Double Hokage Comparison: Both ninja circles are crying miserably

Chapter 094: Uchiha's Choice, and Mikoto's Desire to Die

The development process of things was exactly as f4 planned and desired.

Within the Uchiha clan, there was a burst of strong dissatisfaction with Mikoto, and even public denunciation.

Although many people were able to stay awake initially and questioned the cause of the incident,

After all, the public opinion is spreading too fast. Who can believe that no one is manipulating and manipulating behind the scenes?

But over time, as more and more people voiced their disapproval,

Those who were sober gradually stepped up, or they were unwilling to go against the general trend and bowed their heads and fell silent.

Not to mention, this is not simply a matter of family honor,

Meiqin has risen too fast during this time,

It is almost regarded as the hope of the future by the entire Uchiha, and the prestige of many elder forces has been greatly damaged by this.

These people have been working hard during this time.

And her special identity and interpersonal relationship are also destined to become the focus of the struggle and the center of the vortex.

First of all, as the granddaughter of the Great Elder, she is naturally the heir of the second faction in the clan.

As long as the performance is not too bad, the status is already very important.

Secondly, there is Orochimaru, one of the three ninjas, as the leading ninja. Both parties have the names of masters and apprentices, and they have inherited the spiritual contract.

From a political point of view, it is almost the only one after Uchiha mirror who has connected with high-level officials and successfully established contact.

Don't underestimate this,

Sun Tzu's Art of War divides the elements of military victory into five points: "Tao, Heaven, Earth, General, and Law".

As long as there is the name of Oshemaru disciple, one day, if Uchiha wants to rebel, he will ascend to the position of Hokage,

From a legal point of view, it is already reasonable and in line with the rules.

This is also an important reason why Uchiha Mirror will die.

In addition, the members of the Mutual Aid Society, the golden flash girlfriend, and the new generation of geniuses who are in the limelight are all on good terms, and these weights are not light on the balance.

You know, with Uehara Shimei's monstrous performance, some people have already publicly said that he is the best candidate for the next generation of Hokage.

The wife of the next Hokage is also the wife of a future Kage-level powerhouse at the last time. Do you dare to say that she is irrelevant?

More importantly,

Her strength may not be the strongest in the clan, but she is the only one who has achieved a good record and created her own name.

Storm red, how majestic,

For Uchiha, who has been suppressed and has nowhere to spread, no matter what achievements he makes, he will sink into the sea and disappear silently.

Undoubtedly found a perfect outlet.

With so many factors superimposed, it is not an exaggeration to be considered the hope of the family.

This is also the internal reason why Miqin raised her arms casually and quickly became the majority party.

However, success is also Xiao He, and failure is also Xiao He.

While she was so supported, she inevitably touched the interests of some high-level Uchihas.

The genius ninja, the future of the family, the hope of changing the situation, these blueprints are all beautiful, and the words are also nice.

But who will make up for the lost interests?

Especially the original peace faction, Meiqin's appearance made them suffer a blood loss.

Let me ask, who else is more suitable than Mikoto as a guide for the harmonious coexistence between the family and the village, and as a bridge of communication between them?

Without an opportunity, maybe I finally swallowed this breath forcefully,


right now,

Such a good reason and excuse is in front of him, if he doesn't know how to use it, then the first half of his life will be in vain.

Don't talk about righteousness, how many people in this world are real saints?

How many people can judge everything with absolute rationality instead of being emotional?

When money stands up to speak, all truth is silent;

Money is worthless when the right speaks up!

Mikoto, as if she changed from an angelic saint to a devil's son overnight,

There used to be so many stars and moons, but now there are so many people who cast aside.

Under the pressure of such an intensifying situation, and the promotion of some black hands,

Soon, the Uchiha high-level faction that originally supported Mikoto couldn't bear the pressure and backed down.

was directly deprived of the patriarchal candidate's qualifications at the family meeting,

And betrothed to another rookie genius in the clan, Uchiha Fugaku, who is also one of the candidates for the patriarch, and got married within three days.

Before the incident got out, the people had already been confined in the clan area, guarded by special personnel, unable to go out, and could not communicate with the outside world.


"Why is that?"

Great Elder's Mansion,

Mikoto had tears in her eyes, and her face was full of despair and incomprehension of certain things.

She was obviously doing it for the family, and everyone was still showing respect and appreciation, even flattery yesterday.

Why did things become like this overnight?

Did he murder and set fire to himself?Or have you committed some heinous crime?

Even if there was something wrong, it wouldn't be this far, right?

"Hey, there are some things that can't just be seen on the surface. The reasons that many people say are not necessarily the reasons that they really think in their hearts."

Mikoto's grandfather, Great Elder Uchiha Sheng sighed, with helplessness in his eyes,

He knew that someone was pushing behind him, and he felt sorry for his granddaughter.

But the situation has developed to the present level, and it is no longer possible to calm down with just a few people or a few words.

Moreover, it is an indisputable fact that Shiming Uehara is vacillating on emotional issues, and he is on two boats.

Even if he is a genius, his status is still a commoner. In the past, such a person would be looked down upon and looked down upon even if he married Uchiha.

What's more, being stepped on two boats, the other side is the vortex that is an ally with Qianshou,

For Uchiha, who was so proud to the bone, it was equivalent to riding on his head and shit, and what he shit was stuffed with leeks and eggs.

"Grandpa, I don't want to marry that Fuyue. Although Uehara-kun is a bit of a playboy, as long as he becomes Hokage, the family's situation will definitely change."

Mikoto had tears in her eyes, bit her lower lip with her teeth, her expression was stubborn,

However, she was originally weak and kind-hearted,

Facing the grandfather who nurtured, taught and loved him, no matter how powerful he is, it is difficult to show it in case.

So much so that I originally wanted to express anger, but what I said turned into pleading and trying to reason.

"It's all for the family."

"But, but..."

Hearing Grandpa's words, Meiqin suddenly fell into a emotional breakdown, crying until she couldn't even finish her sentence.

She knew that she was helpless,

Although Uchiha Mori is her grandfather and loves her very much, he is also the elder of the family,

It is impossible to act recklessly by one's temper.

After crying for a while, seeing that Grandpa remained unmoved,

In despair, Mikoto quietly clenched a kunai that had been hidden in her sleeve before.

Secretly said in my heart:

"I'm sorry, Uehara-kun, if that day really comes, I will find a way to live up to you."

In any case, no matter what the reasons are, it is absolutely impossible for her to marry anyone other than Shiming Uehara.


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