After clearing the game, I became the villain BOSS

Chapter 262 Rose in the Rain (Page 12)

"I'll go, boss, this doesn't look good." Dongdong held the Longgang baseball bat and stood nervously next to Su Mo.

The two of them were now in the square outside the Edge Building, which was surrounded by out-of-control military machinery.

There were so many drones hovering over the square that they were almost invisible in the night. The indicator lights flashed one after another, as if they were meteors about to fall down at any time.

The ground area is full of military robots from the security forces. The virus has invaded their control systems. The heavy-fire weapon bays are fully opened, and the muzzles of the guns are shining with a frightening metallic cold light.

Although the Edge Building has a fire protection system designed in the future, it has long been paralyzed by the virus. Only mercenaries are hiding behind the bunkers with weapons to confront these military machines.

"Rumble." At this time, with a dull loud noise, the ground began to tremble, as if something huge was approaching.

Su Mo saw the giant shadow appearing in the distance and said in a deep voice: "Be careful, the Titan is coming."

During the entire 152-year history of the Dawn Age, humans once made many weapons.

The mecha project of the Iron-Blooded Alliance once flourished, but eventually came to an end due to the driver's tolerance issues.

But this does not mean that the "mecha" itself has withdrawn from the stage of history.

After the Mecha Project, the Iron-Blooded Alliance learned from its failure experience and improved it, and later launched a new "Titan Project".

Project Titan aims to create large-scale mechas that do not require human pilots and can operate independently by relying on electronic systems.

As early as more than 20 years ago, the Titan Project achieved complete success. Various models of Titan mechas were purchased by government authorities around the world and became the backbone of armed forces everywhere.

Compared with traditional armored units, these Titan mechas have more powerful firepower systems, excellent defensive performance, and flexible bodies that can adapt to all complex battlefield environments.

More importantly, the Titan mecha does not require a human driver. It can rely on its built-in electronic system for fully automatic combat, or it can be remotely controlled by humans like playing games, minimizing the manpower losses caused by war.

This kind of combat weapon with extremely high electronic integration should be the pride of cutting-edge technology.

But when electronic viruses spread like a tsunami, the more highly intelligent the device, the more serious the impact will be.

At this time, a Titan mecha suddenly walked into the square outside the Edge Building and stopped in front of Su Mo and Dongdong.

This Titan model, named "Overlord", is more than 8 meters tall and equipped with dragon steel-plated armor and heavy firepower weapons. It is a frontal attack unit on the battlefield, specially designed to absorb enemy artillery fire and destroy fortifications.

Dongdong looked up at the oppressive Overlord Titan in front of him, and couldn't help but curse: "Damn, there are five of them as tall as me, how can we fight?!"

Sumer: "Five and a half, to be precise."

Dongdong was so angry that his eyes darkened: "Boss, you can shut up!"

Su Mo noticed something at this time and got into a fighting stance: "Attention, they are about to attack!"

The first ones to rush in were a group of mechanical hounds, which are small animal-like robots equipped by the authorities. Their role is similar to that of police dogs. They are good at attacking and biting, and are mostly used to control targets with non-lethal means.

"Bang bang bang—" Soon, gunfire erupted from behind the bunker, and the mercenaries on the edge opened fire one after another.

Compared with real police dogs, the advantage of mechanical hounds is that they have no fear at all and do not feel pain. They will complete the instructions given by the controller absolutely accurately and will rush forward even under a hail of bullets.

The speed of mechanical hounds is too fast, and they are not made of flesh and blood. The light metal on their bodies has a certain bulletproof effect, and it often takes several rounds of volleys to paralyze them.

The group in front was paralyzed, and the group behind them rushed forward, rushing forward, and rushed through the fire coverage area in a very short time.

When a fringe mercenary was firing hard, his vision was suddenly covered by a black shadow, and a mechanical hound tackled him to the ground.

The marginal mercenary quickly covered his throat with his arms to prevent his vitals from being bitten, and at the same time drew out his dagger and stabbed it.

However, the mechanical hound did not struggle with him too much, and nimbly dodged the stabbing attack and continued to rush forward.

Before the edge mercenary had time to get up, another group of mechanical hounds stepped on him and rushed towards the entrance of the edge building.

Mercenaries with combat capabilities are all fortified outside the edge building. The building is full of future civilians without combat capabilities. Once they are massacred, the consequences will be disastrous.

But there was no heavy fire support, and the light infantry alone could not stop the mechanical hounds. The line was quickly broken into a sieve.

Seeing this, Su Mo shouted anxiously: "Dong dong, you go and stop the mechanical hound, leave the Titan to me!"

"Okay!" Dongdong rushed towards the entrance of the building, pulling out several afterimages in bullet time, and smashed the baseball bat everywhere, quickly destroying more than a dozen mechanical hounds.

At this time, Su Mo felt a strong wind coming from the front.

The Overlord Titan launched an attack. The metal iron fist was as big as a human body, and it was driven by the jet engine and hit Su Mo with great force.

Su Mo wrapped his fist with the strong bones of his mad bones and charged forward with full force.

"Boom!!!" A dull crashing sound resounded all around, and the agitated air flow spread noisily.

Su Mo's crazy bone blood code is "upgraded to a high level", and his bones are as hard as metal. Coupled with the power of the four-level blood code body, he even has the upper hand in the confrontation.

The huge impact made the Overlord Titan take a few steps back, and soon launched a second round of offensive, with the huge metal fist hitting again.

Sumer jumped up, avoiding the attack while stepping on the Overlord Titan's metal arm and rushing towards its upper body along it.

The design structure of the Overlord Titan is similar to that of humans. The energy core is located at the heart. As long as it is destroyed there, the Titan will lose its combat effectiveness.

However, the technology of the Iron-Blooded Alliance is not vegetarian.

Although Titan does not have a driver, its built-in intelligent combat module stores a large amount of data and matches it with complete countermeasures.

Even though it is just a machine, it has battlefield judgment that is no less than that of humans.

The Overlord Titan recognized Sumo's attempt to destroy its energy core, and the torque at its waist immediately began to rotate, and its upper body rotated at high speed like a tornado, throwing him away.

As soon as Su Mo landed, the Overlord Titan suddenly attacked. The mechanical arm dropped from the sky and smashed hard, leaving a big hole in the ground.

Su Mo clicked his tongue and continued to fight like this forever.

Originally, the Dragon Flame Blood Code was very suitable for dealing with the Overlord Titan. This thing was made of metal and had strong thermal conductivity. As long as a puff of Dragon Flame was sprayed on it and continued to burn, it could easily destroy its internal electronic components.

However, there was a large crowd here and there were so many pairs of eyes, so he didn't want to expose the multiple blood codes in his body.

Being special is a good thing, but it's not good if everyone knows you are special.

So even if you want to use special abilities, you can only use those that are hidden.

Thinking of this, Su Mo quickly approached the underside of the Overlord Titan, quietly activated the energy supply core in his body, popped out the Moon Hidden Arm Blade under his wrist, and wrapped the blade body with crazy bones as a cover, leaving only the most powerful blade exposed. .

"Wha—" He quickly circled one of the Overlord Titan's legs, and a fleeting silver light flashed.

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