical animals themselves have some magic resistance, even if they are separated from the magical animals themselves.

"What are you looking for?" Hermione came over and looked at the book in Soul's hand.

"Nothing." Suer closed the book, "Just looking around."

"Oh." Hermione nodded, "I saw you reading about household magic a few days ago. Is there anything interesting?"

"No." Soul glanced at Ron and Harry, who were sitting across from each other and flipping through a tome like crazy. He looked at Hermione and shook his head slightly.

"They are all magic tricks on how to make your family more harmonious."

"I have to go back to the dormitory. We'll see you in the afternoon, Hermione." Sol stood up, stuffed the books in his hands back into place, and then walked straight out of the library.

"What, it's weird." Hermione pouted her pink lips, and couldn't help but be curious. Sol had been acting strange recently, as if he was planning something, and asked him but didn't tell her.


Hermione shook her head, braced herself and opened the book "A Centennial History of the Wizarding World" in her hand. She also wanted to find out who Nicolas Flamel was.

The mysterious Soul is now hesitating at the door of the Potions Professor's office on the basement floor. Christmas is coming soon. If he still can't deal with those unicorn hairs...

After gritting his teeth, Suer made his decision, and some little wizards holding homemade body-warming bottles cast curious glances.

The moment he saw Suer pushing the door open and entering, curiosity turned into astonishment, with a hint of sympathy in the astonishment.

Looks like another student who was punished by Snape, right?

Snape's professor's office was extremely cold. There were many glass bottles filled with unknown liquids on the shelves at the door, and body specimens of various animals were floating in them.

Gee, a real villain scene.

Soul shivered.

Snape, who was writing and drawing on a piece of parchment, raised his head and saw Soul, who was looking at the office.

Soul's breath suffocated when he felt the cold gaze, and he met Snape's gaze with a sneer.

"Hello, Professor Snape."

Snape pursed his lips and had a cold face, but did not respond.

"Well...Professor Snape, I have a question to ask you." Soul said carefully.

But Soul's response was still silence, but Snape did not look away.

"I want to ask you, what method should I use if I want to make a material softer?"

Soul and Snape looked at each other for a while. Snape seemed to want to force Soul away with his eyes, but Soul remained unmoved. The two of them had an invisible confrontation. A trace of surprise flashed in Snape's eyes. Caught by Su Er.

But the professor was finally willing to speak out.

"what material."

"Unicorn hair..." Soul hesitated for a while and decided to tell the truth. Although unicorn hair was indeed quite expensive, Snape was also a rich man as a potions master.

Moreover, different materials have different processing methods.

Snape couldn't help but frowned when he heard that it was made from unicorn material.

"What is it used for?" he asked.


"Scarf, Professor.."

"What?" Snape doubted his ears...

"I want to use them to make scarves, and maybe some hats, Professor." Soul said with certainty.

"Ha..." Snape chuckled, but there was anger in his laughter. He thought that the Hufflepuff in front of him was deliberately entertaining him.

"Get out," Snape said.

"Professor, I'm serious." Suer looked back at each other firmly with a slightly angry look.

But Professor Snape chose to remain silent. It was obvious that he did not intend to answer Soul's question.

Soul lost this time, and he sighed in his heart. It seemed that he could only buy it in Diagon Alley. I wonder if there are any merchants who have the luxury of using unicorn hair to knit scarves.

"Sorry to bother you, Professor." Although Su Er was disappointed, he was still polite.

When Suer turned around and opened the door to leave with a slight disappointment, a faint sound of mosquito buzzing reached his ears.

"Purple-leaved wood sorrel."

Suer was stunned. Unexpectedly, Professor Snape still gave him a hint. A simple name made Suer, who had read a lot of books during this period, suddenly understand.

"Thank you, Professor." Suer turned around excitedly and bowed his thanks, very loudly.

The door closed, and a flash of memory flashed in Snape's eyes.

"Tch...boring..." He whispered disdainfully, picked up the quill and continued to write and draw on the parchment, and the office returned to its former tranquility.

"Tsk, arrogant..." Su Er looked at the closed office door and couldn't help but muttered, with a smile on his face.

He remembered that in Sprout’s No. [-] greenhouse, there were a lot of purple-leaved wood sorrel, which were very lush. The kind-hearted Professor Sprout would not mind letting himself pick some.

"Let me think..."

"Three pots of sorrel juice, six pots of water, soak for three days, then soak in clean water for three days... That should be enough..."

"Also, I need a completely safe room to house the unicorn fur."

"Hmm... By the way, the Room of Requirement! There's no place like it."

On the way to the greenhouse, Soul thought through his plans.

It's no surprise that Dean Sprout is usually working with herbs in the greenhouse.

Su Er also found her in the greenhouse as he wished.

Carrying three pots of purple-leaf sorrel, he walked towards the castle in a happy mood. Although Professor Sprout was curious about what Sur planned to do with it, she kindly gave the three pots to the little wizard and she raised them. Excellent grass.

The slanting sunset also coated the castle with a golden film at this time, which was extremely beautiful.

Just like Sur's mood.

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