Hogwarts, was gnawed at the beginning

Chapter 49 Christmas Presents

The familiar feeling of oppression came over me, and well... there was also a little milky smell.

Soul struggled to wake up in the darkness.

Angel, who had traces of drool on her mouth, was reflected in her pupils. Looking at the time, the hour hand was pointing between seven and eight o'clock.

Su Er sighed and skillfully carried Angel by the collar and slipped out the door.

"Hehe, Guo Guo, Angel loves you so much." Angel, who was used to being lifted up by the back of her neck, looked up at Suer and expressed her heart.

"If you don't disturb my sleep, I'll love you too." Suer's face darkened, he put Angel down and walked back to the room.

Su Er, who was awakened, had no sleepiness at all. When he came out of the bathroom, Angel was already standing obediently on the stool next to the desk.

Well, Suer, who originally planned to go downstairs to have a special Christmas breakfast and then come up to open gifts, had no choice but to move the meeting forward.

The first thing to open was the gift that was placed on top, the gift given to him by Mr. and Mrs. Ellison. Mr. Ellison gave him an inhumane check with a mark of 5000 pounds on it.

That was very Ellison, and Soul couldn't help but give him a thumbs up.

After throwing the check into the drawer, he continued to open it.

What Mrs. Ellison gave as a gift was a hand-knitted yellow and black sweater with a badger vividly embroidered on it, and the attention to detail was evident.

Soul guessed that it was Amelia who suggested it. Otherwise, how would Muggles know that Hufflepuff's symbol is a badger.

"Angel has one too, it's a unicorn." Angel lifted up her red sweatshirt and pointed it out to Suer.

"Yeah, very beautiful." Suer gave a thumbs up and put the sweater on.

Warm and caring.

Moen and Justin seemed to have agreed upon it. Each of them gave Suer a box of gummy candies, and the flavors did not overlap at all.

Candy is a very common gift.

To Soul's surprise, Hagrid also sent a gift, wrapped in thick kraft paper, with colorful words written on it - Hagrid to Soul Bones.

Inside was a complete horn, golden and very beautiful.

There was a note attached - "You seem to be very interested in unicorns. This is a horn I got by accident. It's for you. Merry Christmas."

This gift is indeed a bit expensive. If Suer remembered correctly, when he passed the drugstore in Diagon Alley yesterday, he saw the price of unicorn horn powder on the glass - 21 Galleons/bottle.

Sur didn't know how much powder this whole stick could produce, but there must be at least one bottle.

After putting it away in a precious place, Sur received the second valuable gift, which came from Professor McGonagall.

This is a somewhat worn, thin notebook.

"The notes I took when I was learning the Transformation Spell when I was a student. I hope it will be helpful to you --- Minerva McGonagall."

Hermione would probably faint with envy when she saw this, right?

Knowledge is difficult to measure with wealth, and this book condenses the notes of a countless master of transfiguration in the magical world. It is obviously of inestimable value.

What surprised Soul the most was that Principal Dumbledore also sent him a gift. Oh, no, it was for Angel - a small moving unicorn figure.

"Please help me pass it on to the lovely little angel——Albus Dumbledore."

I will!professor! ...It's hard for you to remember that I have a sister...

Angel's eyes flashed, and she took the running unicorn from Su Er's hand, and happily gave Su Er a few mouthfuls.

"Angel now has two unicorns!" She was extremely happy.

She didn't know that it was given to him by the old man with white beard, and Suer took the credit for it without any politeness at all.

Ron also sent a gift, well... Judging from the familiar smell of this biscuit, it must be the work of the kitchen elf, and Ron used it to borrow flowers to offer to Buddha.

Harry's was a bag of candy with the Candy Dukes logo on it, no idea where he got it from.

The Weasley brothers gave Soul a box of biscuits with a note on the box.

"This box of canary biscuits is given to you. This is the most successful creation after many experiments. After eating it, it will temporarily transform into a canary, and after one minute it will transform back into a human. "

"But be careful not to fly too high during the transformation, which caused George a big fall."

"We still have many interesting ideas, but we lack R&D funds. We look forward to you making us rich next time - George Weasley and Fred Weasley send you sincere holiday greetings."

There were also some ordinary candies. After checking them, Suer put them in an empty box and gave them to Angel.

It is worth mentioning that Hermione's gift is not among them.

Su Er was looking forward to it, but the most important thing now was to go downstairs for breakfast. His stomach had already made suggestions to his brain.


As soon as Soule put down his fork, there was a knock on Ellison's door.

Angel's hobby of opening doors has not changed. She rolled off the back of the "unicorn" smoothly and trotted away holding the unicorn figurine that Su Er borrowed flowers from to offer to Buddha.

"Amelia~" After a while, Angel shouted happily.

When Amelia walked into the living room, she first saw the gift Suer had prepared for Angel, and a flash of surprise flashed in her eyes.

"This is Guoguo's Christmas gift to Angel." Angel introduced proudly.

"Oh... sweetheart, your brother is great." Amelia cooperated, and then looked at Suer with relief, "You have inherited my brother's talent for transformation very well. There are very few first-year students. Able to do full transformations, great stacking transformations and transmutation spells, but something was missing."

"It can't move." Suer wiped his mouth and said.

"Yes, yes," Amelia nodded. "Lacked a little energy," she said.

Soul's eyes lit up, "What should we do? I asked Professor McGonagall and Professor Dumbledore, and they said this is a mysterious feeling..."

"Hermione and I have been working on it for a long time, but we couldn't get it to move."

"This is indeed a very mysterious feeling. I didn't know how to do it until I was close to graduation." Amelia said with a smile on her lips, "This is not something that can be learned in a short time."

"Okay." Suer curled his lips and was the Riddler again.

"Before we set off, we need to go to the Ministry of Magic. I have some work to take care of." Amelia said softly.

"Okay." Suer nodded.

"Guo Guo, where are you going?" Angel listened nervously to the conversation between the two and stopped riding the "unicorn", and hurriedly grabbed the corner of Su Er's clothes.

"Can Angel go too?"

Soul looked at Amelia, but Amelia shook her head gently at him.

Well, it seems that the place they are going to is not suitable for Angel. In fact, Su Er has already guessed where they are going. I am afraid it is the valley...

Su Er knelt down and faced Angel.

"Brother will be back in the afternoon. I still have a gift for you."

"Besides, the 'unicorn' my brother gave you will disappear tomorrow, just like the previous two."

Angel tilted her head and thought for a while, thinking it was more important to ride the unicorn one more time, so she nodded obediently.


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