"If he was drenched in snow together in the morning, he will be counted as whiteheads in this life."


Chu Ling's father is a scientist engaged in aerospace research, and her mother is a high school teacher.

My parents fell in love when they were young and have been married for decades. Their relationship was harmonious and they stayed together forever.

Chu Ling's good upbringing and cultivation, coupled with the influence of his parents, meant that he never fell in love until his junior year.

He believes that once you identify someone, you should go from falling in love to getting married until you grow old together.

Although his mother urged him to fall in love early and bring a girl home, he had not yet met the one he liked.

The airborne lidar point cloud data filtering algorithm currently being studied is much more interesting than girls.

"The Conqueror Cup team will meet in room 305 of Boyuan North Building tonight."

Chu Ling was invited by her roommate to sit on the technology competition research team organized by her roommate.

The team members include two from the Automation and Optoelectronics College of the same grade, as well as a junior and a junior.

The junior fellow student is named Lin Yue and has his own patent, and the junior fellow student named Cen Jinjin was invited by Lin Yue to join the team.

It's a late autumn night, and winter is about to begin.

It's going to snow.

There is no air conditioning in the laboratory, and the cold light of the equipment makes the air even colder.

Chu Ling pushed open the door of the laboratory, and her eyes couldn't help but be attracted by the soft warm white.

Among the cold, rigorous and sharp-edged instruments, she is the only soft one.

She was wearing a cream-white knitted cardigan with goose-yellow buttons that added a bit of warmth. Her seaweed-like slightly curly hair fell on both sides of her thin shoulders. Her long black pleated skirt hung over her Martin boots, looking quiet and gentle.

She gently balled her hands into small fists and placed them on her knees.

Obediently, he sat quietly, raising his head and watching Lin Yue and other seniors talking seriously.

When she found Chu Ling walking in, she looked up.

Four eyes facing each other.

The surprise in her eyes flashed, and then there was obvious surprise and enthusiasm in her clear eyes, which quickly subsided and she raised her lips at him politely.

Chu Ling felt that somewhere in her heart, she felt soft, but it was only for that moment, and then returned to normal.

He didn't take it to heart, maybe it was too cold.

He nodded slightly and looked away lightly.

He had seen the look in the girl's eyes too many times.

No sense.

In the ensuing discussion, several seniors did not look like seniors at all. They all had their own opinions. Although their attitude was mild, the issues discussed were not groundbreaking at all.

Chu Ling listened and concluded that he was just here to provide consultation for this small team.

Not involved in the research, just providing advice.

Just when a few people were arguing, a soft female voice sounded, softly and to the point, mentioning one of the most easily ignored and most serious problems, and proposed her own solution.

Everyone was silent for three seconds, which made the girl suddenly lose confidence and blinked her big eyes that looked into the lake in fear.

"Wow, I didn't realize this..."

"Fortunately, a school girl reminded me!"

"Jin Jin, you are so awesome! Look, the people I brought are pretty good!" Lin Yue proudly showed off to other seniors.

"It's nothing..." Cen Jinjin waved his hand with a wry smile.

Chu Ling, who was sitting aside, lowered his eyelids and secretly admired his insight.

When assigning research tasks, Cen Jinjin was responsible for the part that Chu Ling was best at.

His roommate entrusted him with taking care of more school girls.

"Okay." He nodded lightly.

After adding WeChat, Chu Ling felt satisfied and comfortable when she saw that Cen Jinjin only asked him about research.

He is very well-behaved and quiet, and he doesn't like noisy people.

A nice school girl.

Even though every time the team met, she looked into her eyes, filled with smiles and admiration.

Chu Ling has worked with many girls who have the same eyes as her.

There was only a moment of admiration for Chu Ling's appearance when they first met, but after getting along with him, I didn't feel any love for him. Chu Ling was most satisfied with such team members.

The other is that after confessing to Chu Ling, he rejected him, but still completed the team work seriously.

There is also a teammate who used to work well together, but because Chu Ling rejected her confession, she began to stop making progress in research.

This last category gave Chu Ling a headache.

Now, the most extraordinary situation arises.

Cen Jinjin.

She not only maintained a high admiration for him, but also performed extremely well in research.

It made Chu Ling unpredictable.

But it doesn't matter, he doesn't care.

In his eyes now, Cen Jinjin is just a somewhat pretty school girl with high quotient.

Five days later, Chu Ling was asked by her roommate to make an appointment with Cen Jinjin at a convenience store to revise the novelty report.

The convenience store was downstairs from the boys' dormitory, and he arrived first.

But there was only one table for two left in the store.

He pulled up a stool and sat down, turning on the computer in advance.

"Same, classmate, could you please add me on WeChat?"

A female voice sounded.

Chu Ling clearly felt her heart thumping uncontrollably.

look up.

Not her.

For some reason, Chu Ling felt an indescribable strange emotion in her heart.

The team hadn't met for about five days. It was the first time he was alone with a girl and he was a little nervous.

"Classmate?" The girl then asked hesitantly.

Chu Ling was startled and realized that she was distracted. She immediately said to the girl politely and distantly: "Sorry, I don't add strangers to my WeChat account."

Seeing Chu Ling's impeccable appearance, the girls had no choice but to leave disappointed.

"Sorry, Senior Chu, for keeping you waiting."

A touch of creamy goose yellow comes into view.

The girl was wearing a retro horn-buttoned woolen coat and a cream-white scarf, with a rosy face.

In order not to disturb other students who were studying at the convenience store, she walked up to him and apologized softly.

"I just arrived too."

Chu Ling explained expressionlessly, turning her eyes away uncomfortably, not looking at the bright red lips that opened and closed.

"I'm really sorry. I bought two cups of hot milk. I don't know if the senior likes it." The girl carefully took out two cups of hot milk from the paper bag she was carrying and placed them on the table.

Then he untied his scarf and sat down, waiting for Chu Ling to choose. He was as obedient as a quail that had gone into a warm nest after being frozen.

In the past, Chu Ling would definitely refuse to accept hot drinks. If he didn't like them, he wouldn't miss them.

But this time, he accepted it by mistake.

"Thank you." No big deal, just reciprocate.

"Senior Chu worked so hard to teach me, and this is what it should be." The girl said the most sophisticated words, but her eyes were clear and innocent.

Chu Ling didn't answer any more, and the two of them immediately got into work mode.

The orange light of the convenience store was warm, and several students came to discuss in groups. They discussed softly, bringing some warmth to the dull convenience store.

The girl next to Chu Ling also let out low exclamations and sighs from time to time.

Since there is a partition between the two seats, it will not affect other people.

"Wow, senior is so awesome."

"It turns out that you can also enter this code."

"Here, I think this formula will work. Senior, do you think it's okay?"

"Why doesn't it change after typing this code?"

Her long eyelashes quivered, like white wildflower petals on the roadside that were disturbed by the first snowfall in the south.

It made Chu Ling's heart tremble.

He realized that he had indeed ignored the problem pointed out by Cen Jinjin.

Moreover, he could not think of a solution for the time being.

When he looked at that beautiful face again, Chu Ling's eyes showed a little more appreciation and admiration.

"I'll think about it when I go back and let you know then," he said.

"Okay," Cen Jinjin nodded, "Then I'll go back."

"Is your dormitory in Building 7? Let's go there together, I'm going to the print shop over there." Chu Ling shook the hot milk she had finished drinking in a disguised manner.


The girl smiled with crooked eyes, and there seemed to be stars twinkling in her eyes.

There are many small cart food stalls selling roasted sweet potatoes, roasted corn, and fried chestnuts on the roads around the campus. The streets are full of fragrance.

Especially in the wet and cold winter, the sweet and burnt aroma seduce people's empty and cold stomachs.

"I'm going to buy some stinky tofu. Senior, please go first." Cen Jinjin waved his hand, revealing pink gloves with a black heart on them.

"I'll wait for you." Chu Ling said and walked with her to the stall selling stinky tofu.

"Uncle, I want a large portion of stinky tofu."

The girl has a sweet voice and smiling eyes.

After hearing this, the uncle responded with a happier tone: "Okay!"

"I paid." Chu Ling said calmly.

"Eh? Senior, do you want to buy it too?" Cen Jinjin asked.

"I bought it for you. Thank you for the hot milk. It's a courtesy." Chu Ling thought she would refuse.

Unexpectedly, she bent her eyes, smiled, and replied coolly: "Okay!"

Then, there was a street full of roasted corn, sweet potatoes, and squid, and she wanted to eat them all.

Chu Ling also paid immediately, without giving her a chance to take out her mobile phone.

When passing the intersection of the take-out counter, a take-out rider lowered his head and glanced at his mobile phone, and at the same time started his electric scooter at an extremely fast speed.

Cen Jinjin happened to be passing by, and when she reacted, she and the rider were already unable to dodge.

Chu Ling felt her heart stopped for a moment.

At the critical moment, he pulled the girl into his arms.

The corner of his clothes brushed against the electric car.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Are you injured?" The rider braked urgently and looked anxiously at the "couple" hugging each other.

"It's okay." The girl in her arms said dullly.

The slightly trembling and soft voice was transmitted through physical contact, making a muffled vibration in Chu Ling's heart.

He could even smell the roses in her hair.

After calming down, the two separated with a tacit understanding.

Downstairs in the dormitory, the girl waved her hand and thanked her again:

"Thank...thank you, senior."

"Well, no need."

Chu Ling's face remained as usual as she watched the girl carry a few plastic bags containing roadside stalls and trot back to the dormitory.

Are all girls so fragrant and soft?


After returning to the dormitory, Chu Ling received an "off-topic comment" from Cen Jinjin for the first time.

[Senior, thank you very much for saving my life!To repay my kindness, can I give you a pair of gloves? (*??`)】

[No need, it’s easy. 】

[No, you must accept it. You even treated me to so many delicious foods today. This is what I call, reciprocating courtesy and repaying kindness (??w`?)]

【Oh well. 】

Chu Ling helplessly read her words over and over again.

Unexpectedly, he didn't realize that the corners of his mouth had maintained a slightly upward curve since they parted.

Before going to bed, he received the last message:

[Senior, good night. 】

On winter nights, he felt his heartbeat was so noisy.


During this period, the instructor was already urging us to speed up the research process. The atmosphere in the team was tense. It was approaching the end of the semester and everyone was under great pressure.

Chu Ling stared at Cen Jinjin’s Moments for a long time, and finally took the initiative to open the chat box and asked:

【Bad mood? 】

[Hmm... not bad, high math is too difficult! 】

【I teach you. 】

【Really? !Thank you, senior! 】

After a while, Chu Ling sent over the steps to solve the problem.

[Senior, I still don’t seem to understand...]

Chu Ling hesitated for a moment and replied: [Call a voicemail and I will explain it to you in detail. If you don’t understand anything, you can ask it directly. 】


Chu Ling put on her headphones and waited quietly for the voice call to come over.

"Hello?...Senior, can you hear me?"

Guaiguai's soft voice sounded in Chu Ling's ears, like an invisible hand that was soft and boneless, teasing the shell of his ear, making it tingle.

But there seemed to be a hint of wetness in her voice.

"What's wrong?" he asked in a daze, feeling inexplicably panicked.

"It's nothing, I'm just in a bad mood." The cry on the other end of the phone became more obvious.

Chu Ling had never seen a girl cry before. At a loss what to do, she opened the balcony curtains and found that it was snowing.

The first snow in G City.

"It's snowing, do you want to go out for a walk?"

He couldn't believe that these words came from his mouth.

Equally unbelievable were several of his roommates.


"Brother Chu, who are you talking to on the phone, a man or a woman?"


"It can't be that school girl, right?" The roommate who invited Chu Ling to sit in on the research team chuckled.

Chu Ling's lips moved, but she didn't bother to explain to them, so she put on her coat and went out.


This is the first snow in G City.

Around the street lights, you can clearly see snowflakes falling like silver threads.

"Thank you, senior, for accompanying me to relax." Cen Jinjin patted the snowflakes falling on his arm and looked up at Chu Ling.

Her eyes, the tip of her nose, and her cheeks were all red, and her eyes seemed to be wet with tears.

Chu Ling's heart felt soft for no reason.

"It's okay, I also want to come down and take a walk." He said.

With no experience in love, he didn't know what to say in reply, nor how to discuss topics other than academic research.

"Here, here are the gloves for senior."

It was a pair of black gloves with one knuckle exposed, and a pink heart on it.

When he took it, he saw that Cen Jinjin was wearing pink and black love gloves.

Couldn't these be the couple's gloves that she sewed by herself?

He had been chased by girls and given many gifts since he was a child. Only this time, his heart was filled with emotion and surprise.

After putting it on, the size is just right.

"Thank you."

He loves it.

Later, they walked for a long time and talked for a long time.

This girl named Cen Jinjin is not as quiet as he imagined.

He is very good at chatting with people, he is friendly but not presumptuous, and he is interesting but not noisy.

Finally, when they separated downstairs in the dormitory, she said: "I suddenly thought of a sentence, you can't laugh at me for being pretentious."

"Say it, I won't laugh at you." Chu Ling said with a smile.

"If he was drenched in snow together in the morning, he will be counted as whiteheads in this life."

The girl said, looking at him seriously and intently.

Those clear eyes like a snow-topped lake seemed to reflect only his figure.

The warmth in my heart is scalding, dispelling the severe cold.

He looked at the figure who walked into the dormitory, wrapped like a milk dumpling, and didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

He thought he had found the person with whom he could grow old together.


Chu Ling had just tasted the sweet taste of being liked by a girl for the first time. Just a day later, she tasted the "vinegar taste" for the first time.

good very good.

You were looking at him with that look last night, and the next day you were chatting and laughing with other men, right? Cen Jinjin.

Chu Ling felt that she had never had such big mood swings in her life.

Strangely, the pH value of normal human blood is between 7.35-7.45.

Why is the ph value of my heart less than 7 at this moment?

Painfully sour.

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