Marvel: The game I made invaded reality.

Chapter 339; Alien civilization, Alanti! Cyberpunk series

Chapter 339; Alien civilization, Alanti! New weapons in the Cyberpunk series

【Moon Copy】

[Millions of years ago, during the Kree-Skrull War, the Kree discovered spiritual creatures with the potential to transform the earth in the areas where the two empires were stationed. 】

[Thus, they transplanted the immortal genes into these creatures with the intention of creating a group of superhuman legions to fight against the Skrulls. However, the experiment was abandoned for unknown reasons. 】

[The remaining experimental subjects subsequently developed into a civilization and moved to the moon because they could no longer adapt to the earth's environment. 】

[Alien Civilization——Alanti...]

[Waiting to explore...]

[Brave adventurers, please follow the freedom in your heart and bravely explore the unknown...]


[Mall update—Cyberpunk series]

[With the rapid development of science and technology in human civilization, the dividing line between humans and machines has begun to disappear. The development of artificial intelligence has given birth to thoughtful bionic humans. 】

[The utopia envisioned with bionic humans eventually turned into a bubble. 】

[Change does not mean improvement, steel and flesh... but spirit is the theme of human life. 】

[Discover spirit outside of matter, find humanity outside of machines, and confirm civilization outside of time...]


[Cyberpunk weapon classification: kinetic weapons, smart weapons, technical weapons]

[New weapons: Ice Explosion Sniper, Quasar, Widow Maker, White Tiger, Molecular Thread, Fujitsu Pseudo Weapon...]


[Dr. Merlin: The Night City construction plan has come to an end. The prosthetic body modification will be launched after the Night City is established, so stay tuned. 】

[Players who want to become a prosthetic doctor can go to the temporary scholar tower to learn. 】

[Stark: I don’t have time, but I will hold a company training class. Welcome to join Stark Industries. 】

[Bruce Banner: I will teach in a temporary base in the war zone, but I hope you will bring funds. I am not as rich as the two of them. 】



The first ones are system platform update announcements, and the last ones are posted by several well-known technicians on the World Channel.

All players were excited after seeing this announcement.

After waiting for so long, finally updated...

To be honest, facing the endless chaos demons and pollutants, the weapons they had were somewhat insufficient.

Of course, high-end weapons, such as Super Soldier Serum, Dominant Plaka, and Phantom-level armor, are definitely enough, but the prices are not very affordable.

And this time the Cyberpunk series, at first glance, is an enhanced update for the player base.


"Mr. Stark must have complained about you on the front line." In the conference room, after Merlin made the announcement, he looked back at Pepper who had just withdrawn his hand and teased.

"I can't hear it anyway." Pepper shrugged and began to think about the company's new business.

Almost all of Stark's public relations were handed over to Pepper, and the announcement just now was also issued on her behalf.

Now that the system has been updated and Stark is able to travel across the game world to obtain technical information, Stark Industries has no reason to lag behind.

"I think he must be very busy and may not have time to see this news." The situation is tense now, and with the civil unrest, the pressure on the front line has also skyrocketed.

As superheroes and beacons of faith for mankind, Iron Man, Captain America, Hawkeye and the rest must be at the forefront in every battle without slacking off.

Because as soon as they retreat, people's faith will be shaken. If something unexpected happens to the ever-tightened spirit, no one knows what the chain reaction will be.

Slaanesh, Tzeentch, Khorne, Nurgle...each one seduce mankind into destruction all the time.

As for Captain America and others who have become human beings' faith, you can imagine the pressure.

"With the resurrection coins, you don't have to worry too much, as long as the front line doesn't collapse." Although Pepper said this, there was still a look of worry in his eyes.

<divclass="contentadv">After all, since the invasion of Chaos, death is no longer the most feared existence, but the spiritual unknown.

And Stark's mood... to be honest, it's really worrying.

Merlin said nothing. He remembered that Stark had a slight anxiety disorder.

However, with the participation of players in the Chitauri invasion this time, Stark's symptoms were not too severe.

But the rebellion of the Mechanical Legion must have had an impact on it.


The two talked about prosthetic modifications for a while and then planned to say goodbye, but Jarvis's projection suddenly appeared in the conference room.

"Ms. Pepper, Mr. Stark had some accidents on the front lines, and I think he needs your help."


Pepper's heart trembled, but she still managed to maintain her composure and asked calmly: "What happened?"

"He suffered from an anxiety disorder that developed during the battle and was killed by the Chaos Beast."

"Of course, he has woken up at the resurrection point. His life is not in danger, so don't worry about that."

"But he may not be in good spirits right now. I think it may be because of the rebellion of the Mechanical Legion, and he has been feeling guilty."

"Coupled with the fact that I have too many responsibilities, my condition is getting more and more serious."


On the other side, Merlin also saw a piece of news that was rapidly gaining popularity.

[Iron Man died in battle, suspected to have suffered an unknown attack...]

Clicking on the news, the scene on the screen was on the front line.

Among a group of Pacific Rim mecha combat troops, several mechas headed by Stark were photographed emphatically.

The Pacific Rim mecha troops methodically resisted the chaotic behemoths that were constantly invading the sea. Everything was as usual.

But at this time, a change occurred.

In the picture, at the forefront, the Pacific Rim mecha driven by Stark suddenly stood motionless.

The chaotic behemoth that was fighting with it didn't care what it was doing, and instantly threw it to the ground, and its sharp claws instantly tore the mecha's chest apart.

At the same time, Stark, who was in the chest cockpit, was scattered on the sea along with the scrap metal.

Other mecha pilots seemed to be a little confused by this sudden situation, and commotion immediately broke out in the originally orderly frontline battlefield.

Fortunately, under the leadership of Banner, the situation was stabilized.


"Where is he now? Has he come back?" Looking at this scene, Pepper's face changed and he asked worriedly.

"Following tests, he has been forced off the front line and is currently returning."

"United Nations representatives will come along to understand the specific situation and find solutions."

"And, in order to ensure Stark's mental safety, he must be included in the guard."

That is, Stark is now under supervision.

After all, it is spiritual, and the prying eyes of various evil gods make people have to be cautious.

Especially the importance of Stark himself.

"That's good." Hearing this, Pepper also secretly breathed a sigh of relief, as long as there is no danger of life.

"Send me a copy of the mental testing data."

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