After clearing the game, I became the villain BOSS

Chapter 246 Fantasy of being loved (page 12)

Looking at the indifferent Qi Ling, Su Mo asked in confusion, "Why did you smash it to death?"

The pair of amber eyes blinked, full of confusion: "You also said that this cat cannot be saved. Instead of letting it die slowly in extreme pain, wouldn't it be better to give it relief as soon as possible?"

Su Mo was speechless for a moment: "That's true. But... how should I put it? You shouldn't throw its body into the trash can."

Qi Ling looked back at several trash cans with different categories, as if to confirm something, and then looked at Su Mo doubtfully: "Animal carcasses are organic waste and should be thrown into perishable trash cans. This classification is correct, right?"

Su Mo whispered: "I'm not talking about garbage classification. What I mean is that we can find a place to bury the cats instead of throwing them into the trash can."

Qi Ling looked even more confused: "I don't understand. What's the point of burying it? Are you afraid of germs? Nowadays, perishable garbage will be treated harmlessly, which is much cleaner than us burying it indiscriminately."

"Or do you just want to bury it? But funeral customs are to facilitate future generations to mourn the deceased. This is a unique human culture. Animals like cats don't understand funerals."

"So what's the point of burying it?"

Su Mo didn't know how to answer, so he could only ask: "But don't you think it's pitiful that it was just thrown into the trash can?"

Qi Ling shook her head blankly, as if she was being asked about a blind spot in knowledge: "Pity? I don't understand. If you are thrown into the trash can while you are still alive, it would be really pitiful."

"But it is already dead. There is no so-called soul in this world. Once it is dead, it is dead. It cannot feel anything. After any living thing dies, it is just a piece of bad flesh."

These words that were so sensible and almost cold made Su Mo suddenly feel that the girl in front of him, who had been spending a sweet time with him for a whole day, became a little strange.

But if you think about her words carefully, you will find that this seems to be the truth, and there is no way to refute it.

Qiling lowered her head and lowered her eyes, like a child who didn't know what she had done wrong. Her voice was very soft: "If you think this is not good, then I will pick out the cat and we will find a place to bury it together."

Although Su Mo had some doubts, he felt that there was no need to find trouble in this matter.

Now that the atmosphere was a bit tense, he comforted him in a good voice: "It's okay, it's okay. I've already thrown it in. It's too dirty when I pick it out again. Don't worry about it anymore. Let's go to the park pool over there and wash our hands."

The two of them washed their hands and continued walking along the riverside path.

They chatted about interesting things about today's trip, and the awkward atmosphere just now disappeared quickly.

When they came to a fork, Su Mo looked around and said, "Let me see where to go next."

Yadong's main activity was gambling, but the two of them had already played it. Su Mo didn't know where to take Qi Ling, so he turned around and asked her: "Xiao Qi, you want me to go tonight! What's going on?! "

Su Mo was shocked by what he saw in front of him.

I saw that the road the two of them walked on was stained with blood, and there were many bloody footprints!

Su Mo followed the path of the bloody footprints, and finally his eyes fell on Qi Ling's feet.

When Qi Ling ran away from the restaurant, she took off her high heels that were in the way. She held them in her hands and never wore them, so she walked with her feet.

The path along the river was paved with gravel, many of which were very sharp. The soles of her feet were covered with cuts and bleeding, staining the white socks a turbid red.

Su Mo hurriedly ran forward and said, "Why didn't you say anything when your foot was injured like this?"

"Huh?" Qi Ling seemed a little unresponsive and looked down at her feet, "Oh, I didn't pay attention."

"How can you not notice this???" Su Mo was confused by this calm look. He helped Qi Ling sit down on the bench next to him, "Sit here, don't move, I will help you right away. Buy medicine.”

Su Mo rushed to the nearby pharmacy immediately.

The medical level in this era is much higher than before he time traveled, and all kinds of medicines are very advanced.

He spent a lot of money to buy a bottle of the best trauma medicine. This is a spray made of transcription factor protein. Sprayed on the wound, it can quickly repair damaged tissue and promote cell healing.

Just like a normal cut, spray this medicine on it and it will heal in a few hours without even leaving a scar.

Su Mo came back with medicine and bandages. He first helped Qi Ling take off her socks, then gently held the soles of her feet and washed away the dirt on them with disinfectant.

Qi Ling's bare feet are white and delicate, with well-defined bones and fine veins. The wounds on the soles of the feet cut by gravel are like cracks in art works, which is pitiful.

Su Mo suddenly looked sad: "This hurts. You must tell me next time you get hurt."

Qi Ling smiled playfully and shook her bare feet playfully: "I know~"

"Okay, don't move. I'll help you apply the medicine." Su Mo put the pair of bare feet on his knees, carefully sprayed the medical spray on them, and then tied a bandage on them. "Fortunately, the cut was not deep. This The medicine is amazing, I should be able to recover in a while.”

Qi Ling had just been bandaged and it was difficult for her to walk, so the two of them sat on the bench and chatted.

The evening breeze blows by, bringing a different kind of comfortable feeling. Looking across the river, there are all the city lights. The feasting and feasting seem to be a beautiful unfolding picture.

As the two chatted, Qi Ling pointed to the other side of the river: "Look over there. Have you seen the recent movie?"

Su Mo looked up and saw a holographic image being projected on a skyscraper on the other side.

A young man stood there, stretched out his hand to grab his face, and pulled off the handsome mask, revealing the ferocious and terrifying face behind it.

Su Mo nodded: "I watched "Kill the Demon" with the people in the group."

"Slay the Devil" is a recently released fantasy film. The protagonist is a freak born with deformities in the royal family who has been bullied since childhood.

But in the cold palace, the protagonist is Bai Yueguang, the king's ninth daughter, the kind-hearted Ninth Princess.

The Ninth Princess did not dislike the protagonist's twisted appearance, and became childhood friends with him. She has been accompanying him as he grew up, and is also the driving force that supports his survival.

But the good times did not last long. In the subsequent power struggle, the kind-hearted Ninth Princess was brutally murdered by her eldest brother, and the only light in the protagonist's heart disappeared.

Many years later, the protagonist who escaped from the palace returned with great power and slaughtered the entire royal family. Finally, he drew his sword and committed suicide in front of the tomb of the Ninth Princess, ending his sad life.

The story itself is nothing new, a very common theme of revenge.

But after it was released, it caused extremely fierce controversy in society.

Because the revenge of the protagonist in the movie is so "pure", so pure that only blood and hatred remain.

In the cultural and creative field of this era, humanistic values ​​are rampant, whether in games or movies, they all promote love and tolerance.

Even revenge stories often end with ideas such as "influence the avengers with love" and "everyone understands each other when life is difficult."

Even if the protagonist's father is hit in the head with a golf club, and finally faces the enemy who killed his father, the screenwriter will let the protagonist choose to forgive and have a long live understanding.

But Killing Evil goes in the exact opposite direction.

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