Qin Chengde's wife was explaining to her neighbors: "The crazy woman who escaped from the mental hospital is being sent back."

When the leaders of the public security and special police saw this, the public security leader said: "Check who is the woman in this video? Immediately organize a special team to investigate all employees of the Qinhuang Group. No one can be missed. There must be an accomplice here!" "

Because he kidnapped a female college student, she discovered a shocking secret on her computer.

The computer expert from the public security department stood aside and said, "Director, this little girl's computer skills are better than mine! As long as it is a USB flash drive or hard disk used by this computer, all the data that has been viewed can be restored. Tsk tsk, I can't do it. so amazing!"

The Mingzhu City Public Security Bureau dispatched personnel from other public security bureaus across the city to investigate the employees of the Qinhuang Group. Everyone must verify their identity, from when they came in, to which part of the work they are engaged in and responsible for, and who are around them after coming in. But if there are strange people and things, you have to ask.

When Qin Shaoyu heard what the man said, he suddenly realized that he had been obsessed with hacking for a while. He once logged into the personal computer of a rogue hospital director who was very close to his second uncle. Some information was seen from the other party's computer. Yes, because he had seen it and was restored to his computer by Jiang Wanyan.

His head immediately felt big!

She said that she is a computer genius, which is true. Why can all the traces he checked be recovered as data? It was not something he did, and why did it appear on his computer. He can't explain it now if he wants to deny it, unless he proves that he is a hacker. But in order to steal business from his opponents, he often did this.

Just when Qin Shaoyu was thinking about it, Jiang Wanyan said: "Qin Shaoyu is a commercial spy. He has obtained information about many well-known companies in the province and country. Look here, there is information about the senior employees of that company, and here is the bid for the Flower Market Overpass. Bidding documents, he knows all about the other party's base price and plan..."

Qin Shaoyu's heart rang with alarm bells, "Smelly girl, don't frame me falsely."

"But these evidences are facts. Please explain why there are internal confidential documents and information from well-known domestic companies in your personal computer."

Qin Shaoyu thought about the criminal evidence of hackers and human organ trafficking, "I...I am a hacker!"

Jiang Wanyan curled her lips and sneered, "A bad guy like you may not recognize the evidence of your crime when it is in front of you! If you are a hacker, then I am a hacker! If you are a real hacker, you will leave traces of intruding into other people's computers."

The computer expert folded his hands and said, "Little girl, why don't you get up and ask your uncle to come?"

"You are so old, don't take advantage of me." Jiang Wanyan didn't believe it, so she stood up and gave up her position.

After the computer expert sat down, he worked on it for a while, "If it is a hacker, there will be traces of intruding into other people's computers. Let me take a look..." He checked for a long time, "Qin Shaoyu, there is no trace of your intrusion on your computer at all. There are traces of other people's computers, but there are traces of at least six hard drives and thirty-two USB flash drives inserted. You like to read news and entertainment information, and you also read pornographic websites from time to time. Wow, you have so much fun! I made a date by myself. Two beauties..."

The leader said: "Okay!" This person is good at everything and likes to talk nonsense. They are here to handle cases, not to see people's romantic history. But among these rich people, there are some who are clean and self-respecting. "Put this person aside." The computers were removed, and Qin Shaoyu kidnapped and illegally imprisoned others. The evidence of the crime was conclusive, so he was taken away and put under criminal detention!"

Wanyan took out her old-fashioned mobile phone and called her mother, "Mom, I'm safe. The police uncle and the police sister rescued me! Qin Shaoyu imprisoned me. Mom, I'm fine, I will go home later, I Now I’m safe with the police sister!”

"Yanyan, you really met a bad person! Didn't I tell you not to go to the Qin family? Why are you disobedient?"

This tone and voice are the most familiar mother in the original owner's long memory.

The voice is always gentle and pleasant. When you hear this voice, no matter how unhappy you are, you will become happy.

She is not the original owner, but she has exactly the same name as the original owner.

Yue Hua clearly took away her Holy Emperor cultivation, why would it happen again?

She has too many doubts, but the most important thing now is to solve the current problem.

"Mom, you must cooperate with the doctor in treating your illness. You don't have to worry about money. I will find a solution!"

"Yanyan, Mom has lived for fifty years, but your life has just begun. You can no longer take risks and do stupid things. If something happens to you, Mom doesn't want to live. Don't do dangerous things anymore. Did you hear me? No. …”

Qin Shaoyu said that Jiang Muyin sold Jiang Wanyan for five million. Is this true?

Jiang Muyin is so soft, why would she do this?

What had the original owner experienced in his last days that made him desperate and strangle himself with the rope that tied him backhand.

Is it to avoid giving your heart to Qin Yilin?

Is it to take revenge on Jiang Muyin?

"Mom, I won't. I'm with the police sister. If you don't believe me, you can ask her. I will protect myself." Wanyan said in a low voice, "My mother doesn't believe that I am safe. Please trouble my sister and her." Say something."

The police sister answered the phone. This girl still used this old-style mobile phone. At a time when smart phones are flying everywhere, there are very few students who still use old mobile phones with functions similar to those of senior phones. Even if such mobile phones are left on the road, no one will pick them up.

"Hello, I am from the Mingzhu City Public Security Bureau..."

This police sister is so cute. When she announced her home, she said her police number and her name familiarly, "Jiang Wanyan is safe! We will take her back to the Public Security Bureau to make a record, and she will be back home soon. Don't worry, she won't Something will happen! Jiang Shaoyu has been taken back to Xingtan, and he has committed the crime of kidnapping and illegal imprisonment!"

Jiang Muyin had mixed emotions, "Thank you for saving my daughter. Can you give the phone to my daughter?"

Wanyan took the phone and said, "Mom."

Jiang Muyin was as gentle as ever, "Yanyan, he is your biological brother. Although you are not the same father, but..."

My daughter actually escaped, what about Yilin’s health? Yilin went there to find a healthy heart.

Qin Shaoyu was such a waste, he couldn't do such a thing well, it was in vain that she believed in him and lured him over.

Will Wanyan think that her mother betrayed her?

"Mom, you were deceived! I heard with my own ears that Zhong Minzi and Qin Shaoyu said on the phone that Qin Shaoyu is not my brother. When you gave birth to your brother, Zhong Minzi replaced your brother with his son. Qin Shaoyu's birth date is older than his brother For more than two months, Zhong Minzi said that she strangled her brother to death and threw him away..."

"No way! How could they do this to me? How could they?"

On the other end of the phone, Jiang Muyin cried helplessly because she was surprised and because she was being plotted against.

Sure enough, it is her mother, there is no way she is a strong woman.

No wonder she felt that in the parallel world, it was not real.

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