Hogwarts, was gnawed at the beginning

Chapter 64 The Castle Crisis That Ends but Ends

The four deans also met, and after exchanging glances, they dispersed.

"Children, you need to pay attention to the corridors of the castle, the empty classrooms, and the corners. They are scattered now, but they must gather here in two hours." Professor McGonagall said loudly before leaving.

The students at Hogwarts Castle were ecstatic.

This is probably the only opportunity in their student lives where they can legally wander around late at night and explore the castle.

You mean Ash Snake?Oh, something that can be solved with a freezing spell.

After the four major colleges joined forces, they no longer acted alone. The male and female witches and wizards who were friends with each other formed a team and left the team to start "exploration."

Soul was no exception. He abandoned his roommate and resolutely fell into the arms of Hermione.

He thought it would be wonderful if there were no three light bulbs, Ron, Harry and Neville.

"There's a fire-ash snake there, Soul!" Ron exclaimed.

A blue beam of light shot over, freezing the fire-ash snake that had just laid its eggs and was about to ignite spontaneously, along with its eggs.

"Neville, I leave the snake eggs to you. Be careful when collecting them."

Ron: ? ? ?

He glanced at Soul, who was already walking side by side with Hermione in front, with anger in his eyes, "If I hadn't known the freezing spell..."

"Sul means nothing else, Ron, don't think too much." Harry patted Ron on the shoulder. To be honest, he had no objection to Sol's task assignment.

Because Ron had already crushed three fire ash snake eggs, this little thing was unexpectedly thin and crispy.

Neville was actually very good at this kind of delicate work.

When cleaning up the Ash Snake, Soul was puzzled. If this commotion was a way for Voldemort to fish in troubled waters and steal his magic stone on the fourth floor, wouldn't it be better to just go invisible? method?

Why bother? The same goes for the giant monster, and this time the Ash Snake. Could it be that the splitting of the soul will cause the IQ to drop exponentially?Or is this the only plan in Quirrell's head?

"Professor Quirrell?"

Whatever came to mind, the fire-fighting team met the pale Quirinus Quirrell at the entrance to the corridor on the fourth floor of the castle.

His whole body was swaying a little, and he was even shaking a little if he looked closely.

"Good evening... good evening, Miss Granger." Quirrell seemed to be startled, "And... you, Mr. Bones..." He stuttered as if A little more serious.

"It's...so late...you...you..."

"We are looking for traces of the Ash Snake, Professor." Suer knew that Quirrell was pretending to stutter, and he really couldn't wait for him to finish speaking. "Are you also here to eliminate the Ash Snake?"

"Fire... Fire Ash Snake? Of course..." Quirrell nodded hurriedly and pretended to be calm, "I... I have already... cleaned... cleaned up here..."

"Then, Hermione and I will go to the next floor first, Professor." Soul said goodbye to Voldemort Quirrell politely.

Hello Professor, Goodbye Professor!

"Goodbye." Quirrell had a decent smile on his pale face as he watched Soul and Hermione disappear.

Wow...I almost lost my life...Sul led Hermione faster and faster, and quickly ran to the next floor.

Judging from Quirrell's state, he must have just gone to the place where the magic stone was hidden, but did not find what his master wanted, and was severely punished by his master. What if there was something wrong with Quirrell's head just now? Taking out a magic wand by mistake and kidnapping a little wizard to exchange for the magic stone is a big deal.

Voldemort will definitely fight against him. There is no doubt that someone who is so cruel to himself has no reason to have mercy on other lives.

"Sul..." Hermione suddenly whispered when she and Sol walked to the fifth floor, "Can you let go of my hand?"

"Ah?" Suer subconsciously raised his hand and squeezed it subconsciously.

Oh, it's quite soft.

Hermione's ears immediately changed from light pink to bright red. She forcefully freed her hand from Soul's grasp, and then stuffed it into her wizard robe, covering it tightly.

"You scoundrel," Hermione muttered under her breath.

"Hehehehe..." Surgan laughed a few times and rubbed his hands behind him involuntarily.

One of them was reminiscing and the other was shy. They walked aimlessly on the fifth floor of the castle for a while. They said they were here to put out the fire, but a fire-ash snake swam right in front of Hermione and she was indifferent. Soul was quick to respond. A freezing spell went up.

Then, a sound of stomping footsteps and breathing came from behind.

"Harry?" Hermione breathed out softly, turned her head, and looked at the two people running over panting, her face a little rosy.

"Where did you go just now?"

"Don't mention it, Hermione, you will never guess what Ron and I just saw downstairs!" Harry's mouth was half-opened, his palms resting on his thighs, his expression not very good.

"Snape, he's on the fourth floor, forcing poor Professor Quirrell to hand over..."

"No need to say it, Harry." Hermione interrupted Harry's speech and glanced at Soul, "Isn't this something we knew a long time ago? Snape knew how to pass it, and then he I know Professor Quirrell’s ‘little tricks’”

"Professor Dumbledore is not here tonight, so it's the perfect opportunity, isn't it?"

"Yes, maybe Snape has succeeded." Ron said.

"Not necessarily, otherwise, we wouldn't have seen Snape forcing Professor Quirrell." Harry retorted.

"Sorry to bother you." Suer shook his head as he listened to the three people over there analyzing the matter in a very pretentious manner and without telling the truth. And Hermione, was your little look just now to prevent me from tipping off the news?

"Can any of you tell me where Neville has gone?"

"Neville?" Harry was stunned, "We didn't see him when we ran up just now. Ron, did you see him?"

"I didn't see it either." Ron was also stunned, "Maybe he went to the auditorium by himself since he couldn't find us?"

Okay, Suer rubbed his forehead.

"I'll go find him. Meet him in the auditorium later."

As soon as he finished speaking, Soul turned around and separated from the trio in the direction he came from. He didn't notice that Hermione bared her teeth at his back, stamped her feet, and glared again.

According to what I know about the little ostrich Hermione, she won't talk to him until at least the next day, well, just because he held her hand.

At this time, she felt more comfortable leaving here.

But...compared to before, just not talking to herself for a day was a good change. This showed that Hermione was becoming less wary of herself and her physical contact, and was starting to get used to it.

Next time, maybe just don’t talk for a long time, and then continue to reduce it.

Thinking about it this way, sooner or later one day...

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