Su Mo was pressed on the front seat of the motorcycle by Nuo Bai. His eyes passed through the flying snow-white hair and looked at the Scorpion armored vehicle in pursuit.

The performance of Nobel's tactical motorcycle is very good, but the engine of the Scorpion armored vehicle is more powerful.

This section of the road is not winding. It is difficult for Nuo Bai to display his driving skills. He cannot compete with the opponent purely through speed. The distance between the two sides is constantly shortening.

Su Mo thought to himself: No, if we continue like this, we will be overtaken... We must find a way to slow down the pursuers.

Thinking of this, he reached for the pistol inserted in the holster on Nobai's thigh.

"Boom!" Before Su Mo could touch the gun, Nuo Bai grabbed him by the throat and pushed him down on the front seat of the motorcycle.

The shaking of the body caused the motorcycle to drift briefly. Fortunately, Nobai's driving skills were excellent and it did not overturn.

Nuo Bai's eyes were cold, as if he was asking with his eyes: What do you want to do?

Su Mo was choked so hard that he couldn't breathe and uttered a few words with difficulty: "I'll help you...use your gun to interfere with them...otherwise we won't be able to escape!"

There was deep confusion in Nuobai's eyes. She couldn't figure out what "Dr. Chen" was thinking.

A kidnapped person said to the kidnapper: I will help you interfere with the pursuers.

Does this speak human words?

Seeing that Nuobai didn't trust him, Su Mo held the back of her hand and said, "You hold my hand! If I point the gun at you, you can break my hand at any time!"

Nuo Bai still pinched Su Mo and kept his original position.

Su Mo was immediately worried: "Hurry up! They are going to catch up!"

Nobai looked sideways in the rearview mirror.

The distance between the two sides is getting closer and closer, and will soon exceed 50 meters.

If you continue like this, you will definitely be stopped.

Just when Su Mo was pinched so hard that his eyes were filled with stars, he suddenly felt the pressure on his neck disappear. He relaxed and took a big breath of fresh air.

He quickly sat up and reached for the pistol next to Nobai's leg again.

Nuo Bai drove with one hand and held Su Mo's wrist with one hand to prevent him from changing.

Su Mo allowed Nobai to restrain him, raised his gun, and aimed at the Scorpion armored vehicle.

Shooting is a difficult thing.

Don't look at the game where the protagonist kills people randomly with a gun.

For pistols, it is not easy for even a trained veteran to accurately hit a target 50 meters away, let alone shooting on a high-speed moving vehicle.

Sumo's shooting experience is limited to FPS games. In Overwatch, he won the top McCree in the Chinese server for several seasons. Given a mouse, he could hit it at noon. He had never played with a real gun.

But there is no other way, now I can only try.

"The target of an armored vehicle is so big, it shouldn't be difficult to hit..."

He muttered to himself, aimed at the front of the car and pulled the trigger.





The driver of the Scorpion armored vehicle was driving intently when he suddenly heard gunshots coming continuously.

The first three shots were all empty.


The fourth shot was fired, and a small spiderweb-like bullet mark burst out of the car window, and the driver frowned suddenly.

The bearer of the White Shark blood code hurriedly retreated from the car window and yelled: "What the hell is this guy from Dawn of Civilization doing?! Beating his own people?!"

Even Arlot, who had experienced hundreds of battles, could not understand the situation at this time.

He picked up the loudspeaker and asked coldly: "Researcher of the 101 Base, what do you mean?"

No radio communication was established, and the researcher's reply could not be heard.

But the constant sound of gunshots was actually some kind of answer.

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