The strange female partner in Quick Wear is too sexy

Chapter 28 The Blind Queen Mother 12

Xiao Yue was stunned when he looked at Sheng Rao, who was completely different from the other two.

He always had a feeling that Sheng Rao was the person he wanted to accompany him until he grew old.

As for Sheng Linglong, Xiao Yue just thought this woman was interesting at first. She was not submissive like other women. She was bold and free and had many novel ideas, so he became interested in Sheng Linglong.

The key is that Sheng Linglong knows many things that he doesn't know. She is a bit mysterious, but also a bit innocent. Xiao Yue decided to keep her by his side to help him.

Sheng Linglong did not disappoint Xiao Yue, and her identity also surprised Xiao Yue. Sheng Linglong turned out to be the prime minister's daughter, which made Xiao Yue want to keep her by his side even more. With the help of the prime minister, he plotted Usurping the throne is even simpler.

At that time, he only wanted to keep the two of them by his side, so when the old emperor fell in love with Sheng Linglong, he and the Prime Minister's Mansion sent Sheng Rao to the palace.

But he didn't expect Sheng Rao to be so beautiful!

The moment he saw Sheng Rao, the moment he knew she was Sheng Rao, he regretted it.

He should not let go of either of the two sisters. He should find someone else to replace Sheng Linglong in the palace at that time.

But now it's too late. Sheng Rao is now the Queen Mother and even hates herself and Sheng Linglong. This is not okay!

Xiao Yue was thinking of ways to calm Sheng Rao's anger. He wanted to rescue Sheng Rao and escape from the palace.

"Sorry, I did make a mistake back then. I feel free to beat you or scold you. If you want to leave the palace, I will find a way to get you out of the palace."

Xiao Yue's apology seemed sincere, but Sheng Rao couldn't feel his apology at all.

He also tried to find a way to get her out of the palace. Was this because he wanted her to just jump out of the dragon pool and jump directly into the tiger's den?

"No, I just want you to stay away from me!"

"Are you very hostile to me? Do you hate me?"

Sheng Rao felt that Xiao Yue was sick for asking such a question. If he didn't hate you, how could he be so grateful to you?

"Shouldn't I hate you? Go back and tell Sheng Linglong not to use evil tactics next time. The poison she poisoned won't kill me!"

After Sheng Rao finished speaking, she took Forsythia away and left.

Xiao Yue didn't understand what Sheng Rao meant. He suspected that Sheng Rao was lying to him. How could Sheng Linglong do such a thing as poisoning? Besides, Sheng Rao was still her sister, which made it even more impossible.

But Sheng Rao's words still planted seeds of doubt in Xiao Yue, making him suspicious of Sheng Linglong.

After Sheng Rao left, Xiao Yue did not come to inquire about the imperial court as he originally planned. He just greeted the little emperor with a few words and then went back.

When Xiao Yue went back, Sheng Linglong was still studying gunpowder.

She looked a little bad. The experiments failed again and again, and she was almost out of patience. But when she thought that this was a bargaining chip for her to marry Xiao Yue, she had to study it again.

"Linglong." Xiao Yue looked at Sheng Linglong with a serious face, and he couldn't help calling her name affectionately.

Sheng Linglong is undoubtedly a woman that satisfies him. She cares about him wholeheartedly. He knows that she has many secrets. He doesn't know whether her single-mindedness is sincere or has other motives. But even so, he still stays. Got her.

However, Sheng Rao's words made him suspicious. Sheng Linglong performed too perfectly in front of him. She was kind and friendly to others. Even his subordinates praised her highly.

Sheng Linglong's eyes are full of herself, which makes him satisfied as a man, but now he is not sure, what is Sheng Linglong's purpose?Was her encounter with him an accident or a deliberate arrangement?

Xiao Yue felt that he had to test Sheng Linglong.

Xiao Yue called Sheng Linglong's name affectionately.

When Sheng Linglong heard Xiao Yue's gentle voice, she immediately raised her head and walked to Xiao Yue happily.

"Ah Yue, you're back! How are you? Did you get any useful news today?"


"Why not? Didn't you say that the emperor is only nine years old? It's easy for such a young child to get into trouble. You must ask something useful next time."

Sheng Linglong said seriously, Xiao Yue must find out something, so as to facilitate their plan to usurp the throne.

Xiao Yue also listened attentively. Sheng Linglong seemed to be particularly concerned about whether she had found out the information. Although she really wanted to rebel, she was not as enthusiastic about it as Sheng Linglong. It was as if Sheng Linglong was the conspirator. Just like those who usurp power.

Xiao Yue frowned, it seemed that he really had to pay attention to Sheng Linglong.

"How's the gunpowder?"

"I still don't have a clue. I've tried many experiments and they still failed. I don't know what went wrong. But don't worry, the gunpowder research will be successful. You believe me!"

"With your words, I feel relieved, but don't work so hard. Just rest when you should."

Hearing Xiao Yue's concern for her, Sheng Linglong felt as sweet as honey. Xiao Yue is really a good man, and she must marry him!

"Ah Yue still feels sorry for me, but I'll be fine. I won't be relieved until the gunpowder is researched as soon as possible!" Sheng Linglong looked at Xiao Yue with a happy face and said.

"I met Sheng Rao today."

Xiao Yue's sudden words made Sheng Linglong stunned.

"Really? How is sister doing?" Sheng Linglong asked with false concern.

"She is doing well and the emperor relies on her very much."

This sentence is enough to prove Sheng Rao's status in the palace.

This also made Sheng Linglong tremble with anger, but luckily she held it back.

When Xiao Yue succeeds in usurping the throne, Sheng Rao will be nothing!Just let her be free for a few days, since she has only a few days left to live.

"That's good, but I'm still a little worried about her. Can you take me into the palace to see her sometime?" She wanted to see how majestic Sheng Rao was now!

"Not everyone can enter the palace, not now. Wait until the next palace banquet. I will take you there."

"Okay, thank you Ayue!"

Sheng Linglong happily thanked Xiao Yue, but she didn't know that Xiao Yue's face became more and more ugly.

Judging from his testing, the relationship between the two sisters must not be good. Sheng Rao obviously hates him, and Sheng Linglong must also hate him. When Sheng Linglong heard the news about Sheng Rao, she had an obvious smile on her face. She felt uncomfortable, and it seemed that she didn't want Sheng Rao to live a good life.

Xiao Yue knew that there was something wrong with this woman Sheng Linglong, so he remained calm now. He wanted to see what Sheng Linglong wanted to do.

It seems that she should find a way to arrange a meeting between her and Sheng Rao, so that she can find out what happened between the two sisters?Xiao Yue hasn't asked clearly about the poisoning yet.

Xiao Yue didn't ask about the poisoning now because it was not the time. If Sheng Rao and Sheng Linglong met, the truth should be revealed.

Xiao Yue was thinking about this matter in his mind, but he became more and more wary of Sheng Linglong.

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