After clearing the game, I became the villain BOSS

Chapter 31 The Beginning of Mercenaries

Crescent City is divided into 8 districts as a whole.

To the west of the rust wall is the "border area" where violent groups are rampant and ruled by thugs.

The northern suburbs of the city, separated by a mountain from the border area, are the "Northern Industrial Development Zone" where heavy industry is developed and factories are gathered.

The 35 kilometers surrounding the Rust Wall are the "Rusty Wall Area", where the people who live here are the lower-class civilians or migrant workers in the inner city.

Adjoining the Rust Wall District to the east is the "High-tech Park", a gathering place for small and medium-sized enterprises and middle-class people.

Further inside is the "Quiet New District" where the wealthy gather, the bustling "Hubin Business District", and the "Civic Center" where government departments and agencies are located.

In the center of the above three districts is a vast natural lake called "Nuanshui Lake". In the center of the lake, some man-made islands have been filled in, which is the famous "Huxin Island", where the upper class gentlemen live.

Su Mo drove all the way from the "Rusty Wall District" via the "Lakeside Commercial District" and finally stopped in front of a tall building.

This building is dozens of stories high, and looks extremely tall under the cover of night. The neon light stream writes its name on the building - Crescent City Public Commission Center.

When it comes to the public commission center, one has to mention a huge group in Crescent City - mercenaries.

Mercenaries are not a formal profession, but they are tacitly approved by the authorities.

The complex structure of Crescent City is destined to have countless disputes here. It is this environment that attracts a large number of mercenaries to settle in. They travel among various forces to accept commissions and do things that are inconvenient for their employers.

Since the number of mercenaries in Crescent City is extremely large, ranking first among all cities, this place has also been nicknamed the "Mercenary City".

The work mode of mercenaries is not complicated, it can even be said to be very simple - accept a commission, complete the commission, and get paid.

This work model determines that the mercenary profession has a lot of freedom. Anyone can be a mercenary and can do it at any time.

Of course, whether there is an employer to look for, whether you can receive the commission, and whether you have the strength to complete the commission, that is another matter.

Su Mo set his goal to reach the top of the Dawn yesterday. He spent the whole night thinking about which path he should take next.

Finally he determined the direction, mercenary.

As a time traveler, he has God's perspective information in his mind. This is his unique "plug-in".

But his previous experience made him realize a problem.

Sometimes, information alone is useless.

Because in order for a lot of intelligence to be effective, it must first have connections.

For example, the game "Dawn" has a very useful gun that can be used to clear the level. He knows where the gun is, but he can't pick it up now.

Because that place was an internal facility of the Iron-Blooded Alliance, it was impossible for him as an outsider to enter.

Another example was yesterday. He knew that Heywood was a reliable person, but because he lacked the connections like the "protagonist" in the game, he would be charged a high price for doing things and would not be able to enjoy the benefits brought by intelligence.

Similar things abound.

Some of the information could indeed be directly used by him.

But more intelligence must be based on personal connections in order to be effective.

Therefore, mercenaries became the best choice.

As a mercenary, you can meet a variety of employers and middlemen through commissions.

Up to the government officials and corporate tycoons.

Go down to the second-hand dealers and the local gangsters and snakeheads.

Everyone has something that is inconvenient for them to do, and they need to pay mercenaries to help.

Everyone is happy to make friends with a mercenary with outstanding reputation and strength.

As his connections expand and the information in his mind becomes useful, he can help Su Mo reach the top step by step.


Su Mo walked into the Public Commission Center, where many people gathered.

Some were wearing camouflage marine uniforms, with sharp eyes, and old wounds could be seen on the exposed skin. These were mostly experienced mercenaries.

There are also many "middlemen" here. They wear suits and ties, greet everyone with smiles, and hand out business cards to everyone they see.

The middleman is a special profession in the mercenary profession. He does not participate in the execution of the entrustment. He is responsible for the connection between the employer and the mercenary. It is similar to an "intermediary" and plays the role of introduction and guarantee.

A man in a suit saw Su Mo and came up to him with a smile: "Hello, are you looking for a commission? My name is Li Shun, and I am an intermediary. I have many commissions. If you are interested, we can cooperate and become famous together. Li Wan."

If you are one of those cute new mercenaries, you might start chatting with them as soon as you hear about a commission.

But Su Mo knew very well that none of these commissions were worth doing.

The mercenary profession is very free, with no restrictions or thresholds. In theory, anyone can become a mercenary.

Anyway, there is no formal certification for this thing. If you say you are a mercenary, that's it.

Because of this, there are too many mercenaries in Crescent City, especially "volume".

A well-known middleman's mobile phone often has the numbers of hundreds or thousands of outstanding mercenaries. They all have their own close partners and will not squat here to find mercenaries of unknown origin.

Good commissions have always been fought over by mercenaries, and even many people who want to fight have no way to do so.

And the subtext of a commission like this coming to your door is - only Shabi can do this job.

Su Mo looked at the business card and smiled.

This "Li Shun" has never been seen in the main or branch lines of the "Dawn" game. He is just one of those NPCs on the roadside who don't even have a name.

If you hang out with him, you'll never get ahead.

Su Mo remained polite on the surface, put away the business card and said, "Thank you. I have something else to do, so I will contact you when I have time."

Li Shun smiled brightly, said goodbye to Su Mo, and continued to distribute his business cards.

Su Mo went to set up a file first.

After the staff entered the information, he said to Su Mo, "That's all. Pay attention to the information screen in the commission hall to find a commission that suits you."

There are more than 50 reception desks in the commission hall. Everyone gathers in front of the desk in twos and threes, looking at the commission items with rewards on the screen behind them.

The commissions here can be described as diverse.

Daily tasks account for the majority, such as finding a lost pet dog, helping with children, trimming the garden, running errands in the city, etc.

There is also an outrageous commission to find someone to travel with. The requirement is a handsome guy with an inverted triangle shape over 185 - the employer is also a man.

This type of entrustment belongs to "daily chores", there is almost no threshold, anyone can do it, and it is suitable for idle people to make a little money.

More advanced commissions require certain skills and strength, such as on-site security at large events, personal bodyguards, remote armed escorts, etc.

This type of commission is risky and expensive, and ordinary people generally won't touch it. These are reserved for professionals.

As for dark jobs such as assassinations, thefts, and kidnappings, it is obviously impossible for them to appear in public commission centers. Those can only be commissioned privately.

Don't look down on the chores here.

Most legendary mercenaries started by accepting public commissions and gradually established their credibility and reputation.

At first, Nuo Bai was a member of this vast sea of ​​people. Every day he squatted on the ground and ate a box lunch of 8-month coins, helped people walk their dogs, ran errands, and delivered food, and received a little hard work money.

It was many years later that she was discovered by an intermediary, put on a mask, and gradually became the famous "Silent Death".

From low to high is the path that every mercenary must take.

But Su Mo didn't have time to waste like this.

This is just a springboard for him.

His primary goal is to quickly establish contact with well-known intermediaries so that he can directly receive high-quality commissions.

To do this, he must stand out from the crowd and become famous.

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