Hogwarts, was gnawed at the beginning

Chapter 88 Conflict on the Quidditch Pitch

The Quidditch pitch finally arrived, and Ron rushed to the stands as if he was finally relieved.

Harry and the others seemed to be still in the team lounge. Ron really couldn't understand the content of the discussion between the two top students, so he had no choice but to sit with Colin Creevey, whom he had met many times. .

Yes, the boy has unleashed his paparazzi spirit, and wherever Harry is there, he is bound to be there.

Fortunately, Colin Creevey was very interested in Quidditch, so Ron chatted with him about his favorite Quidditch and promoted his favorite Charlie Cannon Team.

Harry came out, and his teammates, all with sleepy looks on their faces, only Wood looked excited.

"Whoosh..." The cool morning breeze blew wildly, slapping his face and driving away Harry's sleepiness. He mounted the broom and flew around the stadium as fast as possible.

At this time, he noticed Hermione and Soul in the stands, and of course, Ron and Colin Creevey who were sitting not far away from them and were chatting.

"Good morning." Harry braked suddenly and stopped in front of several people.

"Harry, look here!" Colin shouted, waving his hand and raising his camera.

"Oh, that's terrible." Harry muttered secretly, waved to Colin perfunctorily, said hello to Hermione and Soul, and flew away at high speed.

"Hey, what are the people from Slytherin doing here?" Hermione suddenly said, pointing to the entrance not far away from the stadium.

Not only Hermione noticed it, but also the Gryffindors in the field.

Wood rushed to the ground on a broomstick, followed by his team members.

Soon, Wood was blushing and quarreling with the Slytherin players.

"Thul, let's go down and take a look." Hermione stood up and didn't forget to call the two people on the other side, "Ron, stop talking, something happened."

"Oh, look," Flint shouted as the three came over from the lawn to see what was going on, "someone broke into the field."

"What's the matter? Why don't you stop playing? I'm still introducing the rules of Quidditch to Colin." Ron asked Harry, "What are they doing here? Especially him..."

"I am the new Seeker of the Slytherin team, Weasley." Malfoy, wearing the team uniform, said proudly, "Just now we were showing everyone the broomsticks my dad bought for our team!"

Ron watched blankly as Malfoy raised the brand new broom in his hand and waved it in front of his eyes.

"Not bad, isn't it?" Malfoy said pleasantly, "but maybe the Gryffindor team can also get some gold to buy a few new brooms, at least for someone as poor as the Weasley family. Absolutely impossible, after all, we have to support so many people..."

"Hahaha..." Several people in Slytherin laughed in a very bad way.

"Oh, by the way, I've come up with a solution for you." Malfoy continued, "You can sell those sweeping five-star brooms. Maybe there is a Museum of Fools willing to take over them, so you can also try second-hand new brooms? For example? The Nimbus 2000 in Potter’s hand?”

"I can help you contact the museum to see if they are willing to accept it. An uncle of mine is a dealer in antiques." A tall and thin man in the Slytherin team said in a friendly manner, but the sarcasm in his tone was almost It's about to overflow.

The Slytherin team laughed, Malfoy laughing especially loudly.

"At least no member of the Gryffindor team needs to pay to join the team." Hermione couldn't stand it and said harshly, "They all got in based on their own abilities."

The laughter stopped suddenly, Malfoy's face darkened, and he looked at Hermione fiercely.

"No one asked you, you stinking little mudblood!"

Behind Hermione, Soul's face was gloomy and terrifying, and he pulled out his wand almost as soon as Malfoy finished speaking.

"All petrochemical!"

Malfoy's smile froze on his face and he fell face down to the ground.

The Slytherin team couldn't react in time and could only watch as their sponsor had close contact with the turf.

"How dare you!!" Flint took a step forward and pulled out his wand, saying in shock and anger.

They glared at Soul, drawing their wands and pointing them at Soul.

At this time, people from the Gryffindor team rushed up, "How dare you!!!" A girl wearing a red team uniform screamed.

Fred and George kept Soul and Hermione behind them.

Harry blinked blankly, he still didn't know what the word 'Mudblood' was.

Ron's face turned red as he also pulled out his wand and pointed at Malfoy who was lying on the ground.

The scene suddenly became chaotic, and the two parties faced each other on the lawn.

The senior students in Slytherin unlocked the spell for Malfoy. Malfoy got up from the ground, shook off his teammates' hands holding him, his face was terrifyingly dark, and he pulled out his wand.

"Sul Bones!"

This was the second time. Last school year, the humiliation on the train seemed like it happened just yesterday. The fire in Malfoy's eyes seemed to burst out, and he looked at Soul behind the crowd fiercely.

"Get out of here!"

"I'm out, what next?" Soul patted Fred or George on the shoulder, then walked to the front of the crowd and looked at Malfoy at leisure.

Hermione was behind him, looking at Soul worriedly.

Malfoy became even more angry and raised his wand.

"What are you doing?!" A voice came from the other side of the lawn, and the big man Hagrid stepped across the lawn in a hurry.

"It's none of your business, big man!" Malfoy cursed angrily at Hagrid.

"Is this what old Malfoy taught you?" Hagrid glared.

Perhaps because Hagrid's huge body was too oppressive, Malfoy moved his lips a few times without speaking, and glanced at Soul viciously.

"You wait for me."

Then he squeezed past Colin, who was holding a camera on one side, and said, "Get out of here, kid."

Colin was hit hard.

The Slytherin team was missing one person, so training naturally couldn't take place. They all followed Malfoy and left.

Looking at Malfoy's back, Soul narrowed his eyes.

With the Slytherin people gone, naturally no one competed with Gryffindor for the training ground. Harry glanced at Soul and others worriedly, and finally rode on the broomstick at Wood's greeting.

Fred and George each patted Soul on the shoulder and gave him a thumbs up.

"If you need help, just call us."

"If Slytherin is unhappy, we will be happy."

"At least there's enough shit and egg tubes. George and I did a lot of that over the summer."


After a while, Hagrid sat on the stand with them again.

"Who does he want to cast a spell on?" Hagrid occupied a large area by himself and asked Suer and the others.

"Thul," Ron responded, "but there's a reason."

"Malfoy called Hermione a very nasty name. Malfoy called her a 'Mudblood', Hagrid."

"Is it true?" Hagrid looked at Hermione and shouted, looking very angry.

"Really." Hermione nodded, "But I don't know what it means. Everyone was very angry. Soul suddenly used magic on Malfoy. I was shocked."

"This is the most insulting thing." Ron said angrily. "Mudblood is a Muggleborn - that is, a slanderous name for people whose parents do not know magic. Some wizards think they are superior to others because they are Pure-bloods look down on those of Muggle origin."

Ron gasped, "It's an ugly name, meaning something, dirty, inferior blood."

"That's why Soul is so angry." Hermione nodded. After thinking about it, she also started to get angry. "This... is so rude and seems very --- uneducated."

"Their whole family is like this." Ron nodded in agreement, "You should have seen how Malfoy's father treated us in Diagon Alley."

"It's all crazy talk! In fact, most wizards now are mixed-race. If we didn't marry Muggles, we would have become extinct long ago!"

Soul was chatting with Colin, who almost dropped his camera. He was asking Colin if he had taken a photo of Malfoy's ugly face on the grass.

ps: There is another update, a little later.

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