The people sent out by Yun Qian followed the two of them carefully.

Generally, palaces will build multiple tunnels leading to the outside or other places that are not well known to people.

The location of the tunnel is generally known only to the royal family, except for the workers who built it.

Yun Chu led Queen Wei Lan to the tunnel's secret door, and then led the people inside.

It was very dark in the tunnel. Yunchu took out the fire sticks he had prepared in advance and lit it. The firelight illuminated a small area.

"This tunnel can lead directly to the outside of the city. When the time comes, I will let them enter the palace from here."

"When I arrange everything properly, you can just send someone to take charge of the internal and external coordination."

The tunnel was long and narrow, and the two of them could only walk one behind the other. The cold, damp air inside was a bit oppressive, and the rotten smell penetrated straight into the nose.

Rouli Country has developed steadily for several years, with no internal strife or secret fighting. This tunnel has not been used much for so many years. It is estimated that many people have forgotten that there is a tunnel here.

The two of them did not go very deep, the tunnel was very long, and it would take a lot of time to get out. The banquet was already halfway through, and they needed to go back quickly.

Queen Wei Lan returned to the singing and dancing hall first, followed by Yun Chu. There was not much distance between them, and they smiled and talked, as if they had met by chance and came in together.

Yun Qian raised his eyelids to look at the two of them, and continued to chat and laugh with the people next to him.

The banquet lasted until very late, with Yun Qian and Yun Yu walking in the front, and Wen Li and Prince Nanliang walking behind.

Some of the envoys were already drunk and unconscious, so the queen arranged for them to be in a wing of the palace.

"I saw Yun Chu and Queen Wei Lan went out together just now, and they didn't come back for a while," Yun Yu said.

Yun Qian nodded to indicate that she had also seen it. She asked, "Have the tunnels in the palace not been used for a long time?"

"Authentic?" Yun Yu thought for a moment, "Indeed, my mother has never used it since she came to power. If you didn't tell me, I would have almost forgotten that I still have this thing."

"I just sent people to follow them and found that they entered the tunnel. It's not easy to hide in the tunnel. My people didn't follow them. I don't know what they did inside." Yun Qian pondered.

She suddenly thought of it, so she spoke again: "The tunnel hasn't been opened for a long time, and we haven't even entered it. How could she know?"

This is a big problem. Although the sisters know that there are tunnels, they have never entered them, and they do not know the specific directions of each tunnel.

Yunchu looked like he was familiar with the road.

This couldn't have been found by accident or discovered by accident and knew exactly where it led.

Unless Yun Chu came to squat a bit and walked through it himself many times.

It's a bit scary to think about it further.

"She is so ambitious." Yun Yu touched her arm.

"So what if she's old? Sooner or later I'll put her to death in the cradle." Yun Qian made vivid movements.

From the back, it looked like Yun Qian was dancing with her teeth and claws.

The two people following behind couldn't help laughing.

"The general is optimistic and out-of-the-box, so there shouldn't be any conflicts between you two, right?" Prince Nanliang asked with a smile.

Wen Li looked gently at Yun Qian's back in front of him, "No, I can't bear to have a conflict with the general."

The general is usually very busy, and the two of them don't spend much time together. Wen Li wants to spend it doing something intimate, so there is no need to have conflicts.

Wen Li's infatuated look reminded Prince Nanliang of how he had treated Yun Yu the same way when his relationship with Yun Yu was strong.

But after they got married, they gradually became troubled by all kinds of trivial matters, and their relationship was no longer as pure as it was before.

"Cherish the time you have now. There will be too many things to worry about after you get married."

Wen Li turned his head to look at the elegant man beside him, and saw deep helplessness in his eyes.

"What will happen after you get married?"

"Being a member of the royal family, many things are watched by others and you can't help yourself. Not only the things in the house, but also... the matters of accepting the emperor."

Na Shijun?Wen Li was stunned for a moment.

For some reason, he wasn't too worried about Yun Qian marrying another man.

"The general promised to marry only me."

Now it was Prince Nanliang who was stunned.

Marrying just one person is too difficult in this day and age, and no one would make such a promise easily.

Even if it is given, it may not be possible in the end.

Prince Nanliang looked at Wen Li's profile, which was focused on Yun Qian's face. Contentment and happiness were visible to the naked eye.

He smiled silently.

Probably only those who are favored feel confident.

He has seen the way Yun Qian and Wen Li get along with each other. There is no identity barrier or class distinction. They are just ordinary people.

Sometimes he envied Wen Li, envied that he could meet Yun Qian, and envied that he could get such preference.

The four of them separated in front of the palace gate and walked in different directions.

"This is not far from the General's Mansion. How about we take a walk back?" Yun Qian suggested.

Wen Li has never rejected Yun Qian.

The wind was cooler at night, and the downy cloaks they wore were enough to keep out the cold.

It was approaching the fifteenth day of the lunar month, and the moon gradually became rounder. The bright moonlight shone on the two of them, and the white fluff on the cloak shone brightly.

Most ancient people closed their shops very early and took a rest, so the streets were a little deserted, but this did not prevent lovers from walking on the streets.

"Does King Nanliang like her real husband?" Wen Li suddenly asked.

"Sister? I like him. Otherwise, why would I marry him?"

"Why are you asking about this suddenly? Did my brother-in-law tell you something?"

Wen Li held Yun Qian's hand tightly and intertwined with hers, "No, I just wanted to ask suddenly and felt that they didn't seem to get along well."

Yun Qian touched his chin, "The disagreement is not that serious. The main reason is that they are both awkward. After getting married, they are not as close as before."

"It would be nice if they could open up the conversation a little bit and say what they have to say directly."

Wen Li listened quietly with curved eyebrows and did not answer immediately.

Yun Qian thought that he was thinking wildly, so he quickly said: "Don't think like that, we are different from them."

"I don't think so."

The night set off the atmosphere just right, and at one point even the howling cold wind stopped.

There are only two figures holding each other in the long street in the whole world.

Yun Qian pulled the person to stop and asked him to face her, "I'm serious, I will only marry you, I won't even look at anyone else."

"I know what you are worried about. Don't worry, the general's mansion will only have you as its male master."

After getting a confession in a daze, Wen Li felt so soft.

How could there be such a good person, Wen Li thought.

He bowed his head and kissed Yun Qian reverently. The moment their lips touched, Wen Li felt that he had found the destination of his soul.


A naughty child who had not yet gone to bed opened the window and was very surprised to see two people kissing on the street.

"Mom, look, someone is kissing on the street."

The child's mother said, looking in the direction of the child's finger, and saw the two people embracing each other under the moonlight, and her eyes softened for a moment.

"Aren't they shy?" the child asked innocently.

"No, no one else can see it except the children who go to bed late."

It was obvious who the child who stayed up late was referring to, as the child stuck out his tongue.

"Mom, why do they want to kiss?"

"Because they like each other."

"What is like?"

"I like it... I'll tell you after you wake up, okay?"

"it is good!"

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